Wilfred took a breath and lowered Katana's notch to avoid being rude.I don't know who it is, but I can't help but point my sword at what Catherine looks like.

Looking aside, Catherine also grasped the chest of her winter suit and peeled her eyes to the point where she was about to fall off.

- Doppelganger?

No, you don't normally have the trick of imitating him and turning him into a childhood figure....

It is a monster that is too characteristic and famous more often than it actually encounters in adventures, but there are monsters in the world that become "Doppelgangers".

He has the ability to photograph people, turn them into adventurers, invite them to fight each other, turn them into travelers and scout human cities.

But I feel something is different from that.

When she saw Wilfred and Catherine, she silently pointed somewhere forward diagonally to the right.

In the corner of the ceiling... no, I wonder if he's pointing somewhere further down on the ground.

"Over there? What's over there...."

When Wilfred called out, "We're done," little Catherine turned her back and ran off to her original place.

No, I was about to run away.

"Wait, Le (...) Ne (...)"


Catherine said sharply and quietly as if to blame the prank.

A little Catherine-like girl stops her feet as if she were stitched.


"... I know you tried while you were apart.

But if you're going to imitate me, I have to say it's still sweet.

Your behavior is too samurai.Efficient and lacking… No, I wonder if it's appropriate to say that I can't afford it.

"Waste" is the beauty of a lady who becomes luxurious and gorgeous.

Be elegant, be obliged, and be a weapon! "

What Catherine talked about was an unprecedented thrill.

It's as if it's childish.

Yet, with a strange and feverish voice.

René heard Catherine's words on her back.

But eventually she runs away and disappears into the darkness behind the corner.

"Ah... wait a minute"

Wilfred unexpectedly followed the back and bent the corner.

There was a pale, bloody, broken face.



It wasn't a girl like Catherine who was there!

An armored knight, wearing a half-sided crushed helmet like he had been beaten with a giant hatchet, shook his sword and attacked Wilfred.

It was the reflexes of samurai, a gift of Samurai training, that stopped him.

Wilfred made a powerful slash with Katana.

However, I remembered what happened last night aggressively and turned around to avoid it.

As a result, it was correct, and the knight's swinging sword passed through Wilfred's catana, avoiding it in a critical trajectory that tried not to amputate its flesh but stroked its belly.

Immediately afterwards, Wilfred threw out the illuminator, which was sitting on his waist belt, illuminating the ghost knight's face.


The knight roared with a distorted scream.

But behind that, even more.

There are evil eyes shining in the darkness.

Stupid shadow.

"Mr. Wilfred!"

"Evil spirit! Evil spirit! It's invaded!"

Wilfred raised his voice and the people at both ends of the aisle reacted.

This place is no longer safe.On the contrary, I don't know if you're already a sack rat in a dark corner of sewage like a maze.

From the side road, which was supposed to have been a dead end, evil spirits appeared in the form of knights.

Even one nasty evil spirit fills the road, and that's what washes potatoes.

Wilfred pulled Catherine's hand and retreated in the direction of Winter Dallas.

Immediately, evil spirits flowed in, and half of the Imperial soldiers and Neal disappeared behind the alien army.


"Which way!?"


"Hey, don't pave the way by yourself!"

A confused voice rises from the other side of the knights.

Looks like Neil with the Gnome's Left Hand Wand broke through the sealed wall and tried to escape.

The sound of the stone wall collapsing, the footsteps of a few people fading away.

Actually, we'll have to run.Even if it detaches from Wilfred and Winter Dallas because of this.

"Is it broken...?!"

"Don't worry about the other side.We're getting out of here, too. "

"Please give me a signal. I will use (...)."

The knights approached slowly.

The Imperial Soldier's magicians were chanting magic and preparing to unseal the stone walls as they were being hunted down by the "Masonry" magic walls.

"One, two..."

Wilfred turns off the lights and puts his free hand into the pouch.


At the same time as Winter Le's signal, Wilfred turned his eyes and threw a stone fragment at the knights.

Winter Dawn throws the same thing.

At that moment, like two stones swimming slowly through the starchy air... the blank time is so long that you can feel it.

And then...


The overwhelming light that can only be said to be white, as if the sun had fallen and gushed, burns out the darkness of the sewer!

A piece of stone thrown by Wilfred and Winter Lee, this is a magnificent magic item named "The Eye of the Sun God".

