The final phase of the battle began abruptly.

Flowing from the Kingdom of Lugart to the Duchy of Cadenis, the Great Transport Fleet began northward, abrupting the river Eyre, which was also used as a canal.

Naturally, there are lots of checkpoints on this river, but the Lugart side bares everything. The position on the Duchy of Cadennis's side was rendered powerless by destruction and slaughter so that it was swept down by the storm, and the convoy had proceeded to a place much more devoured by the Duchy of Cadennis by the time its presence was confirmed.

The Canis Imperial Blue Army and the Gaisenfall Great Forest Attack Force will respond immediately, stationed in the city and Traunil, where you are on your way. We set up a system for arranging and intercepting artillery for the river.

But it does not stop the convoy itself, and the convoy arrives in the plain area in front of Traunil.

The alien army spit out of the ship has a workforce that does not require a break… Build a position overnight by the soldiers of the undead. He surrounded and formed the city of Traunil, and floated the cannon ship on the river, covered with armoured plates and cannons, while further carefully weighing the range of the cannons on the Blue Army side.

Traunil is a common, shaped city surrounded by antidemonic walls.

It became the stronghold of the Imperial Blue Army Gaisenfall Great Forest Attack Force, but simply could not accommodate many Blue Army troops in the original size of the city, nor was its strength as a military base to the Blue Army glasses, creating another city wall linked to the original city wall.

A rocky base wall made by magic. Lined box-shaped buildings and rock fortifications. As if the city had been divided, a garrison built by the Blue Army was stuck in the city and existed.

The troop's executive class initially stayed in comfortable city-wide facilities, such as the impromptu position and other more former lord's quarters, but after the curse disease became endemic, they pulled back to the position to keep it as close to the city as possible.

At the top of a rocky fort built in a garrison, two men are wearing full-face masks with crow couchworms to prevent infection.

"Absolutely, when they do, they're sensitive to seeing opportunities like fucking mud."

Shizuku Takashiki, the head of the Great Forest Attack Unit, shrugged as he peered into the demonic telescope and observed the demonic army.

Shizukuishi is already an old human male. When I was younger, I was a man who retained many legends as a bow master. But you can't beat the annual wave that stops by, and it's been a long time since I put my bow down. Now he was at the forefront of the war of aggression as a prestigious general, arguably one arm of General Blue, drawing on his old and still clear brains and experience of battle.

Shizukuishi, the boulder tree, was also a little surprised that the demons attacked Traunil by softening the battle in the woods, which continued to be glued.

Dozens of cannons directed at the city are not the only ones captured by the Blue Army. Probably also sourced from the Kingdom of Lugart.

- Have you given up on kicking our army out of the woods?

... No, if you can win the siege, you can win even in the woods. Seeing the plague spread well, have you come to greed the results?

When it's something licked, Shizukuishi snorts.

"Plague-endemic cities are easy to attack...

Looks like you're stretching your legs when you see you can take it down now. "

By the side, Shizukuishi describes his impressions of the serpent (Shigera), a military teacher who is heavily used.

Jing Snake, just about the age of Shizukuishi's son, is a staff member skilled in political and coordination skills that connect large organizations rather than twisting out odd tactics, and a man who comes up with such operations.

"Oh. Cage castle would be hard...... normally"

When Shizukuishi lowers her demonic binoculars, she takes her eyes off the alien army and looks beyond the joined walls.

The plague-stricken city of Traunil was quiet as if it had already died during the day.

"Citizens can abandon them. I don't need drugs or food if you're going to die.

Just be careful not to spread the infection to the soldiers. And purifying the body so it doesn't become undead. "


General Blue had already shown that policy, and Shizukuishi also accepted it.

If in this situation it becomes a caged castle battle, it is impossible to protect even the citizens. Then you can cut it off from the beginning.

If we lose in the first place, no one will survive, and we have no motive to put that much emphasis on the lives of citizens who are not even imperial subjects yet. Shizukuishi was breaking up that's what the war was all about.

After the war, it becomes necessary to think about adjustments and what to do with political public relations (propaganda) to keep the occupation rule going, but that's a good story to think about then.

"Troops that have turned to the fort's defense can also be used to launch the offensive.

I can also hope for reinforcements from the Blue Army main unit.

There are also hand (...) bills (...)...

It won't be a bad fight. Let the foolish demons in a hurry be our specialty.

He came all the way out of that abominable forest. I'll crush you in this place. "

Shizukuishi checks on the city walls and the cannons mounted on the base walls surrounding the position. No shortage.

If even citizens can be truncated, this battle will be greatly facilitated.

Because we have enough supplies and enough reinforcements.

"If there's something to worry about, is it 'out of magic' or something?"

The only thing I am concerned about is that it is in a situation where it is almost impossible to replenish magic from the ground vein while being an urban defense.

The strength of the defense side in urban defense is that it can use magic more lubricately than the attacking side. However, the elves of the Great Forest were suppressing the ground pulse with a technique that was not well understood, and the ground pulse looked like a well that had dried up.

But if we were to attack the city with cannons, would we even attack each other and aim to run out of defensive magic, or to support an attack by soldiers? In any case, I do not feel disadvantaged.

Traunil's garrison unit had brought in large quantities of 'demon stones' from the country, fuel for moving magic items.

"But there shouldn't have been any movement where demon stones could be bought and collected on a massive scale... how are they willing to move all this cannon?

You think you're going to loosen the ground-vein tightening and run magic over here to replenish it?

"But if the enemy really runs their magic out of the woods..."

"Oh. The ground pulse around this traunil will be more controlling for the city's dragon law pole (router). Then this one will get magic too, so the terms are more than mutual.

After all, enemy artillery is also a Demon Stone favor. If you think you can sharpen the 210,000 units of demonic stones that His Majesty has given you and stored in this city... "

If it is sharpened together, it is definitely advantageous due to the difference in quantity.

Shizukuishi Shizukuishi concludes by checking beyond the demonic telescope for strange things she has never seen.

"... what are they setting up in the river?


Crystal Snake saw the same person.

Behind the formations of demons. Upstream of the river.

Giants with greenish-colored skin… The Augs are trying to embed some huge equipment as if it were going to pull off the Eyre River.

A brass filter or something like a watergate is assembled, and river water flows like rubbing a tooth of a wax.

"I don't know..."

"... No way"

That's not in Shizukuishi's knowledge.

But when I thought about what state the armies on both sides were strategically placed in, the worst flash swept through Shizuku's brain.

"Hey, whoever it is, get in touch with whoever's out there!

Let the Eyre River be examined by demons (...) forces (...) streamed (...) and (...) yes (...)! Right now!

"Ha, ha!?

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