

Yang Fan gasped heavily, feeling that his spirit was seriously overdrawn.

But fortunately, it finally worked!

And this time, although the death was very sudden, it was the longest continuous simulation.

At the same time, he successfully cleared the level and verified this most complex rule.

Most importantly, he once again knows a new rule of death.

After a power outage, stay at home and die too!

“What’s wrong?”

“See that woman again?”

The parents sitting in the front row glanced at Yang Fan, who was sitting in the back row with a nervous expression, through the rearview mirror.

Then he looked around warily, but did not find any suspicious people.

Yang Fan didn’t speak, didn’t raise his head, still just stared at the bag, and shook his head slightly.

Mom and Dad’s faces were full of worry, but they didn’t know what to do.

At the same time, the people who are watching the live broadcast are also full of worry.

“Yang Fan’s situation, something is very wrong!”

“In the face of the most complicated rules, it will be wrong to change anyone!”

“It’s been twenty-three minutes, why hasn’t Yang Fan jumped out of the car? The rules stipulate that within half an hour, you must jump the car! ”

“It would be good not to delay so long in the elevator before, and more than ten minutes were wasted on going downstairs, I really don’t know how to say…”

“In other words, I’m the only one wondering why Yang Fan suddenly got off the elevator before, and even preferred to climb the stairs later than take the elevator again?”

“Didn’t you say you saw some rift woman?”

“Upstairs, did you see the rift woman? We are Yang Fan’s perspective, but we don’t see anything! ”

Compared to the people of the Dragon Country, the people of countries where their challengers have failed are the most flustered at this time.

The rules of the family of three have invaded their country, and even many people are experiencing the rules firsthand.

And Yang Fan and others, the challengers who continue to challenge, will be their only hope of survival.

Some people even really face the strange rules while secretly looking for opportunities to watch or listen to the live broadcast.

The feeling of adrenaline rushing and the heart feeling as if it was about to jump out is simply indescribable.

At the same time, national research teams no longer just focus on the live broadcast rooms of challengers in various countries.

Professionally trained war correspondents have traveled to countries invaded by the new rules of the family of three to gather the latest information on the spot.

After all, no one can be sure when their own challengers will fail.

If it fails, the rules of the family of three will also invade their country.

And all the information that can be collected now will then be transformed into key information that will increase the survival rate of the country’s people.

Of course, the most professional team is still paying attention to the live broadcast room where challengers from various countries are.

Because these challengers are the first to face the strange rules.

In terms of time and progress, challengers have been facing the latest rules and weird talk, which is also the most valuable information.

And the rules of the invasion of the real world, under the huge base of human beings, can indeed collect some other information that has not been paid attention to before.

But that’s all, after all, these unnoticed information are a small amount of information missed by challengers.

However, as more and more challengers fail and die, more and more useful information will be missed.

Information gathering in the real world will become increasingly important.

In fact, a large part of the reason why human beings have survived to this day is that in the real world, they paid the price of blood and then successfully cracked the rules one by one.

And this method is the main way for humans to crack the rules and weird talks.


The Dragon Kingdom Rules Strange Talk Research Center, just when the vast majority of researchers were paying close attention to Yang Fan’s every move.

Suddenly, sirens sounded one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the staff responsible for focusing on challengers in other countries once again reported loudly.

“The challenger of Ermao Kingdom died because the elevator stopped on the negative first floor where it did not exist!”

“The challenger of the Gallic Chicken Country died because he sat alone in an empty elevator!”

“The challenger of Kangaroo Country died because he took an empty elevator with his father!”

“The challenger of the Three Kingdoms died because of a glance at the two-meter-tall woman who came up in the middle of the elevator!”

At the same time as the researcher reported, the person in charge had been calculating.

Counting behind, the person in charge’s forehead was unconsciously covered with layers of fine beads of sweat, and the clothes on his body were all soaked with cold sweat.

It’s just the next elevator, something that is often done in daily life, and as a result, nearly one hundred and thirty challengers from all over the world have died!

In the end, only twenty-three challengers remained!

When this news was announced, people around the world were dumbfounded.

The person who was going to take the elevator downstairs immediately rushed out of the elevator like a frightened rabbit when he learned the news.


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