The disordered stone maze reduced the sidewalks and extra rooms as the two of them moved along as the memo went along, showing them converging somewhere deep.

That room, isn't it?

"... one, two... six."

Behind the labyrinth of the detention facility.Robust and large cell doors.

In the corridor around it is a monster in the form of a knight with his whole body hardened with armor.

There are two pieces that are firmly grinding in front of the door.

The other four were even timing to step out, each patrolling the hallway on the exact same route.

Wilfred takes out a walnut-sized object wrapped in a tensioner.

It is a "blasting ball" that explodes when it is lit.A little radical kid's toy.

It wasn't originally for adventurers, but Wilfred had a reputation for being surprisingly helpful.

"We'll catch them, but not all of them will leave.

... I'll cut the rest. "

Wilfred, gently placing a fired blast ball on the floor, rolled it across the ramp.

The knights seem to be unaware.

But a few seconds later, everyone reacted when the ball exploded with a loud noise.

Na... what?

All four patrolled at exactly the same speed and went to see if they were all in line and making a sound.

Although the remaining two made the appearance of concern, they kept on turning to the cell.

- Are these guys retarded?

It's like a golem.

I somehow felt like this, but I had the impression that it worked so well as to make me laugh.

"I'm coming!"


On Wilfred's signal, Catherine ran too.

"[Air Blade (Ki Edge)]!"


Two gatekeepers hold their swords.

Wilfred's drained katana glowed blurrily.

Katana, who was distracted by the practice, increased the taste of slashing, and even the evil spirit, whose physical attack was not inherently common, slashed and tore apart.

Combine Wilfred's skills here and fear not even the evil spirit of armor!

"Out of the way!"

The knights move slowly and simply.I know that the movement is only thinking of 'just swinging the sword up and down', and Wilfred will be able to close his eyes.

Wilfred flashes Katana twice as fast as his shoes blow fire!

Leaving a trace of concern in the darkness, Katana hung the knight's neck from the neck.

Suddenly, the Ghost Knight's armor and flesh scattered.

He made a clear sound and fell to the stone floor, except for the key that one of the gatekeepers held on his waist.

But from behind, the footsteps of the four bodies that sensed the anomaly approached.


Catherine had already picked up the key and opened the cell door.

Wilfred slips into his cell to push Catherine in and closes the door.

We couldn't lock it from the inside, but Wilfred dragged the mysterious steel statue nearby and barricaded it.

"... what is it? This room..."

While holding a steel statue on his back, Wilfred took a breath.

Unlike the stone labyrinth, where there was only a dark sense of occlusion, it was a cold and lonely place.

Blue and white moonlights are inserted through tall, small windows, and the smell of snow tickles your nose.

The room was so large that it could not be considered a solitary confinement, but it feels cramped due to the variety of things placed there.

Shackles, Ankle Shackles, Necklaces, Chains, Leather Whips, Clubs, Needles, Blades, Spiky Chairs, Baked, Saw, Bucket.

To take a closer look, the steel statue that Wilfred used to block the door was also made to resemble a girl and had a structure with an open front.An "Iron Virgin" torture tool.

A girl was squatting on a carpetless stone floor chained to the deepest wall of the room.

Rough silver hair like a beast.

Snowy white skin has burn marks and vivid bleeding scars.

I only wear worn worn-out underwear.


Catherine rushed up to pick her up, and René smiled tired.

"... thank you for coming."

"A terrible injury....."

"Well, I'm not alive anymore, and this is the second time I've been used to it."

"That's not the problem!"

Catherine takes out her healing potion and sprays it on René's body.

But it just wets her skin and does nothing else.

"It doesn't work...."

"Because this medicine is for the living.

But thank you. That was a good chase. "


"... thump!"

At that time.

Don, the door that Wilfred had been holding down made a noise.

Looks like the Knights are playing a tackle.

Wilfred further dragged an iron chair full of thorns to hold the door, stacking things properly on a seat surface that he would never want to sit on.

"I'm sorry, I need to know what's going on.

You're René, "Princess of Vengeful Roses"?

"I can say that, and I can say that it's different."

Asked while working, the silver girl shakes her head.

"Catherine, do you know what this alien world was built for?"

"... a prison to keep punishing the (...) man forever."

"A month, not forever.Just as I was locked in.

That's why this world has days and nights. "

After hearing what René said, Wilfred became scared.

You mean you brought the whole city together to punish one person?

... or is it the sins of the people who lived in this city for René to be tolerated without punishing Neil?

To 'suffer for a month', she gave this different world the concept of day and night.

I accelerated the time of the world so that it could end before anyone outside the city noticed it and got in the way.

... it's a mess, but it makes sense.

The plan for "The Princess of Vengeful Prison" worked well.The people of the city became the apex of the “Vengeful Prison Rose Princess", and Neil Marridge, who had been fleeing for a long time, was arrested.

But there was a problem.

That's because you were drawn to the edge and lost.

I had another purpose..... "

What's that?

"... wait"

"René" punctuated his words and made his ears clear.

Wilfred also noticed.

It's too quiet.

The tackle attack of the knights outside the door stopped sometime.

Strangely, I think the signs have disappeared.


So, what does this unusual lethal atmosphere, with a blade pointing at your neck, feel like a cold death?

"Looks like we lost, the Empire people...."

"What? Well, then...."

"The Princess of Vengeful Prison (Me)" is coming.To kill you. "

The chains snorted.

Suddenly a chain broke out so suddenly that it could only be thought that it had grown from somewhere, tying up Rene's body.



René, who was completely restrained in his hands and feet, collapsed in a state of unbalance.

No, that's not all.

The knights, all wrapped in armor, appeared to soak themselves out of the darkness, suppressing "Rene" and running the chain.

"What!? The knight suddenly...!"

Until now, there was only Wilfred, Catherine and René in this place.

Wilfred should have sealed the only entrance and exit.

But at the far end of the room, beside Rene, there were some knights.

"The battle is over... and I'm concentrating...

I can't hold back....! "

"René" shouted in grief.

Wilfred felt an explosive lethality from the door behind him and flew away like he was being hit while holding Katana.

I thought the door would explode.

Or maybe it exploded.

In reality, however, it was neither.

The walls disappear, the piles of torture tools disappear, and the moonlight illuminates the area.

A relentless snowstorm blew in, and when I noticed it, it was outside.

The place was familiar to Wilfred.

It's the big square in front of the royal castle.

In the darkness of the night, a grand execution bench is set up in the center of the square.The tall and miserable guillotine is exposed to the moonlight, causing the blade to burst.

The plaza is crammed with spectators who came to see the execution... but with painful evil spirits.

Countless evil spirits have completely surrounded Wilfreds, and in the center of the square there are wilfreds in voids made like donuts.

"That's right... you didn't make it."

"... Rene"

There's another silver girl.

With a deep red sword, she sat on the edge of the execution table and looked down at us.

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