It is assumed that evil gods never create some kind of race from scratch.

Everything demons and called are created by distorting the presence created by the Great God with the power of darkness.

Even among demons, the intelligent and socially forming species are called especially demons, but all such demons are said to have been created by distorting people.

Dark Elves are a kind of person called the Demon Nation and, as their name suggests, come from the Elves.

Features light black skin and golden eyes. He's more muscular and physically capable than an elf, but then his fitness for magic rests.

He specializes in fighting on rugged terrain, beginning with the woods, and became a natural enemy in the wars of the demons, killing all the strengths of the elves. For this reason, including in that they were an elf-based species, the elves defined Dark Elves as the enemies of uncluttered heaven, with disgust and fear.

"Tell me...... to be a dark elf!?


Riera Mirez on the boulder looked heavenly for too much.

Becoming a dark elf, is so flashy before you feel repellent. It seemed unlikely that I would even think about it until I was forced to make a decision like this.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't know, it's dyed already.

This way it also increases its strength as a pure fortress, making it difficult for enemies to penetrate because people are difficult to operate in places that have become completely in the hands of evil gods. On the other hand, our troops are reinforced with the slightest exception of one.

If there's only one problem, it was that all the elves living in this forest would be in terrible shape, but, well, it doesn't matter if they become dark elves, does it? I'd rather be strong. "

"Oh, that's so easy... to be a family member of the Evil God..."

"I'm not dying anything else. We can all live if we become dark elves.

This is where we split up. die with ideals and old faith or fight to live "


I changed my blood phase as opposed to the confused lieramirez, and Zibal Magza screams as I literally spit blood.

"That's all, ho! Then no!

Dark Elves!? Oh no... whoa, whoa... "

"Elder, is this her choice? Although the position is not reciprocal, the right to choose rests with her in itself. We don't impose anything."


The old elf screams in a sad tone that can even be called a petition.

Lieramirez was rigid as if his sword was being poked from all directions.

Seeing Rielamiles roaming, René entered and looked down before her as she lay down on the ground.


... Have you ever thought this world was wrong?


"Why do you have to die? What sins are you saying you're guilty of? I just lived here and forced myself to either throw everything away and run or fight for my life. Due to the presence of a large country with ambition and force next door..."

René felt Lieramirez's emotions move slightly feverishly.

Though I can't afford to sympathize with other people's plight and save them.

Still, Rene believed Lieramirez was in the same pain as herself.

That's why Rene's words, I'm sure, will be a force to burn her.

"Are there none of your loved ones who died as a result of the invasion of the Empire?" Same people "? Not superior. Is it better to be destroyed by people as human beings than to be neighbors to demons?

Rene spoke to Lieramirez as if to send out a blackening flame of resentment on words, which keeps burning inside his chest.

Lieramirez's gaze swims.

I was surprised by myself leaning towards darkness, as if I had tried to delude myself.

"To the annihilation of the world, to join..."

"I wonder if you know the teachings of evil gods, Mr. Elf.

Destroy this world created by the Great God and recreate the world...

The wicked are promised happiness in a new world. "

"Do you believe that?

"You don't have to believe me. I'll put a collar on the evil god and drag him, but let him do it."

Lieramirez said, 'What are you talking about?' I was stuck saying, 'but Rene meant it.

One day I'm going to make the Great God regret what he's done. Even Mr. Evil God, if it doesn't go according to his will, he can move it somehow.

Because even though the heavens are still sadly far away, they will eventually reach there.

Re-creation of this world…

Though it's too grand a story, Rene has it as a one-off ultimate goal.

I don't think I can make an ideal home. However, if all the tragedies were triggered by a small mistake that seemed to have been multiplied by one wrong button. Suppose it could have been avoided by some trivial 'IF'...

René secretly wondered if he could recreate such a world.

Of course, it is also important to destroy the world in the process to avenge all the causes of the tragedy that befell René.

"I am not fighting for doom, I did good to fall into evil for my own prayer. To correct what can only be right by evil and treason."

That prayer is unfair. René is only trying to correct the tragedy that has befallen him.

The prayer is unjust. Even the irrelevant are stomped in the process of accomplishing important things.

Dark heroes are too self-righteous and evil for me.

Even so, what underlies it was anger at the wrongdoing. It's a prayer and a belief that it should be right.

René resurrected to slap the wrath of not dying in his arms into this world.

Lieramirez looked like he was about to decide something, his mind, even as he doubted the veracity of Rene's words.

I wasn't struck by Rene's words or impressed. Just simply, as if to say that you have found a way to walk.

"Follow me, and fight, if you have any feelings of anger. Because there are things that can only be protected by doing so.

... because I have lost everything, but you still have something to protect "

"Stop, don't lend me your ears......!

Neither does the desperate cry of Gibarmagza lead to rocking Riera Mirez.

"You think you're gonna turn all the elves in this forest into dark elves?

"I'm going to."

"What if someone refuses to be a dark elf?"

"Hmm? I won't do anything about it. If you pull a bow on me, you only get a corpse (from), but if you serve me, people and demons will be rightfully treated.

Though I think it's inconvenient to live in this forest as an elf. "

I didn't even have to take Tracy as an example, and if I could use it, I was going to use it even for people. Sometimes I can because I'm a human race, and I'm not willing to ask people demons if they're even useful.

To René like that, scratch, Lieramirez floats the color of relief.

There shouldn't be so many elves that can be tolerated to be dark elves. At least overnight. But Rene says he will also be generous with the elves who refuse to be dark elves.

Lieramirez's motive is only to protect his fellow foresters, so if Rene were to severely sort it out and divide it into enemy allies, he wouldn't be able to follow it.


I'm relieved. Then I will fight with you. "

Lieramirez said so.

When Gibal Magza rips off one gem like the gradient he wore, he throws it in a madness of death.

The jewel became a lightning spear with light, lying on the ground, poking through the immobile realmires from behind and trying to burn them to death.

Neither Rene nor Evelis, but for Lieramirez.

"" Element Barrier (Element Shield):! "

The lightning emitted, however, struck a wall of light magically created by René and was fogged without reaching Riera Mirez, who was the target.

I tried to strike surprises with the magic items I was wearing, but Rene could read the will of hostility and aggression by the ability to 'perceive emotions' with this degree of unintentionality and so on.

"You screwed up......!

"... Teacher"

"Don't inadvertently lay your hands on my subordinate (things), Elf.... pull him back."

When Rene rings his fingers, the flesh of the warriors of the elves, who had fallen and died around it, collapses into dust and rises to be the only figure of bone.

The freshly made skeletons drag the Gival Magza up, lift it up and take it away.

"Rethink, Lieramirez... I can't let you sin... Guru, Guru..."

Lieramirez never even looked back at Gival Magza.

That's not because of animosity or disgust, but because I'm sure you don't think you can face it.

She stood still to the weight of her sins.

"Well, shall we do it quickly? So..."

Evelis peeks into Lieramirez's face without reading the air, raises three fingers and asks lightly as if even a drink would make him choose.

"I also have some repertoire of rituals.

Which is better when it hurts so much to be majestic and lewd?

"... let me stretch as much as it looks"

Lieramirez, as he had noticed, drowned his head in tears.

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