The part that was' Hilberto 'from Meat Tank II had already disappeared, and its giant had become a rotten mass buried in the ash heap until the middle.

Every time Zislan shoots a brace in, ash flies, and the meat tank shreds the flesh and creates a new ash mountain.

It was no longer even possible to fight back.

Two mouths throw up a glowing brace in blue and white, which intersects, and finally the meat tank disappears.

It became a scattered ash and misty.

Zislan, who confirms the annihilation of the enemy, immediately returns his heel. He's outside the wall. I guess he's going to attack the army of undead.

That, turn around.

Tracy landed on a building that was still safe. Leaping like lightning, jumping over two streets.

"I have a question for Your Highness!

... I'm cute?

Tracy with her hands up properly.

Didn't you know what the question meant, or didn't you feel the significance of answering it?

Zislan shook up a successful arm with a sharp angle shape, clawing up and swinging down.

It's certain that if a living human eats something like this, it will be ground beef (mince).

But Tracy wasn't already there when Zislan's arm smashed the private house.

Making a tinnitus sound, Tracy was driving through the air.

Step into a zigzag through the air with nothing, landing on the neck of a long stretched dragon, just beside his face. And.

"Oh my God!

I just covered my binta on the side.

Overflowing magic shines Tracy's hand, and the aftermath of a blow spreads through the universe like a ripple.

Huge faces that seemed to swallow humans and others blew up as much as they wanted.

If it's true, this blow is crushing my face and it's not weird, but Zislan is intact. It looks like the Holy Beast created in your body is replacing the damage.

But still, the shock and inertia cannot be dispelled. Zislan fell to be pulled to his neck.

The heavy ground sounded, and the giant slid through the ground and decided, turning up the cobblestone.


When Tracy, standing in the air, invited with her arms, the debris around her moved as Tracy intended.

Fluffy float, and at the same time, kill with the two heads of Zislan in mind.

Countless rubble hit the head of the zislan while burying it.

"... aaaaaaaaaaa!!

The debris that became like a small high tsunami blew up from the inside out.

It's a brace of holy chi.

A blue-white glow sprayed Tracy's eye.

But Tracy didn't avoid it.

A storm gushed my honey-colored hair, but that was all.

Pushing through the braces, Tracy descends.

Rather than say wings, Zislan jumped up to wake his body by sticking his wings to the ground.

And then Tracy, who's falling, slaps his arm in the eye.

"Oh... oh!

Tracy, who landed in the air, did not beat Zislan, but intercepted him with a spinning kick.

Lowers swim through the universe and skirts flip.

Tracy stands in an unstable universe against Zislan standing on the ground.

Tracy, a small body, against Zislan, who boasts a giant body.

Tracy with unreliably thin legs against Zislan with even golden claws on her succesful giant arms.

But as a result of those two bumping into each other.

Zislan's arm was bounced back as far as he could think, and the dragon's gigantic body spun half a turn over momentum.

The aftermath of the collision... Tracy's wrapped magic scattered like diamond dust.

'Use this!

Telepathy from Evelis echoed into Tracy's head, and at the same time something drew a parabola and flew in.

"Roger, no!

When I drew him by hand, it was a chain rounded like a yarn ball.

I don't know what it's made of, but I kind of know it's terribly sturdy.

When Tracy waved, the chain moved organically to unravel as if she were willing to do so herself.

"Stay still!

Tracy, who stood down on Zislan's back ignoring gravity, chains up.

The sharp, blunt chains tangled at the roots of Zislan's wings.

And as it was, it wound multiple times, restraining its wings so that it squeezed up.


The glow of the Sacred Qi flashed in the narrow space of the scale, and the flash of the Sacred Qi blew out from one side of the back of the zislan.

The flash gave Tracy no itch whatsoever. It just bounced vainly even when it hit my skin.

"... I can't leave this country to His Royal Highness."

Tracy shrugged as she stood parallel to the ground as Zislan rammed to shake Tracy off.

"Tracy, keep your distance! Mialanze is ready!

I got telepathy again from Evelis, and Tracy danced to the universe.

Zislan almost fell out of his back trying to crush Tracy.

With a zislan on his ass that collapses a lined building, Tracy lands on the roof of a nearly collapsed building on the other side of the street.

"It's not a match of interest like me, it's not forced like the undead soldiers and Tracy..."

"What do you care, they made me with the undead!?

'... the princess will need someone who serves truly faithfully.

That's supposed to come out naturally, right? Yeah.

That's what happens to more than "lead and fight". Naturally. '

Evelis, who wouldn't expect an answer in particular, tells him to rant about the poem.

'Maybe you're number one. Let's give this blow away.

