"Lord Udanoske. This time, Lord Evelis of the King's capital, Yori contacted me.

Princess Ha, welcome back to the King's Capital. "

"Oh, my God."

Udanoske followed Samurai's manoeuvres learned from his master during his lifetime, calling as he bowed again and again toward the call mark (Kohler).

The person on the call is Alastair from the rear command post.

The main unit, which included elite undead soldiers and Meat Tank II, had come to the foot of the city wall, which no longer even flew one of the arrows.

There is already a settlement in the city, but the search for Zislan, which has hidden clouds, and in some cases the job of a helper knife to René, remains.

Well, both the main unit and Alastair ate bubbles because that Rene suddenly disappeared without even skipping instructions from the reading.

Several call marks (callers) were relayed by the 'telecommuters' who had left them between the Wang capital and Taylakaine, and communications appeared to have entered from Evelis in the Wang capital to Alastair's place.

"So ha, what do we no behave?

"More than I've been given a new ta order, I'm not weird.

We're searching for the Crown Prince's candidate Zislan. Let them escape. Ha, ha, nu. '


Even if there are doubts about Rene's sudden behavior, that doesn't justify stopping his hands and legs.

The temple against the Lord (Denchu) (Note: Sometimes it will be necessary to speak), but it is by no means a failure of loyalty.

The undead, created from their hands by Rene's magic, all have an absolute loyalty that never wavers against Rene.

We recognize ourselves as the personal property of a thoroughbred Rene, and we are fighting in a presence that dedicates everything to Rene until the moment when its existence ends. Of course, it is also a big premise that you should not (...) wave (...) spend (...) more than what is Rene's property.

"Hmm... I'll look for you and tell you where to go..."

That's when Udanoske realized.

for signs of a nearer living being.

One knight comes this way, climbing through the open city gates.

The imprint of armor worn belongs to the knight, who is the subordination (kachu) of the Count Keeley family.

But for some reason, the shoulders of both arms were peeled off without clothes, rather than protective equipment.

He is brushing a sword on his hips, but the knight was a bare hand.

A number of swords and spears are pointed at that knight, who is only alone in his quest for the great army of the undead and moves forward in his steps.

That, the knight.

"Lord Udanoske, Ikutsuka's troops around the city gate are not responding to communications. Explore the situation ha gimme nu...... '

"Bamboo wheel gluten...!

Udanoske blocked communications from Alastair in a bad way.

Strange things were happening.

I wondered if the knight's arms had enlarged and his hands turned into giant agates with long necks like earthworm dragons (worms).

It was white and haunted the holy spirit until it was unusual.

And the knight began eating a nearby undead with both his arms.

Like a snake swallowing its prey, arms (is it a neck?) through which the flesh of the undead is swallowed.

"Heh, Reduce... Gotta... of" Princess Rose of Grievances "... Subordinates...

I can win... I can win... I can win...

You can beat (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) "

The knight had a distorted grin on his snoring.

"... Shishuran... I'm...!

Armor bounced and flew, swelling by the time the knight's silhouette was disorderly.

A double-headed dragon appeared, with a white flesh rotting to the middle.

Evelis was looking out the walls of the castle with his demonic binoculars through the workshop window.

The exterior edge dungeon of the wall under construction had holes as if the mole had dug in.

As a result of Rene's digging in after the intruder, turned into a silver Wyvern zombie.

"Hmm, was it an extra favor to cut the magic supply to the dungeon?

That form of the princess has not been verified, so I don't know how much damage she will take with the trap. "

Evelis is alone.

Rene suddenly stopped digging in and led the soldiers to fly out.

Hi. Apparently the intruder moved outside and fled because of cutting the entire dungeon's anti-magic defense.

However, Evelis also had some idea of the situation in the short time between cutting off the anti-magic defense and the intruder's escape.

"… two people died. I'm on the run... I've already erased the signs, maybe three. It's just a matter of time."

Evelis had a "high kill box" alarm that he gave Rene that was tied to fly to him as well, just in case.

So I know that the intruder touched the example box and that's why Rene came back.

I just don't even know what Rene hid in the box, Evelis.

