Laura Smith, 27 years old.

7 Nord Street.

Listen to Orgor's hallucinations every night

⇒ Many similar cases


⇒ Many similar cases

Insomnia, stress disorder

Anemia-like symptoms, sudden motivation, shortness of breath

It's from insomnia. Your eyes are a little empty. They're congested.

Patients seek sleeping pills that can sleep without dreaming ⇒ No

[]/(n, vs) listening/listening/listening/

Nightmare Content

⇒ []/(v5m, vi) to be exaggerated/

"Trapped," "Stone prison," and "cold," so it's probably the same thing.

Hallucinations of Orgol

⇒ Son, my husband didn't hear me, but a same-sex friend told me the same story.

I heard the recording of the Sierra Teira national anthem and said there was no difference.

The patient didn't even know the name of Sierra Teira.

Suggested potion prescription ⇒ Declined for economic reasons

Prescribe medicinal herbs with sedative and sedative effects

There's nothing more we can do.

Things are already beyond the scope of what our doctors should be dealing with

But how do people cope with such strange curses as "epidemics"?

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