Throw it and it will pop and glow and dazzle you.The effect is instantaneous and disposable, but its light intensity is so sharp that if you don't close your eyes at the right time, even your allies will be incapacitated!





As the ghosts of the knights screamed, the walls behind Wilfred and the others were opened to melt.

Fortunately, evil spirits do not wander beyond the walls, and Wilfred leads the line.

"Turn to the right..."

"No, there's something!"

Catherine navigates with a map of the sewer perfectly in her head, but...

Disturbed footsteps and wheezy breaths convey the presence of someone there to Wilfred.

After all, the evil spirits with the same knighthood that appeared earlier appeared from the passage of the way.

"Beginner, damn it!"

"I can't cut through it. Let's go around."

Over there too!

Catherine raised her voice of vigilance as she broke into the aisle in front of her and tried to escape.

Darkness was stupid in the back of the aisle.Turning to the light, there was still evil spirits there.

"How much are you in there?"

"Damn, I'm surrounded..."

We're in a maze of sewers, and we can't even see what's going on.

And there's no denying the danger of jumping into the enemy even further along the detour.

Extremely deadly.....

Such words overwhelm Wilfred's mind.

"Can't you pave the way to the ground with Masonry while you spend your time dazzling?!It's a complete gamble..... "

"Wait, over there!"

Catherine pointed across the small bridge across the waterway.

There was a little Catherine girl, René.

She looked at us with a lamp of oil she shouldn't have had earlier, but when she saw Wilfred and the others, she turned around and ran.

A warm light went deep into the aisle.

What's that?

"I'm guiding you... I'm sure!"

Catherine's words were full of conviction.

Catherine followed René to pull the thread, and Wilfred followed Catherine without judgment.

The party chased after the small light.

It's complicated to break the road many times, but strangely, there are no evil spirits on the way.

I felt like I was being turned into a psychopath.

Did you know that everyone was coming along? René kept running without looking back, but stopped for a moment at the intersection, looked at the side road as if it was flat, then looked back towards Wilfred, and opened his hand to the side road.

"Okay, there it is...."

While chasing him, Wilfred takes the "Sun God's Eye".

And then I rushed to the intersection.

There you are!


Wilfred threw a stone fragment in the direction indicated by René earlier than he could see the enemy.

An overflowing flash will burn out the eyes of the alien army!

"Yes, there is an exit!"

One of the Imperial soldiers whispers a laughing voice as he admits the staircase where the pale moonlight plunges into his way.

The exit was sealed by an iron fence, but Wilfred pulled out a knife while running.

And as he jumped up the stairs, Katana flashed.

Wilfred kicked two straight iron fences and went out under the moon.


There are signs of evil coming from behind.

René ran with a light, and the others pursued it.

In the darkness of the city, only the breathing and footsteps of the runners were finally heard, and the horrible groans gradually faded away, and René finally stopped.

"Thank God...."

Sit on the edge of a dying fountain without a soul.

Only rough breathing sounds echoed like chorus.Even Wilfred was feeling tired, and Catherine and Winter Lee had been assisted by the magic of "Health Enhancement (Stamina)" from the middle of the day, but it was still exhausted to the limit.I was running that distance.

In contrast to those who were exhausted, René, who had pulled a row, had a cool face.

When she blows out the lights, her eyes are the same color as Catherine's... no, no.Red and gray eyes turned into mysterious silver.

"... what the hell are you..."

When Wilfred murmured, she did not answer and pointed silently at the distance.

"Over there?"

Wilfred saw René pointing through the building.

I realized that René pointed to something somewhere far away, but there were a lot of buildings overlapping, and I couldn't see what was going on.

Wilfred looks back at René to ask his intentions.

But René would have been there until she cut off her gaze for a moment, and if I looked at her again, she'd just disappeared.

Wilfred had to bend his neck.

I have no idea what's going on.

"... you know, Catherine..."

"Let's go."

She had already come to all conclusions.

Though exhausted, she stood up as if her beliefs and energy had surpassed everything.

"Maybe there's a clue to how things are going to work out.

In any case, it will be impossible to remain hidden. "

Wilfred nodded.

There are still a lot of things I don't know, but if I don't move from here until I don't know what's going on, I will eventually die.

The darkness began to fade gradually at night and the morning was approaching.

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