The vast boundless Ku Lucal Mountains.

A bloody altar existed in the shadow of a certain rock, present in its southern middle belly.

It wasn't the Aya of the Word, it was really bloody painted.

With a rock the right size as an impromptu altar, he draws a magic formation by blood and stacks demonic bodies there.

It's Evelis' work.

Coming over the mountain, she not only engraved a magical mark on the ground, but also sacrificed it to the altar by killing on the spot some of the demons Mialanze had subdued.

Now there exists a similar thing there in the path that Evelis went through.

This is a offering dedicated to the wicked gods.

To be precise, the offerings that will be offered.

Around the altar the surface darkens as if it were spilling out even with poison, and the grass withers, and beasts and insects do not come near when it is said that there is a body there.

The heterogeneous and unusual altar waited for the time to serve and just stood still.

Fibres and branches tear, the sound of mechanics.

And intermittent ground sounds.

Every time the area sways, bugs and birds flee away.

Steel storms were pouring through the dense forest.

A giant orga wielding a huge battle axe and a great gool wielding a sharpened blade knock down all the trees in their way as they rush through almost at full speed.

"Whoa, whoa! Whoa whoa whoa!!

98, 99, 100, er, of 100 and 1, 100 and 2, 3… 100 and 100 and…

Whew!! Somebody count the number of trees Ode knocked down!

"Sushi! Gaisha! Templar! Sempai! Sontak! Yaocho!


A skeleton with a cane in a robe after two noisy and roaring furrows... the Riches chase after them.

The magic of "Strengthen Strength" and "Sharp Edge" reinforce the two (Buffs), and occasionally "Restore Vitality (Basifier)" flies to Nvadogi.

Magic haters also have no right of veto if they are military by order.

"A boulder is a great chief..."

"You have magical powers too, don't you?


"If so, what's that undead that's going on with you?

"Ghoul, but Samurai Rajiri"

"What's a samurai?

"I don't know..."

The orgasms, with axes in their hands, follow the two, looking slightly flat.

Subsequent logging org units further expand the path paved by the two turned into merciless logging devices, and also slash down the trees and other things left to prune from one end.

The wave of violent natural destruction just goes in a straight line, without being inhibited by anything.

Cut through the dense forest and head north.

At the same time, at the foot of the northern side of the Ku Lucal Mountains, on the border with dense forests.

"Come on, you're all set."

When Evelis waved the bun and the wand, from its stone poking, the blue and white light splashed as if he had waved a brush immersed in paint.

A supermassive manoeuvre was written on the earth joining together forty-four magical formations, large and small.

Circles and straight lines combine intricately to carve a complex and strange pattern onto the earth like the surface of an electronic substrate. It was adorned with as many magic letters as the number of stars.

It's in the dazzling sun, but by the suspicious blue and white light emitted by the magic formation, the area is so bluntly stained.

René, Everis and Mialanze stand above the three magical formations that serve as axes.

Rene lists a crimson wand shaped by blood and curse. The body had lost its flesh and become the figure of Rich.

"Princess. General Staff Hall.

The logging unit is in progress at a rate of about 10% of the planned increase.

By yesterday, the part that was going on seems to connect to the entrance of the dense forest after noon. "

"Oh, like, like."

Alastair, who refrains by the side, communicates the report from the call mark (caller).

From the point where the magic formation was laid, the road cut down the trees in a straight line was stretching north. Beyond this, work is now under way on a steep pitch to connect the roads to the outside of the dense forest.

I just cut the tree and paid for the grass, so while it may not be enough to say the way, this would be enough for one second.

"Well, we did our best, too."

"Miaranze, Campe, are you okay?

"Yes, I'm fine! Quite the perfect chant......!

Mialanze was nervous about the bees holding onto the chanting campe.

She was only empowered by Rene as a vampire, and she still lacked training and practical experience. Even so, nervousness is natural because this land (...) was driven out by (...) diagrams (...) by (...) weird (...) ru (...).

And once it fails, it is also a situation that cannot be reversed.

Instead of the local pulse in the surrounding area, it's a great magic to squeeze even the magic that Rene has built in. If the activation fails and the magic is wasted, the schedule may go wild and you may be stuck in distress.

"No, well, if you're gonna talk technical, you don't have to be nervous like that because I'm the main one. Maybe."

'Let's get started, Evelis. Maybe the more time we put this down, the more nervous we'll get.'

"Right. Then follow me."

"Ha, ha!

Royally Evelis began to spin the chant, followed by Rene and Mialanze.

Three from underfoot (should I say one and two?) The light that illuminates shines strong and weak to match the voice and brightens the area.

René feels a sense of disillusionment similar to his intense hunger.

They are rapidly consuming magic.

Rene has a magic capacity comparable to that of a medium-sized city (hotspot), but this one is too large.

Fully rotate the ground pulse present in the effect range as an aid, but not enough.

The countless demons that Evelis and his men shimmered in the process of crossing the mountain… This magic is painfully established by giving strength to the evil gods by devoting massive sacrifices placed everywhere in the mountains.

Eventually the three joined their voices and tied the chant.

"" "Corridor Laying (Devils Passage):!" "

When the wand was waved down, the magic formation shone strong.

There is a nucleus of magic formations at the center where the three stood. When a mass of light was created there, he ran straight towards the mountain, as if the ignition line were to burn.

The light that rushes through explodes at regular intervals, spraying a blue and white glow into heaven as if even erupting.

That's the point Evelis carved out when he crossed the mountain.

From the foot of the mountain where the magic formation was laid, the light rushes south in a straight line to trace the activation points (points) arranged at almost equal intervals.

According to the formula (program), the instructions are further communicated to the next activation point (point) while crushing the ground to root.

Magic is sucked up from the area flowing through the Ku Lukal Mountains.

The bodies of demons that were offered as sacrifices and piled up in the mountains dried up. Magic, which should not have existed there, is poured into the ceremony as God's grace.

The light runs.

Magic propagates.

Break up the huge Ku Lukal Mountains.

And that's when I ran to the last activation point (point).

Make a noise that can only be called an explosion.

The mountain was out.

It's like I plugged in a super huge god knife.

A narrow enough road for one or two people to pass, sandwiched by a cliff thousands of meters high on either side, had been made to cut off the mountain range.

The soil and rocks that constituted the blank part are shattered and scattered in the blowing wind.

There was enough sand to stain the wind, and then a thin slit appeared.

It made a way to dig mountains and cliffs vertically to and from each other. This is a terrain called 'cut through'.

Of course, it's not usually big enough to penetrate the mountains.

That was a very small change from the entire Ku Lukal Mountains, even known as the "spine of the earth," but.

It was too much of a change for this world.

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