One of the Royal Castle's basements.

The room with everything on the front, back, left, right, top and bottom being gray stones is cold and temperature-cold for appearance.

It's a dark room with no outside light even during the day from the vent. Now there was an apologetic magic light attached near the ceiling, lighting a thin blur through the room.

There were regular and numerous bunks lined up there.

And one girl at a time was put to sleep on one sleeping table.

Some have long hair and some have short hair.

Some are tall, others are low.

Some of them are well-dressed, and others are dressed in matching clothes.

But they were, without exception, girls around the age of 10, all of whom, like frozen, even stopped breathing and slept (...) and (...) (...) (...).

It's as funny as a morgue.

It may be something similar, but this was only a state of temporary death, and the girls were alive.

These girls are Rene's "Residual Machine".

Of the girls who were brought from Wesara during the invasion of the King's capital, those who were not used by René after all.

It was raised in the royal castle at first, but it takes surprisingly long to keep it alive for use in times of need.

I'll take a place, I have to take care of my health, and most importantly, I need food. I didn't have to worry about running out right away because the food left in the Wang capital and the royal castle was a useless long product for the undead, but I had to procure it slowly.

When Rene asked Evelis for that solution, what Evelis proposed was a magical frozen sleep.

Let him sleep like he has stopped time, and he shall not weep, nor shall he be hungry, nor shall he be sick.

All you need is a small, continuous supply of magic to maintain your magic.

Evelis said the success rate was still about 60%, and about 40% of subjects were actually dead and discarded, but had succeeded in putting the rest of them into frozen sleep.

Well, one of them is sleeping.


It jumped with the scream of the disconnected demon and turned into an undead.


The moment Edgar opened the chest slightly, a fog blew out of the box emitting suspicious purple phosphorescence.

It is an evil magic that neutralizes vitality so that water extinguishes fire and causes everything that lives and lives to die.

Originally the fog would have spread on one side of the perimeter and killed all those around it.

However, as the fog that has been blown swirls, as if several snakes are intertwined, it becomes a running stream and Edgar's aim converges.

The talisman Edgar sandwiched on his hips flew one after the other, losing his golden glow, dulling black and decaying.

And finally, it stopped.

There are also two remaining talismans that were massive.

Edgar was alive and the chest was open.

The "Sacrificial Sheep's Neck Decoration", which finished its role, was crushed and scattered in fine dust, unable to withstand the load.

"To the boulder... I thought I was going to die"

"Big deal."

Erminio, who was away and watching, came back to Edgar to wipe the cold sweat.

Inside the walls, in the courtyard of the royal castle, it was there.

Huge wreckage rounded up like a cat sleeping.

Sharp angled shape, scales with a fresh green colour, powerful wings attached instead of arms......

But the front of the torso is empty, and the belly is scurvy.

It was like a Wyburn loose shell that only shredded meat and organs.

Hard scales, crusts where scales have gathered together to solidify, bones, hook claws, fangs, etc., are left behind.

It's like a Wyburn skeleton specimen has woven its own fur.

On the dead body sleeping quietly in the moonlight, the front was hung as if it were a rain shelter, but it slipped off.

Because Wyburn's remains suddenly moved.

Wyburn, who woke up a giant, wings at the loss of his dermis.

There was a storm rolling around, and the Wyvern zombies (which may no longer be closer to say Wyvern Skeleton or Skull Wyvern) floated.

Wyburn, a subdragon (minor dragon), like the dragon, gets buoyancy and flies by biological magic. The magical power that dragons are producing as seeds.

The physical function of the wings was only auxiliary, and the ability to fly was rather increased for the loss of the dermis but lightened by 'meat drainage'.

Wyburn, flickering over the walls, immediately acknowledges the figure of the Lord who called himself.

A silver girl running over a construction scaffold on a building under construction that stretched around the walls.

She leaps high as the Wyvern Zombie approaches.

He flew further by magic and approached the Wyvern Zombie.

"Give yourself to it, the Sharden Floyd!

The silver girl controls the flight and fits inside the bare bones of Wyburn's stripping out of her flesh and organs.

And they melted together.

The padded shark buffer (cushion) was covered in a touchy, luxurious crimson fabric.

It's a stand-up box that's going to hold tremendously delicate, tremendously expensive items, but it was inside.

"What the hell?

Edgar snapped his neck.

There were two common, cheap little rose brooches. I guess the whole thing was silver, but the coal was also picked up from the burn marks, the plating peeled off and the gold is out.

And there was a mountain of dull, dirty, toggered, silver wreckage of something.

Both Erminio and Loretta peek into the crate over Edgar's shoulder.

"Magic Items......? I don't think so."

"Hmm, of the silver over here... why the hell, the wreckage of the accessories? This is a magic item. It's a structure... but break it. Come on."

Edgar carefully touched the together-silver object, but I'm not sure what this is.

It looked both like a snake belly sword and a weapon like a whip and a magic catalyst, but in any case, it just seems like it broke and became a wreck.

Erminio picks up a brooch and a piece of silver to make a serious observation, but immediately threw it into the chest in a dismayed manner.

"Ha! I'm bored. Keep this strictly hidden. Is the contents crap?

"When I was little, I remembered taking care of the snake shell I found in the mountains for the rest of my life."

"Don't even be an honor for a grain of sand when you bring something like this back. I'm the one who gets laughed at for using kids."

"But at first glance, even crap can mean something."

Erminio was frowning.

From the circumstances, it's also hard to think of this as a crap as it looks.

But Erminio really doesn't know what that means.

Let's just say I took this back and showed it to the Noaculio army. If they didn't know what it meant either, the Erminio might be made to laugh.

One might think, 'It is a treasure of the "Princess Rose of Grievances" even though she was cowardly and unable to explore the Wang Capital much and could only bring home the crap that had fallen around it'. Erminio would definitely think so if someone other than himself brought home something like this.

Still, Erminio reckons it's better than having zero loot.

If you doubt this Erminio Droetto, you can remind him by the glory of the Droetto family.

"I just have to take it back, or... not at all. I can only prepare souvenirs like this," Princess Rose of Grievances "is inferior to hearing..."


The dungeon ceiling exploded with shaky vibrations all over his body.

"Ahhh! What!? What!?

Large and small rock masses flew in and rolled. Loretta screams.

The ceiling, which had been molded by magic and assembled disappointingly like a single rock, had collapsed.

No. I didn't collapse. That's not all.

Something huge broke through the ceiling and came down.

The silver eye stuck to the earthly smoke that was about to stand up.

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