The building was white and huge.

Like a moat in a citadel, a giant structure surrounded by a pond with illuminated fountains was illuminated with white walls illuminated by golden lights, clearing the night shade and rising brightly.

"Master Jasmine Ray."

Welcome to Tuda Royal Hotel! As the first page of the hotel's thriving history, we are shocked to be able to welcome you.

My name is Ethan Smith and I am the manager. "

Employees in charge of the lobby lined up to thank each other, and a classy man in a black suit greeted Jasmine and Everis head-on.

The luxury hotel on the first day of operation was simply beautiful beyond the boundaries of "brand new", shining brightly like a cut and polished jewel.

Even the building's surroundings are as bright as midday.

The white and gold interior is like a temple somewhere... but the temple isn't so luxurious or busy. And what is worshipped here is not God, but money.

Dressed as a fictional millionaire's mistress, Everis responded with a sophisticated greeting similar to that of a hotel.

"Oh, you're going to be so happy." But you're going to tell everyone the same thing. "

"This is tough."

... oh, no one's coming with you? "

"My daughter says she wants to go sightseeing a little further north, so she's acting differently." I'll meet you at a later date. "

Got it.

The manager responded unexpectedly to a change of plans that had not been announced in advance.

It is the employee's duty to take care of all the customers' wagamama. It is the customer's duty to pay for it without paying for it. This place, I mean, it was like that.

“The Royal Suite will be on the top floor. Your chamber is made up of up to five people.

All other guests will have a room on the eighth floor.

Then I will guide you. "

The servants who follow with their luggage... the employees of the hotel take the luggage from the secrets of the deceased who were disguised as servants.

And the guests and the employees walked out of the hotel in rows.

One side of the lobby is made of glass from top to bottom, and you can see the fantastic fountain show floating in the darkness at night.

It was no longer more like a luxury salon than a hotel lobby, but there were people chatting while drinking a little tea.

You can look down on the huge underground casino as you peek through the large blowout with the chandelier hanging.

Unlike the above ground floor, which is united by magnificent white and gold, the underground casino has a black and red interior that exudes demonic elegance. It will raise the tensions of the big bets.

{It's too glittery and my eyes are going to crumble.....

I applied for "Agricultural Land Development" and made it like this, so it's really amazing. "

Tracy, dressed as a maid, whispered to Evelis just in case.

There's a way to revise the purpose of land use later. There's always a way out, so it's safe.

In this case, the problem is with the law. I was going to deceive you from the beginning, so ethically, the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce would be blamed. "

What kind of ethics could a witch say?

That's right.

This is a land that was bought and developed by the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce.

Magic accumulation (hotspot) A new city, Toukagura.

It is a huge luxury hotel in the center of it.

It seems that the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce was aiming for a general amusement city with all interest rights monopolized.

It is a land without resources other than magic accumulation (hot spots), but the wealthy people came to play and tried to create a mechanism to spread money. The princess said something like "Laszlo" or something. "

The city of the cane was at the very moment when the gears began to move.

The hotel, which will be the axis of the city, will open, from the theaters and huge shopping streets to the shops at night. The fire lit up in the streets.

It's more than the Upper Middle... In other words, it's a city built with the design idea of making it the best playground in the whole city, at least with the consumption of those who have the financial resources to go sightseeing in Japan.

The total amount of "what the city can do" depends on the size of the magic pile (hotspot) attached to the city.

If you become the King and Capital of the Five Great Powers, it is made by choosing a huge store of magic power (hot spots), but the magic resources will be allocated to the activities of all the people living there. The size of the city is limited, not to mention the size of the entertainment district in it.

So what happens if we specialize in the entertainment industry in the whole city from the beginning? You can create a playground the size of any other city.

And the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce was supposed to have a monopoly on all its interests. Is it a tree of gold, which promises a tremendous fortune? Or is it a fountain of gems?

But because it was unfinished and inoperative, the eye-catching hotel was bought by the state along with the land, and it fell into the hands of the Chamber of Commerce elsewhere in the competitive bidding.

That's right, I won't buy back the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce anymore. I pushed the poor lotus. "

The secret of the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce was exposed under the daylight, and hungry wolves swarmed into the city bought by the government.

The idea of a "comprehensive pleasure city" was a very attractive revenue story even if it could not be monopolized.

Both the hotel under construction and the theatre, which only had a building (Hako), were sold in pieces at public auctions.

Here, the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce was quiet, and some people were reluctant to go back to the city...

