RPG: The Divine Deconstructor

Chapter 24: : Little Famous (Part 2)

The title of the second post reads: Novice Village Demon Wolf Valley 00520 has a vision, and a purple dragon hovering in the sky (pictures and videos).

Looking at the date of this post, it should have been published before the last post. He was not very curious about the vision with Demon Wolf Valley. After all, he was on the scene at the time, so he simply glanced at the third one. Look at the top red post.

The title of the third post reads: Novice Village No. 00520 is surprised by the cat demon, who specializes in killing players with brutal means and superb strength!

The third post is about Qianying, he already knows, so naturally he doesn't care.

I also browsed some posts with relatively high clicks. There were also three posts about him. There were posts about him killing the three ‘shoot you’ brothers, posts about him buying ore, and discussion posts about him rising to level 10.

These three posts have a high click-through rate, which also made his reputation rise rapidly.

Apart from killing monsters and task posts, there are only some messy and unscrupulous posts. He is not interested in these posts. He closes the public forum and switches to the paid forum column to continue browsing.

The fee-for-fee forums are all strategy posts, and only if they comply with the regulations, the posts can be charged.

However, there are not many posts on paid forums, only a few dozen.

In addition to the upgrade strategy and mission strategy, there is only one strategy for fighting monsters that interests him.

This Daguai guide is a video post. It costs 10 yuan to click in. After the painful click, there is no text introduction. There is only one video. The uploader is a player named ‘Bali’.

Click to play, a blue shirt man appeared in the video, holding a long sword, fighting a monitor lizard boss in front of him.

In order to show the difficulty of this battle, the man revealed his character name and level.

The man is the video uploader Bali, only level 5, while the monitor lizard boss is level 8, the difference between the two is 3 levels, but the low-level Bali in the video has the absolute upper hand.

Bali’s attack can just break the defense of the monitor lizard boss. Each attack can take away the boss's 10 or 20 points. The monitor lizard’s attack is very high, and it can’t dodge in the middle of Bali. He was caught by its tail once, causing him to lose. 1/3 of the blood volume.

Pali's voice came from the video.

"The monitor lizard boss has four attack methods: mouth, claws, tail, and venom. So when you encounter a monitor lizard boss, you must prepare an antidote. The other three methods are also easy to avoid. When it attacks its mouth, The subtle movements of the limbs must be dodge quickly at this time, otherwise once it attacks, the instantaneous explosive power will make it attack very fast, and then it will not be able to dodge it, such as this..."

Speaking of Bali stabbing a sword at the monitor lizard, the moment the monitor lizard's limbs were slightly bent, Bali suddenly jumped to the left and back, and at the moment his body left the place, the monitor lizard's body suddenly moved, in the blink of an eye It appeared in the position where Bali was originally fought, and one can imagine how high its attack speed was at that moment.

"Next is how to avoid the attack of its claws..."


"This person's instant reaction ability is very strong, and his skills are also good. In reality, he should have learned some martial arts." Qianying watched the video, combed the hair of the lower body with a cat's claw, and said.

"Yeah." Jiang Ming nodded, his expression admiring, "The skill is really good, and the analysis of monsters is also very unique. Although the price of the post is a bit expensive, it is quite cost-effective with explanation."

There are already more than 1,000 paid users watching this post, and he shows a touch of envy. A thousand people paid to see this post, but it was more than 10,000 yuan. Although 50% of it will be taken away, there are still 5,000 It's a lot of money. A commentary post about **** monsters is higher than his original monthly income. He doesn't envy it.

In fact, there is also a video in the video column of his account, but the video is not a strategy post, and there is no charge at all. In fact, he can write the strategy himself, but if the strategy is written without pictures or videos, almost no one will watch it if it is all text. , After all, there is no picture, no video, no truth, and the other letters are examples.

After closing the charging forum, he opened the system announcement again and read it.

Game update content introduction:

1: Open the career system. After level 10, the player can teleport to any one of the 36 cities in the world for full time.

2: Turn on the faction system. Players can choose to join the faction after full-time. At present, there are only two factions, namely the demons and the sacred.

3: Turn on the ranking system, turn on the rank ranking, equipment ranking and prestige ranking.

"Once the faction system is turned on, the game will be lively in the future."

Jiang Ming put away the falling watch in his hand and murmured with a smile in his mouth.

After the faction system is activated, players will be divided into two groups, divided into the cities under the jurisdiction of the demon camp and the sacred camp. Since they are hostile, you will definitely kill you if you meet. After all, killing the enemy player is worthy of honor. , Honor value can be exchanged for some rare items in your camp.

"Yo, Xiao Ming, I'm still shopping at this night."

He stayed in the game for 24 hours, so it was still at night. Just walking into the night market, a middle-aged man selling skewers at the entrance of the night market smiled and looked at Jiang Ming and said.

"Well, I'm hungry, so I will come to Brother Zhang to eat some skewers." Jiang Ming walked forward with a smile, came to an empty table and sat down with Qianying, and said to the man who skewers.

The skewers man glanced at Jiang Ming in surprise, "Xiao Ming, I heard you right, we two have known each other for three years, and you ate skewers at my place on New Year's Eve last year. What happened today? You got rich? "

Jiang Ming smiled bitterly, yes, in order to raise tuition for his sister, in order to have food to eat, he ate skewers lavishly only once in three years. Thinking about it now, he doesn’t know how he boiled these three years. Here.

"It's nothing. I changed my profession and made a little money, so I came to relieve my greed." Jiang Ming said perfunctorily, "Brother Zhang, give me a roast leg of lamb. I haven't eaten a leg of lamb in three years. I know what it smells like."

"It's better to change your career than you are to take the three rounds of waste collection all day long. Not to mention how much money you make, at least you don't need to be looked down upon." Brother Zhang was roasting the leg of lamb while chatting with Jiang Ming. knock.

Because it was past 11 o'clock in the evening, Brother Zhang's business was not so good. After the scattered guests left, only Jiang Ming and him were left.

He opened a few bottles of beer and walked to Jiang Ming, poured a glass for Jiang Ming, glanced at Qian Ying, who was lying on the side, pulling a piece of mutton, smiled and joked at Jiang Ming, "Tsk tsk, it seems that my brother really made money. Now, I can afford pets."

"What a pet, a stray cat who followed me with a dead skin, couldn't bear to lose it, so I had to take it with me."

Jiang Ming took a sip of the beer glass, then glanced at Qian Ying and said with a smile, while Qian Ying, who was enjoying the food, hummed a few words to express his dissatisfaction.

"Brother, do you know that a plane crashed on the avenue yesterday. I heard that a lot of officials came, and even the governor came here. At that time, the whole avenue was blocked by the water. That scene, tsk..."

"If there is such a thing, let's hear it..." Jiang Ming was taken aback when he heard Zhang Ge mentioned it, pretending not to know, then Zhang Ge began to pat the table and describe it to him.

"Bang Dang~"

Just when the two were having a good time talking, suddenly a beer bottle hit the ground next to them, shocking Jiang Ming and Zhang Ge who were having a good chat.

Jiang Ming, who was frightened, looked a little ugly, turned his head and looked in the direction where the beer bottle was flying over.

ps: Thank you very much for the rewards of "a', "dream Chenyu", "﹎bad 尐メ絯℡" and "Su Li style bustling", thank you!

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