"Lady... if you are physically"

"Shall we carry it?"

"It's okay, it's..."

Catherine was walking with the branches of a tree she had appropriately picked up as a cane.

One line out of Taylakaine was headed south all the way.

But the walk is slow. Because most of them are physically and mentally exhausted non-combatants. There is also a mix of ladies dressed unsuitable for walking.

Fortunately, snow is the only thing that hasn't fallen, but the snow that builds up and takes your feet and the cold wind that blows takes your strength relentlessly and slows down your march as well. If an army of "Princess Rose of Grievances" came from behind here, I would never get away with it, but fortunately, there was nothing like someone attacking me.

If you go south down the street, there is an inn town.

There, the question was whether we could reach it by sundown.

Food and camp supplies are only as good as the Second Knights' belongings. It seemed certain that if the night continued to come, fatigue would go hand in hand with frozen deaths.

With her fatigue and sleepy, blurred head as she moved her feet carelessly to drag her body, Katherine kept thinking.

One night I felt as long as it had been a few years.

Did Rene almost kill you? Saw in that moment, the wrath and sorrow of Hellfire. Was that Rene's heart?

My father's death, my brother's death, my sister's death... why did I have to die? And, oh, Rene's expression as if she was afraid to look at Katherine, who shouted with passion.

The Holy Beast began attacking the people of the city. Why the Holy Beast, which is the use of God and should have belonged to the armies of his allies.

One knight disappeared at some point. Everyone dressed similarly, so the number was decreasing before anyone could tell who was surviving. Was Zislan turning into something, as Rene would say? Even so, why have you disappeared?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I just didn't get it.

The only thing I'm sure of was that it couldn't end this way.

Revenge Rene for killing his family?... That's a little different. Catherine felt like Rene was no longer like this.

I just felt like I couldn't end my own life to unwind the great vortex of fate that got me involved and not settle for all of it.

But to do so, we have to make this place happen first.

I felt heavy as if my body was made of iron, but Catherine walked desperately.

The refugees around them were only silent for how long. I don't have the energy to speak up. Still, the people I was with in the chapel used to throw a carefree glance at Catherine every now and then.

How much did you walk like that?

I saw a shadow in the front of the street when the day was also tilted.

It's a bunch of big carriages loaded with luggage, wearing fine gear and even a horseback escort.

That also looked like a line or something of a wealthy trader at first glance.

The escorts looked surprised when they saw a group of evacuees and moved forward to shelter the carriage.

"Who is it!

Who or what voices fly and the refugees stop walking.

The opposite is Bertil who leads the way.

"My name is Bertil Lagerbeck and I am the Knights of the Second Royal Palace of the Siel-Teira kingdom.

We were in Taylakaine ahead, but the city was attacked and fell by the "Princess Rose of Grievances". I've been leading the survivors to evacuate. "

Even if Bertil is named, the escorts won't be slight.

That was a little odd. That's how powerful Bertil's name must be.

"I will see you as a merchant.

If you have any medicines, potions, or food, why don't you share them?

I assure you, in my name, that I will pay the appropriate consideration. "

When Bertil said so, a well-dressed, magnificent man answered, somewhat intermittent and sitting in your seat, not as an escort.

"... Unfortunately, we are not pedestrians.

We carry the property of Count Augusto von Angermuller, a nobleman of the Lacrima kingdom, a wing of the Gilleshhattar Federation. "

Catherine was convinced.

The Federation is looking down at Ciel-Teira. So, naturally, they don't bow their heads to Bertil either, carrying the wealth of the Federation aristocrats.

At the same time, I wonder why such a thing is in a place like this. Questionable blurring also occurred from the surrounding refugees. Was it also attempting to escape assets in the gap where the Noaculio army withdrew? The Taylakaine that lies ahead is no longer in ruins.

"But if we are going to save the lives of our fellow Siel-Teira brethren, we have no choice but to share our wealth with you. Not to mention just a favor from the Second Knights Commander and you can't abandon him.

There are some potions, military tents, etc. Please accept Count Angermuller as a courtesy to you. "

Everyone was stunned by the words of those who followed.

I had the supplies I needed conveniently and I didn't expect you to give me that.

Perhaps your man is a high-ranking servant or something. Because unless you know your master's temper and are trusted, you shouldn't be able to be arbitrary enough to share your master's wealth on your own.

Catherine did not know the name of an aristocrat named Earl Angermuller, but was he merciful and full of courtesy, or... highly calculated?

In any case, the situation had to be resolved.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

Bertil put his hand on his chest and lowered his head deeply.

A number of tents were erected beside the streets and the fire was burning.

Exhausted people are first rejuvenated with loaded potions, resting on the unpaid food handed out by the Second Knights.

It will be difficult to get everyone to walk any further. For one thing, you can just keep going through the night and get into the Inn Town tomorrow.

As Bertil supervised his men as they prepared for the camp with Tekipaki and looked around at the condition of the refugees, the magnificent man who was manipulating the carriage came and had a meeting.

"You're not lying, are you?

"... Long time no see, Sir Angermueller. No, I didn't know you were in Sierra Teira."

"Ha ha, was it the Federal Capital (Saktumburg) that you used to see"

This man in the atmosphere of eating some people is the Augusto Bernolt Karsten von Angermueller.

Even so, Count, he was a soldier without possession and a special presence among them… an intelligence agent.

Bertil met this man once in the Gilleshhattar Federation.

"I will pay you back soon."

"Don't worry about it. I also plan to take (...) Ri (...) stand (...) and (...) ru (...) from everyone there."

Augusto had an insulting grin.

It would literally mean letting them use it for image strategies instead of collecting money.

Behind him, Khaya, who stuck her head in the carriage, is receiving a folded tent.

"That's it all, is that enough?

"Enough, thank you"

Coming down from behind Khaya, who leaves with a thick tent, is a young daughter with herd blue hair and eyes. She had been unloading her stuff since earlier.

She's wearing maid clothes to fit the role, but she's the woman named Shelley, the intelligence agent Bertil met in Taylakaine.

"Apparently, you made it."

"Thank you for responding to my request. I almost got wrecked like this."

The two laughed sarcastically. That this encounter, disguised as a coincidence, was also set up.

Bertil predicted to some extent the date and time when the battle would occur, and he was pre-diagnosing the Federation if he could not hope for rescue at times of need.

And after escaping Taylakaine, I asked for rescue with an emergency call mark (Kohler), and this is how the big guy came out unexpectedly.

I can't even say 'I knew there was going to be a fight and I was waiting'. So he hit a play.

"By the way, could you lend me one horse?

If possible, I'd like to get ahead of you to Accommodation Town and use the Communications Bureau. "

"You're welcome. But for what?

"It's the end of the battle.

... Last night's battle, details are yet to be known. I'd like to get in touch with Wesala to negotiate before the conversation spreads.

We've got a story about forcing the kingdom of Noakurio, before the Horizons of the Noakurio spear in. "

"That's really interesting. What happened?

"The Holy Beast has stormed out and there have also been casualties among civilians. Ask my men for more information.

I'll be back when I get a report, so we'll have a meeting later. "

Augusto and Shelley's faces tightened.

It's a crossroads of how much profits can be taken from interactions between states.

Shelley immediately pulled the horse one of the escorts was riding on.

"You should use this horse. I'm also used to putting strangers on."

"Thank you"

Grasping the reins with one arm of the machine, Bertil jumped on a flicker.

"Khaya, I asked you to come back."

"Take care, Captain"

Put aside a word, Bertil became a breeze for a while.

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