If [Gogoki] is found, isn't the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce going to be beaten up by the chamber that bought the building?

'That said, the current owner borrowed land from the country and bought a building.

If it turns out that the magic accumulation (hotspot) is a "go-ahead", it is the country's fault.

And then the country would knock down the Whizdom Chamber of Commerce, which sold it knowing that it was a go-ahead. "

Uhee, it's Domino's fault.

Walking with an inedible face, Tracy sighs dexterously, just in her thoughts.

Employees who travel in a sophisticated way will give modest and elegant thanks to the best customers guided by the manager himself.

"Awesome, everyone is sparkling and full of hope.

...... when the princess arrives, it's going to wake up in the middle of the meal. "

I'm sure the hoteliers have gathered first-class talent at first-class wages. And you know the art of creating first-class sales smiles so that customers can use them comfortably.

But it seemed to me that this place was full of great hope and vitality.

From now on, people and gold will gather in this city... The joy of being able to ride the current and run through the shine was felt by those who work here.

Yes, to put it simply, "The economy is good."

Even if it's just a fantasy.

The princess knows that there is a word in the otherworld called 'Sand Pavilion'.

Castle on the sand? What does that mean?

Even though it seems splendid at first glance, it seems that it will collapse and go away.

I see.

The shimmering glow is also vain when you think about the end of the journey.

It's like the fairy dance stage where the mushroom rings (fairy circles) are left behind and disappear at night.

This city is just like a cabinet on the sand.

A caraclip door, like a braided cage, opened and Everis boarded the hoist (elevator).

The hotel's most expensive royal suite occupied the entire top floor. The dressing room alone is large enough to sleep in.

The white and gold-based interior, like the lobby, is luxurious but does not give a sense of golden vulgarity. The furniture has a unified feel, so it was probably designed just for this room.

There were rooms for side-servants to sleep in, but even that was more luxurious than the lowest rooms in the hotel (a room where ordinary people would sleep in a little luxury).

In the large living room, which also had the atmosphere of a party hall, a magic light chandelier in geometric form was suspended, and the light intensity and lighting color could be switched with a switch on the wall.

Evelis threw herself out on one of the sofas lined up in a lowered position and lay sloppily on it. Then I got some fruit piled up on the side table. Perhaps this will be replenished every time it's gone.

"Phew!" It's been a long time since I had this luxury.

About 500 years ago, I also had my own castle and served countless experimental beauties. "

Seeing the wide, high ceiling with clouds and angels painted, Everis sighed.

There are many old stories that make your lips cold enough to tell. That's what I forget about myself.

It's a winter time for the evil gods. I paid for this hotel... because I thought it was necessary, but I was worried. Although it was expensive, I was bothered by the hotel's accommodation costs. Looking back on an era of infinite luxury, what a shame.

Everis knew that the evil gods would give him a powerful blessing that would drive the monsters away, so he thought he would be able to stop somewhere.

However, Everis thought in one corner of his head that the tragedy of the demon king's army, which was rotting while reducing its size, might have ended up like this.

In the war four hundred years ago, this was judged to be an opportunity for a final victory, and the Demon King's army infused everything. As a result, a lot was lost. A masterpiece that should be at the heart of the rejuvenation as a force.

Someone who essentially doesn't understand how to increase their strength as an organization has become a Demon King army cadre, and the story of Evelis is no longer understood.

Fortunately, hope was now in sight.

even though it's like a light swaying in the wind, it's a hope that seems to disappear easily.....

"I did it, witch."

Thank you very much.

Tracy, who was working on the balcony, called Everis to get up.

A small cannon set on a balcony overlooking the colorful night view of the cane.

It's an astronomical telescope.

Star gazing is also a pastime, but it is important for astrology and to determine the date of some ritual, and astronomical observation technology has developed due to the need.

Quickly, Everis peeked into the telescope and smiled bitterly.

"Ahahah, because the city is bright, it's not suitable for astronomical observation." I can't see the darkest stars. "

At night, the city's buildings are illuminated by magic lights of great intensity.

That's why even the night sky is vaguely bright, and small, weakly shining stars have been crushed.

But when Everis pinched the dial in his hand, he saw a different view.

"... something more sparkly and beautiful than the stars... I could see it well"

The astronomical telescope was specially modified, and it was possible to switch the observation point of view from diagonally downward while keeping it facing up.

Inside the lens that Evelis peered into, there was a carriage that entered the city in the dark, without any crests or signs.

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