The Adventurer Alliance is early in the morning.

The administrators often respond to adventurers during the day, during which time they perform various administrative tasks.

For this reason, many people went to work before the desk was opened, received any contact items from the night shift supervisor, and worked in the style of completing the various procedures for the previous day.

On the opposite side of the lobby, separated from the counter, is a huge office lined with desk islands.

The administrators' desks are close to the counter and about two times larger than those of the general clerk. The fact that he was in charge of managing the adventurer directly meant that he needed to deal with more materials than other staff…, but the size of the desk remained the same, indicating the position of the administrator among the staff.

Still in a sparse office, several female administrators, each with a bunch of materials, stood up.

As Catherine approached, they noticed something quiet in their footsteps.

"Good morning, everyone."

Catherine greeted him as usual.

Catherine's voice resounded vaguely in the quiet office.

The stewards who were standing looked at each other with the same look they had seen on the carcasses of insects.


One speaks with a small, deafening tongue.

As if it were a sign, they dispersed and went back to their desks.

The Adventurer Alliance is early in the morning.

It was just when Wilfred filled out the last request (quest) report and handed it over to Catherine, who was in charge of the point of contact.

"Please check the report"

"Yes, please wait"

It's not particularly noisy, but the Lobby of the Guild HQ is quite noisy because a lot of people come and go and talk.

Among them, there was someone who came to me with the footsteps of a loud bass.

"Arc Light"

Behind Catherine stood an adventurer as if he were an adventurer... In fact, there were many retired adventurers on the Guild staff... a good male staff member in Gatineau.

It was just like an auger or something, because he looked down on his face with a tight face.

Wilfred doesn't know his name, but the administrators call him the 'assistant chief', and he seems to be the boss of the administrators who work at headquarters.

"Yes, can I help you?

"I don't know what to do or what to do!

Don't you keep quiet about what you have to say!?

Ask your chest!

It was like a thunderbolt.

Even war-torn adventurers rose, and the office was silent for a moment. Then, gradually, the sound began to return slightly, but it was much quieter than before.

Wilfred, who soon heard the voice, shook up remembering his master's drink.

But Catherine, who was yelled at, of course looked surprised, but she didn't look atrophied, so she was rather confused.

"... I'm sorry, I have a completely different idea..."

"The vase in the hallway over there! You broke it!?


The steward's thick finger pointed to the wall.

Beyond that wall is a large corridor leading to the conference space and dining room on the ground floor.

"Did you think you wouldn't know if you kept quiet!? Kids, you!?

If you fail, it's the world's rule to apologize and make amends!

And if you just keep quiet, what kind of nerve is throwing it out like a mess!

Adventurers, clients, everybody goes there! It's not your room!

"Oh, no, what do you mean to me...."

It was a thunderbolt of dust.

Catherine doesn't seem to know anything, even though she was reprimanded by Gamigami and her head.

If this were an act, Catherine would be the best actress in Sactamburg.

"Hey, wait. Why don't you listen to the marshal?"

"... let me pinch your mouth. This is a matter of Alliance discipline.

She has too many priors. The guild staff must be prepared to do what they deserve. "

Wilfred stumbles on his mouth, but the assistant chief controls Wilfred with his eyes.

This means that there is no island to attach to.

"The youngest to pass," he said.

That's why you're always in the mood to play with children.

How old are you this year? Hmm! I'm old enough to learn my responsibilities as an adult. "

Catherine was lying down.

I don't think she's shriveled from scolding me. However, she realized that there was nothing else she could do but endure it.

"Or were you educated like this?

When you do something, you're either responsible or you're a servant!?

Knock yourself out of your head that you're not the Countess anymore!

This is exactly what my parents want to see..... "

"I will not insult your father!

"Shut up!!

When the parents talk, Catherine quickly looks up and says back.

But naturally, I grew the fire of the assistant chief's anger.

"Then at least you'll learn to tell the difference without shame!

Others will take over the desk work. Get rid of your mistakes with your own hands!

A loud finish echoed Wilfred's ears.

Catherine was silent.

Standing quietly, Wilfred bows and disappears into the back of the office.

The female caretakers sitting at the desk over the counter looked at each other and killed their voices and laughed.

There were many large windows designed like boat windows, and light from the east was plunged into the wide hallway.

There were always fragments of broken vases and flowers living in them scattered on the floor, which was polished up without any dust, creating a puddle of water.

Catherine was sweeping up the vase fragments with a rip and a knife.

Whoever walks through the hallway sees it, and smiles with contempt.

The disturbances in the lobby earlier were well known to everyone present.

He was just like the exposed one.

Did the administrator really do this?


When Wilfred unexpectedly called out, there was an immediate and clear answer.

"... I guess so."

"This happens all the time.

At first, I thought it was annoying because I had less time to read the materials, but I got used to it. "

Hidee. There's nothing I can do about it. "

"There's something I can do.

However, it would be cheaper to keep quiet and clean up....

If you want to escalate, I'll do it. "

Catherine betrayed Wilfred's expectations, seemed to have vanished or shocked, and was just pale.

Is it true that I am used to it? I've been in such trouble so many times that I'm used to it.

Wilfred's hearts are burned with anger that never hits him.

Something like this at the Temple School is going to happen at the prosperous Federation Adventurers Guild HQ. To Catherine, who is so good and honest that I don't think she is.

Something obviously strange is happening, but Wilfred can't do anything about it.

If you help me, how can I help you?


That's all Wilfred could do or say.

Catherine looked more surprised than when she was suddenly scolded.

Wilfred felt a blow to the head.

Wilfred realizes that she always managed to make herself look perfect, whether it was a job as a steward or a gift of education as a nobleman. Perfect lady as a virtual figure played.

But for a moment, her mask came off.

An undisputed expression that seemed to calm down while being confused.

The moment she learns she's human again, Wilfred's heart pops.

She's not an idol or a phantom, she's in a place where you can reach out and touch her.

"No, that's not true.

Thank you very much. "

Soon Catherine thanked again in her usual way.

Close your eyes in the color of flames and ashes. Break your petal-like lips.

Wilfred starts picking up flowers scattered to deceive something with each fragment of a broken vase with his bare hands.

I can't see her face.

"Ah... I'm getting stronger.

I can't cut my finger about the size of a vase. "

Throw wet pieces of pottery into the chip.

He's still beating a little faster.

Wilfred, who was supposed to have confidence in his sword arm, felt helpless for a long time.

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