Or even Evelis didn't know Rene had that box hidden in such a place. I would have prepared a better stash if you would have talked to me, but thank you Rene. There is a verse that depends on secrecy.

Evelis was dropping off Rene's flight with the unequivocal thought of what happened and how in the end.

There came a call mark (Kohler) communication, and Evelis picked up a bill that was pinned to the side of the trousers with extremely little fabric.

"Yes, hello. Sir Gerald."

"... Zislan attacked the main unit and arrived. The tin is badly damaged during the response."

I won't say until I doubt my ears, but Evelis unexpectedly frowns.

"Huh? Weren't they worn out already?

"He meh, take the soldiers on this side and make up for the flesh and blood.

Earlier, De was targeting predators and Shite fleas, so I got the impression that it was a bitter tactic. "

"That's right. If the Holy Beast eats the Undead, it will destroy your stomach."

"Shishi, Temporary, A, Combat Ability Retrieved, Theo Rimasu"

Evelis looked up to the heavens at night fed up.

"Wow, I wouldn't have Udanosuke or" Ethereal Silver Bond "lost me here.

Can we deal with this on the scene?... You can't! You're bothering to contact me! Negative!

Okay, use Meat Tank II (Hilberto) as a shield and endure three minutes! You can use that one!

And Tracy, stay on the call! He's nearby, isn't he?

"Kashikoma Masi"

"... the princess... if I talk to her now, she's going to kill me."

When Evelis throws out the call mark (Kohler), the cape and mountain hat that hung in the corner of the room, as well as a cane embedded with countless gems, soars up and wraps itself around.

"Damn, a deadbeat witch should be doing the back with one hand of wine.

I want a competent man who can go bating in my place at a time like this fast. Beautiful Boy Hope!

Evelis was checking herself out with the momentum of a violent wind as she complained about the bump.

Evelis wears what flew from all over the room like a pile of crap.

Long handbags decorated with gemstones, like caged hands with gear and steam vents protruding, belts with dots and pouches, scarves sewn with surprisingly demonic square-like prints, etc.

And as he jumped out of the workshop without even closing the door, Evelis saw a bloody maid running this way.

"Master Evelis, what...?

"Miaranze! Can't you wake up anymore?

Mialanze was maturing in the basement.

Glossy short dark hair with tight triangular ears. Since time is time, pupils tend to hang round and black eyes.

Her complexion, which was originally white, was bloody and snowy, showing signs of spitting blood. The usual maid clothes were stained everywhere with her own blood.

"We have decided that this is not the case if you are on holiday.

I heard a scream in the basement earlier, so the princess came home urgently and... "

"Oh...... well. It's close, right there."

The room where René's "residual machine" is kept is not too far from the non-light cell where Mialanze was held.

Mialanze also seems to have noticed an abnormality in the scream when Rene possessed the girl's body.

"I don't know what it is, but it looks like an intruder into the king's capital has opened the princess's precious chest.

I hope the princess is on the lookout for Wang Du's answering machine. Because the princess is back, Tayla Kaine is a bit of a mess.

I'm going to go help the main unit if it doesn't work like this. "

Explained quickly and Evelis tried to run away, but hung a sudden brake there.

Evelis explored the signs of Mialanze, who was surprised and confused.

I know how powerful you are with the amount and quality of evil that surrounds you.

Miaranze was an amateur who had just begun to learn the art of battle. And that hasn't changed anything yet, but the signs she emitted had changed.

Different pressure. Different stature.

It's a pretty good category to look at as a vampire. It's still raw stone, but the longer it is, the more delicacies even the Demon King's Army can put up executives.

Evelis gave an immediate answer by multiplying the balance between the risk of taking Mialanze, the battle amateur, and his usefulness as a force.

"If you'll come, I'm very comfortable as far as I'm concerned.

raw (...) be (...) and (...) bad for early work...... can you come? Mialanze. "

"If I can fight for the princess, that's my happiness"

"Good. Shall we go and protect the princess's precious pawn"

The back part of the maid's clothes was torn apart in a mess, and the wings of the dermis growing from it were shaking with the black cat tail.

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