The dispatch of the "Siel-Taila Liberation Army" by the Holy Kingdom of Diletta was successfully completed.

"Princess Rose of Vengeance" and her undead army abandoned King Teila-Luaire and escaped.

Then there will be a disturbance at the end of the east, but that is another story.

And they applauded the easterners of Siel-Taila, who were stranded by the death of Zislan. After gaining the backing of Diletta, they set up a new candidate for the King's Prince selection conference, which had already passed the deadline. Despite the protests of the Western lords pointing to tyranny, the prince was chosen by force only with a certain amount of formality.

The Western lords appealed for the annulment of the selection conference and further argued for the "obscene intervention by the Holy Kingdom of Diletta" with regard to the death of Jislan.

He developed a conspiracy theoretical criticism that Gislan had been fused with the Holy Beast by Diletta's technique and made into a puppet (even if it was true, it was unclear whether he had any information).

The strong and tough attitude of the Western lords was also due to the fact that the east side, backed by Diletta, was backed by the Gilleschhatar Federation.

The council seat was also set up by Diletta's intermediary, but the Mizo of the eastern and western marquises was not filled, and finally King Sierre-Teira split east-west while each claimed his rightful kingdom.

On the east side, including the King's Capital, is the kingdom of Siel-Teira, which was sheltered by the Holy Kingdom of Diletta.

On the west side is the Kingdom of Western Ayursa, which is deeply connected to the Federation of Gilleschhatar. It was also the subject of a clamour that did not bear the name "Siel-Teira" while asserting the orthodox kingdom, but after explaining that "the name of Siel-Teira should not be named until the state is in its original form," Western Ayursa persisted in silence. According to one story, the former Knights of the Second Royal Palace, Bertiel Lagerbeck, who came to the west, strongly promoted the name of the country, but it was only information that did not come out of the rumours.

Thus, the confusion over the mineral resources of King Sierre-Teira and the struggle for power were resolved by the fact that the Holy Kingdom of Diletta had brought the eastern side, where many Gracelum mines were located, into the sphere of influence.

... I thought, with the exception of some people, that the battle was over anyway.

Long before the founding of the Kingdom of Western Ayursa.

Earl of Keeley, Territorial City of Eltarev, "The Voice of Twilight" Castle. In the conversation room.

The snow of the North finally melted in the warm sun, but the air in the room was as heavy as lead.

There are only two people in the room.

A young man wearing a dark blue suit with a quadrilateral acne as if he had wires all over his body. Trevor Henrik Keeley, the eldest son of former lord Oswald Mikal Keeley, whose death made him lord of the Earl of Keeley and of this Earl of Keeley.

The opposite is Catherine Margareta Kelly. She is the second daughter of the Earl's family and Trevor's sister.

"… So the conclusion of the Earl Keeley crushing remains unchanged?

Catherine says Trevor nods heavily and meditates.

"It seems that my father was wrong to side with Noacurio.

The Federation has told us that this is an absolute condition behind the Kingdom of Western Ayursa.

Second Cavalier... No, not anymore. Ser Lagerbeck did the same, but the conclusion remained unchanged. "

In the great turmoil of the east-west division of the country, it may be just a branch, but it was nevertheless a decision that would change everything for the parties.

The Federation of Gilleschhatar, behind the Western Marquises, refused to allow the Earl of Keeley to survive.

The princes on the Hilbert side during the coup were similarly crushed and were part of it.

The Gilleschhatar Federation might want to wipe out the disturbing elements so that Hilbert-like problems never arise again in regaining even the western side of the former Siel-Taila.

And the Earl of Keeley was seen as a disturber.

"Your father didn't side with the Marquis of Edelfeld in that way....."

"Ah, because His Majesty King Hilbert II was obviously hostile.

But for the Federation of Gilleschhatar, after all, it's about other countries. I don't suppose there's any reason to consider such a small situation. We prioritized risk crushing over that.

Politics is... a little ruthless and cluttery, but more efficient. It's hard for the Federation to prove it, even without betraying us. "

Trevor says with a careless seeping voice.

It would be ideal for politics to grasp and control people's minds in detail. But it also carries costs and risks.

Do you have any treason against the Count Kelly family? What does Trevor think of his legacy? We need to investigate, monitor, and knowingly trust some dangers.

The Federation of Gilleschhatar saw it as worthless.

"I think I can only take it."

Trevor says in a tone like being stabbed and spitting blood.

And Katherine felt like she was sitting on a deep, dark abyss. Trevor... they're trying to wipe out this Earl Kelly family.

"If we think about what is good for the people, we must end this confusion as soon as possible. That's what you thought, Father."

"I... think so, oniisama."

Trevor seemed spicy, but he wasn't shaking.

Trevor and Catherine both grew up looking at their father's back.

Unlike the founding fathers, who were the heroes of the people who lived with them, who were born with identity, they must understand their responsibilities and guide the people to their fullest potential.

In light of the idea, there is one conclusion.

In order to restore this country from chaos, it is best for the great powers to go under order again. Obstacles to this must be removed. Even if it were the Earls themselves.

"The Federation has offered to guarantee the lives of our family.

I suppose this is because I wanted to keep it under control rather than letting me go into the field. "

"All the servants...."

"I can't feed enough boulders.

I'm going to write a lifetime referral.

I want to find a way to work, but I don't know what the new rule will look like... at this point, I can't say anything. "

The faces of the servants I've seen go over Catherine's head.

Most of them are here in this Siel-Teira... and will remain in the Kingdom of Western Ayursa to find a way to work there.

The street is fine if you worked for the Count's castle, so I hope you won't have any difficulty finding your next job.

"Above all, the handover of governance and administration is important. If this happens, it is the people who suffer.

We need to be as ready as we can. "

"Oniisama. What can I do?

Catherine heard it as a matter of course, but Trevor seemed a little bit disillusioned and thought about it for a while.

"It would be helpful if you would come out to say goodbye as my name. The person who really matters is the one I have to meet, but otherwise it will be fine.

This is my wife's job, but I'm not married. Situations, circumstances, and understanding.....

And I'm sure you can play your part as a fine lady. "

"Okay, oniisama."

Catherine is happy and heavy about what she said about ladies.

Catherine can no longer be in a cage called the Earl of Keeley.

Speaking of little time, you have to stand on your back and throw away the Earl's House in its true sense.

"When this is over, I want you to go to the Federation as soon as possible and follow my mother.

... it must have taken a lot of effort. She's sick again. "


The warm daytime sun only burned red, and the shadow that fell into the conversation room gradually became darker.

The Earl of Keeley was later given to his fellow "battlefield singer" Janet Keeley from the land that Edward I, the founding king of Siel-Taila, once cut off in the War of the Man.

For about a hundred years since then, the Earl of Keeley has ruled the land in service of the royal family.

With the establishment of the Kingdom of Western Ayursa, the territory was subject to change, and the Earl of Keeley laid the curtain on history.

When we broke up with the Counts, who were lords, many of our people wept, and this testified to how much former lord Oswald Mikal Keeley, who lost his life in the battle against the "Princess of Vengeful Roses," was admired.

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