The "halls" of the different spaces had already become as vague as the walls and floors were integrated.

Miaranze fluttered through that place, which seemed like she wouldn't even know the difference between up and down if she hadn't stomped firmly on her feet.

There were scattered objects that I didn't think were furniture.

Follow the view you came through...... to the cooking area where Rene should be sleeping.

"Are you all right, Rene!

Mialanze stopped when she walked into the room.

I had a small back. Rene was awake.

Glossy silver hair covered its back, like a moonlight waterfall.

The loose impromptu bandage was bloody, but the flesh underneath it was white, soft and smooth, and even with some blood stains, I didn't even see any scars on the wound.

"My injury... is healing?

"You're all right, Miaranze. You've put a lot of work into it."

"... your memory, are you back?


Rene had few words and was obviously a tear.


"Leave me alone a little, Mialanze...

I was just having a bad dream... "

Mialanze just loses her word.

While exploring this strange hall, René forgot all the tragedies.

That would rather be called a 'happy dream'.

But I dared to say 'bad dreams', and I felt like Mialanze knew what it was like.

Because the moment I wake up remembering everything, I have to despair.

It's painful even once, because you have to taste it again.

My mother, who was supposed to be waiting for me to return earlier, was already dead... because she reminded me that she had been killed.

'Leave me alone,' Mialanze asked herself, wondering if that was a good idea.

Do you really want me to comfort you, or are you going to hurt me instead?

Mialanze doesn't know because Rene didn't know what to think at a time like this.

- I didn't know anything about Rene...

I admired, admired, and meant to do all I could, but I don't know about Rene.

If you are sweet about your subordinate position, it would be nice if you just behaved as René said.

Then Mialanze thought it was no good.

Unfortunately, though it was too late to realize that.

Rene, who was killing her voice and squeaking it up, eventually stands up.

"... you kept me waiting"

It wasn't the face of a crying guchug, it was the cold, serene look Mialanze was used to seeing.

- Ah. Maybe I just magically wiped out my tears.

Mialanze felt just a little magical movement.

Should I say I look good or lean?

"I suddenly had my strength and memory back just now.

Miaranze, what are you?

"Yes. I found the exit. And...

We formed this space and defeated the elves who were trying to harm the princess. "

"Are you alone?

Seeing how surprised René was, Mialanze was not even sloppy.

He said that all he could do was rely on Rene to keep his dreams, that he made the impossible possible for Rene. That was proud.

"It's all thanks to René. I think it's for you, and I feel empowered."

"Well done. You've changed the way you call me."

"Ah! Uh, this..."

They made me change the way I called you, and that wasn't back.

In some cases, executions may be carried out, such as when subordinates call upon their lords with ease.

But before thinking about 'I've worked disrespect' or anything, Mialanze missed me.

Far away, far away to Rene on the other side. Because it was an incredibly fresh and inspiring experience for Mialanze to rely on her to protect her right around the corner like that.

And most importantly, because I felt Rene's presence nearby.

Rene felt like she looked obstinate for a moment.

"Fine, I'm the first one to order it. I don't care what you call me.

But do not call at ease in front of the others. It hurts my prestige. "

- Yes, the princess has the power to read her mind... now it seems as if I have snatched...

Mialanze was delighted, even though she felt unbearable.

I feel like I could have been special to Rene.

"Yes, I did. Thank you. Happy."

"There's more to dressing than being seen."

Rene was sighing.

- Rene's, arrogant and exceedingly physical waist... could this be an act?

In order to maintain his prestige as a ruler, in this way…

I think so.

I was wondering if maybe the array was' vegan 'when I was losing my memory.

"I thought you were adorable..."

"Mialanze. Remember, even if it's not offensive compliments, it can be disgusting."

"I'm sorry"

Even Mialanze, who doesn't have the ability to 'perceive emotions' like Rene, can tell. Rene was ashamed.

"Are you also back in strength?

"Yeah. You're not even missing your wings now, are you? The force of this space is weakening, maybe.

... I'd like Evelis to analyze it. I don't even think a place like this is, but I want countermeasures, and if I can figure out how the power was sealed... "

"Anyway, we should get out of here fast now.

At first it seemed I had to drill a hole in the world from the outside for the elves to attack......

Now my attacks are destroying the world and creating a path. "

"Right. I don't want to stay in a place like this for long. Let's go."

Rene tries to leave the room early enough.

Mialanze couldn't go after him.

"... Mialanze?

My hands and feet didn't feel anything anymore.

Rene saw.

Of Mialanze on her knees, her legs. It's like a piece of bleached sand, and it's about to collapse.

The arm has a crack in it and the shards are peeling off.

As if the sandy mountains on the beach are losing to the wind and getting shredded.

"Sorry, no...... I seem to be this far"

"Is this...!? What did you do?

"I don't know... I'm sure you did a miracle..."

Rene held the collapsing Mialanze to her knees.


Too light.

The body didn't respond that it existed, and it was going to crumble with just a little force applied.

"Princess...... no, Rene. Please ask.

I burned myself up for you....... I consider that to be a happy thing.

Not because I wanted to keep my wish with you.

Rene, you have realized to me that you are the one who should walk with the same prayers. And that's why I wanted you to protect me... "

Reluctantly, Mialanze's words gradually prolong.

That was a goodbye word.

It was the word spun to tell it all at the end.

"I apologize for not being with you until the end..."

"Wait! Wait.........!

- Don't let go.

René thought so aggressively.

Something seemed to be found in Mialanze.

I was wondering if that would give some hint to Rene's journey.

I just don't even have time to worry about anything anymore.

Mialanze's arms were fogged by a shock that broke halfway down and fell to the floor, her eyes as red as blood cloudy as burnt glass balls......

"Gilligirisse - - hoo!!

Almost a crazy bitch in underwear...... Tori the witch pushed open to break through the door of the room and stuck it in with a head sliding.

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