The bright white light is scattered, dyeing the darkness at night like flying fireflies.

Rene remembered the feeling of the roots of her tongue becoming paralyzed.

It is the power of purification, which suppresses evil, regardless of holiness.

The brilliant light of the moon illuminated the Renaissance.

The sudden attack blew up the tent, but that was it.

All those who were there were intact, surrounded by bubbly barriers of magic.

A cloud of white light stood on the side of the forest.

The figure would be what can be described as' divine 'from those on the side of the people.

He had an elf-like appearance. It carried a bow and arrow of light whose borders with the flesh were also obscure.

The arrows they unleashed… Precisely, a mass of magic embodying the arrows blew up the tent.

"... six bodies"

"Do you want to move soldiers, princess?"

"No, rather don't get involved"

Rene unleashed the red blade that was piercing the ground, sliding by the old elf's fantasy and the side of the spreading doll, rushing for a raider with a frivolous appearance.

The shadow of light was vague in detail and I wasn't even sure about the expression, but I felt like I was staring at Rene. arrows to the bow, and they (them?) aim for Rene again.

From six figures, arrows of light were emitted simultaneously.

"" Countermagic Field "

Now the bubble of magic envelops one Rene.

Magic that drools magic and creates a barrier against magic, [Countermagic Field].

Simple, easy and fuel-efficient magic for anyone who is a magician, but if René, with his inexhaustible magic, exercises this magic, he becomes an unbreakable shield.

The shadows of light intercepted René coming towards them.

An arrow of light flies, pulling a meteor-like tail, and bursts. The undead have a poisonous, light of order.

But Rene is intact. That movement never slowed down, and the arrow of light just dug up the ground around Rene by the explosion.

In the next moment René was already approaching the shadow of light.

Slash, pierce, and snap your neck.

As he turned back his heel, he swept away, rubbing his torso and turning it into two pieces from his brain.

There was no response.

But the shadow slashed by the red blade scatters in fine dust like droplets tapped to the ground.

The raiders, who suddenly appeared, no longer existed shadows or shapes, and the night restored tranquility again.

"Nice. Saved me a lot of trouble explaining."

The cranberry doll was flashy.

Gival Magza looks like he's necked because he can't see what happened. He delivers his voice and appearance through a phantom call mark (VIJONER) so it looks as if he is here, but in fact only those who are touching the phantom call mark (VIJONER) on this side are visible.

Skeletons handily install a replacement for the blown tent.

Rene spoke to the grass doll beneath her.

"The sight now... it wouldn't have shown up on the phantom call mark (Vijoner), but you've seen it through your doll, haven't you?

There are more suspicious people in our territory than before who appear every night to attack us.

It looks like you have something to do with all the elves, how about that? I would like to ask for a sincere explanation. "

There was a little while.

The cranberry doll stopped altogether, and in the meantime the visions of Gival Magza were astonishing and flashing his face.

Looks like the magician next door was explaining the situation.

Eventually, Gival Magza says in a squishy bitter voice.

"Me too... what the hell...

and anyway, let's investigate the situation and get back to you from the Council of Elders'

"How quickly. In some cases, Elves in the Great Forest must be considered harmful to our country."

René said away with a clear face and in as little condition as possible without an island to mount.

Further away from the woods, in the middle of the plain, was the 'downstairs'.

It's a strange building with a square hole and a staircase extending towards the ground.

This is an impromptu stronghold magically created in the ground by Evelis, with a plastic arrangement in René's hobby. It's out when it rains, but it's a place to give up right away anyway, so no problem.

An impromptu underground secret base with just more than one square room connected, the majority of which had been warehoused.

The Undead in charge of Brain Labor are in the process of listing the weapons they took from the Blue Army and the bodies they took away.

"No, I'm glad it worked"

Folding table In one simple meeting room, Evelis was drinking wine like unidentified wine.

René across the street sits on the folding skeleton throne, which he also used in earlier talks.

"It was just the right time."

"Right. Well, the problem was I didn't know how many would come up.

It doesn't look like it changed because it's near the woods. "

Good things. Aim was fitted, and the staff was in a good mood.

A shadow of light with a cross spear in earlier talks. Actually, that was half like a planting.

In the last few days of investigation, Rene and the others had grasped somewhat about the nature of Ah (...) and (...).

Appearance condition number one is that it is night.

And condition two is that the ground pulse senses evil. It should not have the ability to sense something in the vein itself, but it can only be described as so.

But when I found out, I had no idea what it was and what it had to do with the elves.

So we decided to take measures.

He deliberately provoked an attack by sickling at that spot where he diagnosed the alliance and diving a couple of evil spirits into the ground pulse in anticipation of even more timing.

That's how we saw the reaction with the power of 'emotional perception', and then we pushed the elves into a situation where they had to take some action.

"How's the reaction?

"Doesn't sound like you don't know anything about it"

"I knew it..."

"It was just true that I was surprised. I know, but it's unexpected. Like what?

I was seriously confused when I said, "Attack on my country."

"Then that has nothing to do with the intentions of both elves...... is it?

Though in the midst of retraining, Alastair, who is the custodian of the military in the pre-construction period, also participates in the conference.

He had conceived with a thoughtful Raptor-like face.

"As far as the results of previous ground pulse surveys are concerned, it seems automatic for that 'shadow of light' to emerge"

"I was wondering if I was like an automatic defense mechanism against demons.

Then, Princess, I can't tell you how surprised I am to be with you. "

"... well, that's only after seeing how the elves react"

It is a matter of concern that there is an unresolved mystery, but that is why we cannot stop for it.

To counter the Blue Army, it is almost imperative to contain the land pulse of the Gazenfall Great Forest. This forest is too good a front-line base. We must also ensure that it is not given to the Blue Army.

On top of that, I want to get the Elf's strength as safe as possible. We don't have time anyway.

"I'm moving on to the next phase.

No matter how much empire pressure you say, you shouldn't respond to such an invitation in two replies "

On a map of the surrounding area enlarged on the table, Rene protrudes a pressed and consolidated red blade into the shape of a knife.

in an area surrounded between the Great Forest of Gaisenfall and the Ku Lucal Mountains.

Among the human states surrounding the Great Forest of Gazenfall, the Dotholas Union, northwest of the forest, and the Duchy of Cadenis, northeast, have already declared their surrender by the Kanis Imperial Blue Army, which has attacked them from the north.

However, the southern kingdom of Lugart, which has not yet been directly attacked due to its geographical affiliation, remained in a state of hanging, difficult to say surrender or engagement, with only a military alliance with the elves.

In addition to thoroughly curbing the magic supply to the two northern countries, the terrestrial elves provide a luxurious supply that the Kingdom of Lugart does not always have, and at its cost buy munitions that cannot be covered in the woods.

The key to breaking the Great Forest of Gazenfall from within is this country.

"I think one of the beauty of the princess is always thinking about how to manipulate the masses."

"Oh, if you don't have to fight, that's not the best part."

Rene smiled back at Evelis, who lifted him with a plotting face, in the same way.

"It's best to destroy your troublesome opponent and just eat the delicious part."

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