Come on, raise the cannon! Mialanze! '

Above Territorial Castle was a small black shadow flying with the moon on its back.

Nodes of magic flowing through the earth.

The place where a lot of magic gathers in the ground vein is called "Magic Storage (Hotspot)".

Magic buildup (hot spot) that supplies a large amount of magic that is difficult to cover for regular people.

This magic power is used to move urban defense mechanisms, in addition to being used in the exercise of large-scale magic, and in some cases to convert to civilian demand.

National capitals exist on top of quality magic build-ups (hotspots) almost without exception, as do cities of more than a certain size. That is, so is this Taylakaine.

A mechanism for ground vein control, which was firmly guarded in the basement of the Territorial Castle… "Dragon Law Pole (Router)".

Being deprived of it indicates the complete fall of the city.

"That's the... Holy Beast. Hands of the Great God."

Mialanze was lagging over the territorial castle.

In a castle town that has been half-defunct, the alien beast with a giant has fallen seven times.

Literally rotten (...) Ri (...) Fat white flesh.

a deformed head as if wearing a golden mask.

I don't see any anger or sadness there, I just fight and destroy like a golem.

"... looks cute"

In short, Mialanze threw up like that.

who reign in this distorted and crazy world. False salvation to spit on.

It's the ugliness it deserves.

As a child, he lived in isolation from the public with his family, and even Miaranze, who was then kept as a 'livestock', knew to pray to God.

I prayed for my salvation, and many times I prayed to the great. But who would have saved Mialanze?

Abominable and undead by the holy gods... he was a revenger who went down to the evil gods.

"Pest control is also a maid's job. I gave him the strength to do so."

Mialanze felt the evil force crawling through her body.

Evil. Isn't that fine? Neither 'justice' nor 'hope' nor 'righteous faith' saved Mialanze.

Even the temple refused the salvation of Mialanze, and it was, first and foremost, an orthodox ruling nobleman who kept Mialanze.

Then let us gladly fall into evil.

Show us your way by destroying the righteous, the holy, everything.

Mialanze had wrapped around her body something like silver shining steel wire.

Several steel wires hang long and disappear from the balcony of the castle all over the castle.

Directly connected to the dragon's law pole (router) beneath the castle, it is the guide of magic. It had been brought from Evelis before we left.

Now Mialanze can pull the magic out of the ground vein directly.

Mialanze worked out her magic.

That was naive enough for me to know, but the magic that Mialanze could use, directly connected to the vein of the earth, was enormous, I should have just braided the magic in quantity over quality.

Huge forces are output through a molding machine called Mialanze.

There is one that floats around Mialanze and another that floats.

It's like an elongated pile.

It's like making blood solidified, spears.

It was supposed to be just magic to solidify the energy of evil into spears and fly, but because of the massive infusion of magic, the spear had become a beautifully elephant heavy axe spear (Halvard) to the details.

One, ten, fifty, hundred, two hundred, five hundred such spears...

Floating in the night sky. Fill the night sky.

A spear floats. Countless spears align their tips.

The spear is the spear, the spear is the spear, the spear is the spear, the spear is the spear, the spear is the spear, the spear is the spear, the spear is the spear, the spear is the spear.

"[Performance Deflection: Bullet Count Focus (Spread Custom)] … [Blood Dyed (Cuzzlebay)]!"

It's raining spears.

Countless spears crash into each other, rubbing each other to make a cool noise and rushing in one direction.


Zislan threw up his braces. At the same time it flashed from all over his body.

That made about 20% of the spears coming at me thin (...) thin (...) et al. (...). I can't even offset it. The elongated spear had a small area to be exposed to holy chi against the force put in it.

And of course, it has no effect on spears that deviate from aim.

The red and black spear, which split the holy chi and flew, stood on a bright white scale.

A few stick up and splash, and the zislan is intact. The impromptu sacred beast in his body must have died on his shoulder.

But the next spear lands without even putting it between inches.

The next spear lands. The next spear lands.

The spear is the spear, the spear is the spear, the spear is the spear, the spear is the spear, the spear is the spear, the spear is the spear, the spear is the spear, the spear is the spear.

Zislan's body was shaved.

The flesh and holy spirit that gave rise to the new Holy Beast were finally exhausted and had to be accepted.

Scale cracks, flesh rips, cracks in the golden mask.

He sewed his tongue, pierced his legs, and stood in his enlarged belly.

Too many overwhelming numbers of spears buried the dyslan while they were watching.

It pours down as if to slam the zislane to the ground, and it pierces it even from above.

The countless spears that stood like grave markers eventually smashed and scattered simultaneously, like glass vessels dropped on the floor.

Later, only the ashes scattered remained.

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