The Republic of Falaia, one of the five great powers, is located in the southwestern part of the continent (Pangea).

The country is large, with the southern half of the subcontinent stretched out and a warm tropical climate all year round.

The climate in the northern part of the Republic is sufficiently warm, especially this season, when it is hot and humid, and sleeping naked in the open won't freeze to death.

But now, in front of Wilfreds is a city of snowburied stones.

The wind of the north relentlessly takes away body temperature and strength, causing death.

It was a terribly nostalgic home landscape.

"Hey, there's no way home!

As he was stunned, the air marching cavalry at the end shouted out frenzied.

Everyone looks back and there is only a small tower of about two stories.

There is neither a city wall nor a gate tower that serves as an integrated checkpoint.

"What is this building, a gate tower?!

"There's no way out..."

The line was definitely lost in this strange snowy city through the entrance to the city walls, but in retrospect there is no way back to its original location.

Inside the stone tower, there's just a small room like a guardhouse or a rest area.The Skydogs that were supposed to have been in the building have gone somewhere.

"This stone tower... is the defense barrier deployment facility of King Teira-Luaire..."

Catherine whispered with a trembling white breath and handed Wilfred a small package out of her waist item pouch (probably a magic item with about the size of a container).

"Mr. Wilfred, take this."

"... what is this?

"It's candy. It has the effect of breaking the illusion.It would be more effective if you trained in battle than me. "

Wilfred opened the package as he was told and put a poisonous green candy ball in his mouth.

There was a horrible taste of overcooked fish burned in candy, but that was all.

"Nothing has changed...."


The Imperial soldiers also took out some strange bills and used the magic of breaking the illusion, but Winter Le shook his head.

Well then, take this.

Now Catherine took out something like a little solitude in bronze.

Catherine, who had been picking it up, let go of her hand, but the solitude stayed in the air.

"Oh, 'Sky quake solitude (top level)'?You often have something like this. "

"What is it?

"It's a solitude that floats in the air.I dared to train complex mechanisms and maintain balance through delicate adjustments, detecting anomalies in the surrounding space and the world itself. "

As Catherine thrust, the solitude began to spin in the air, but soon began to shake like a ragged houndstooth.

"It's strange to go around.After all, is this... a different world?

Is it a 'hideout'?

"Yes, I'm not sure because I'm not a professional either."

"We've been hidden?

Wilfred also knows the existence of "hideouts" as an adventurer.

Gods' forgotten objects, small aliens, mysteries remaining on earth.

Whether it's dangerous or not depends on the situation, but if you accidentally step in, it's definitely going to be very troublesome.

It is true that the status quo is still a mythical story.

I can't believe I lost sight of the impossible and lost sight of the way back from it.

"... quietly"

Then, he felt the back of his neck chilled with ice, and Wilfred killed his voice and called his attention sharply.

In the darkness.

There was a silly anomalous shadow in the light of the raised pine light.

"... ah, aah... I want to be here.It hurts, it hurts, it doesn't matter... "


There was a groan.

There was a dragging footsteps.

A pale translucent figure approached from the darkness.

It was a middle-aged man with nothing to say.

Except for being cut open in the chest, peeled off in the abdomen, and bleeding out of a hole in the face.

With signs of tingling, his eyes are clearly insane and full of hostility like a starving wolf.

"" "Sacred (Concession)" "

"[Air Blade (Ki Edge)]!

One of the parade cavalry protects his allies with sacred magic, and Wilfred exercises his knife-pulling skills while engaging Katana in combat.

A magical martial arts technique, "Training technique".

In general, it naturally acquires the proper practice in martial arts.Unlike magic, it's not something you can learn by trying to remember.Some do not have the skills to practice while reaching the realm of mastery.

However, in the Dojo that Wilfred learned, he created and taught a limited number of "exercises that can be learned and taught."The same thing happens in the temples of the martial arts monks in the Kenneth Empire.

Air blade Edge is one of the techniques taught in this way.The fighting spirit wrapped in Katana meant tearing apart shapeless objects.

"Haaaaaa! Sushi!!

Wilfred stepped backwards against evil spirits coming in slow motion, and along with the parade cavalry with the sword of sanctity, Wilfred was slashed.

The fighting Katana touched the shoulders of evil spirits....


There's nothing I can do.

Wilfred's Katana slipped through the spirits as if she were pretending.

The same thing happened right next door.

The sword of sanctity did not do any damage to the evil spirit, and the parade cavalry, which exposed a huge gap in front of the enemy, was assembled by the evil spirit.

Come on, come on, come on!!


Two spectacular frozen screams rose.

The evil spirit caught by the sky cavalry was tearing his body apart with incredible suspicion, as if it were a cotton chunk.

Organs and fresh blood scattered on the cobblestone, making a chaotic noise.

"Stand back!..." Arrow of Holy Light (Holy Arrow) "!"

The sacred wizard's parade cavalry cried out, and the light of the sacred spirit slashed and tore apart the darkness.

The countless arrows of light emitted from the cane draw a geometric trajectory and converge to squeeze it up once it has spread.I beat up evil spirits rarely.


As if nothing had happened in the first place to shake off the explosion of light, the evil spirit was approaching.

"Doesn't work....?That's ridiculous!

I heard a desperate voice.

Certainly, a strong undead and a half-hearted attack do not do much damage, but this is not the case.

No fragment damage has been done.

"Ah, ah, ahh..."

"No, run!

"Katherine, give me your hand!

Everyone made the same decision.

With so many elite soldiers and skilled adventurers, he simply turned his heel back to the opponent and fled.

The party ran along a thin, snowy cobblestone road.

The road is non-slip and will not slip unless the surface freezes.It was a familiar feeling.

"Damn, persistent!

As if seen somewhere, but obviously wider than King's City, a line runs through the endless city.

Behind my back, a pale blue bloody figure has been chasing me forever.

I don't know who lifted it, but only the pine lights were on fire, but there were no other lights in the city, no signs of people, and it was creepy dark everywhere.All my footsteps resonate in vain and high.

- Oh no, Undead is just a guy with an infinite stamina.If you keep running, you'll be caught first by Grandpa Winter Le and then Catherine.

A line that flees in one piece can't speed up.

Because the soldiers are running for the winter, and Wilfred at the rear runs to keep Catherine from beating him.

Although the speed of the evil spirits chasing them is not much different from that of ordinary people running, Wilfreds still cannot escape, and they will be caught one day more than they cannot escape.

Let's hide ourselves in the building.

Catherine said breathlessly.

"The target is the undead of the spiritual system, right?Why don't you just walk through the wall and be seen like that?

"That's 'conscious'.There are many resentful spirits trapped in the senses of life...!

That individual has been following us visually for a long time!

Wilfred looked back.

The devil certainly followed us along the curved path without coming through the building.

Winter Le looked back, as if she had been listening.

"Let's split up and hide."

Got it!

If you hide in one place with this number of people, you'll be more likely to be discovered.

According to the Winter and Le decree, the line that was attached to Shizu was quickly divided into three directions.

Wilfred checked his back as he ran.

The evil spirits stood bewildered in the middle of the junction and followed the soldiers' backs in a different direction from Wilfred and the others.

One Imperial soldier and Catherine are on the run.

As the three watched, Wilfred and Catherine entered the temple along the road, and the Imperial soldiers jumped into the shop on the other side of the road.

I told you to scatter it in pieces, but it makes no sense to stay apart.As evil spirits have pursued others, you should stay close to hiding and prepare for the rendezvous.

Temples that should be sacred realms, but there are no such signs.There are no signs of sanctity that coolly sharpen your mind.

A little-lit cathedral has a ruined feel, even though it is not desolate.

Wilfred and Catherine rushed through the chapel, up the stairs by the podium to the second floor, and jumped into what was probably the temple chief's office.

Wilfred peeks out the window while Catherine breathes.

"Did you sprinkle it...?

There was no shadow in the dark streets, and my ears were resting in pain.

I don't know how far the soldiers who were chased by evil spirits ran, but I want to believe that I managed to hide and dazzle them.

With a sigh of breath, Wilfred finally gave up Katana, who had been left unplugged.

"What was that?I can't believe my skill doesn't even work with sacred magic. "

Wilfred had a slight fear in Samurai and a reluctant feeling.

As an adventurer, Wilfred has fought the undead several times.At that time, it was a victory without fail, and I'm sure it wasn't a mistake this time.But there was nothing strange about it.

Calming Catherine stared at the void with her sharp eyes and wondered what was going on.

"Wilfred's practice is to destroy and scatter the bond of evil through the pressure of" Qi. "Holy magic works against undead to neutralize evil with sacredness.

... this is all a countermeasure based on the premise that 'undead is sustained by evil'.

But if this is a different world, we don't even know if the undead will be formed by completely different laws.Suppose this world itself is the raison d 'être of the undead and manipulates the Grievous Spirit to manipulate the Golem.... "

"You're invincible!?That's ridiculous!

If the enemy is strong or weak or the threat level is not enough, there is still some way to deal with it, but it seems like a scam that can't be defeated no matter how hard you scratch it first.

It was a desperate hypothesis for Wilfred, who sought strength to protect and help the weak.

"I don't know... it depends on what kind of laws this world is made of.

To be sure, let's start with this world.... "

"... I have to find out..."


The smell of stone and snow was repainted, and the smell of iron and raw smell covered Wilfred.

Wilfred's pale, trembling lips were groaning at Wilfred's shoulder with a familiar woman's voice.

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