Original magic made by Evelis at Rene's request, "White Wash White (Laundry)":.

Wash, disinfect, sterilize, deodorize, rinse thoroughly, crisp and dry. One piece of magic for a family that doesn't need a washing machine.

It packed a lot of features, which made it quite difficult for me to acquire it because of my lifelike magic, but I have no problem with it because it is only what Rene uses as his' evidence obliteration magic '.

Now this "whitewashing whitewash" (laundry): There is a process of magic that becomes, and how it is machine washed by throwing the object into the water vortex, but when making this kind of special movement, it is really more efficient than "magic that can manipulate the water freely" to "so arranged (programmed)" magic from the beginning, as long as it does not require extra manipulation.

This means that magic has a high magic conversion efficiency in obtaining the effect of 'clamping large quantities of water in the air for glue rotation' compared to general magic, which emphasizes versatility.

Plus this magic, Evelis' request to be able to wash even a bed mat, comes with the world's worst round washing feature, which is that if you apply magic, the range of effects becomes as enlarged as possible.

Draw up all the water from the moat and use "White Wash White (Laundry)" by Rene.

The giant water polo fell as it whirled and swallowed a painting of the walls.

I couldn't stand the high water pressure with real water that wasn't magic, so much so that I could draw magic from the ground pulse and call it a castle wall with magical defenses. The walls caught in a spinning stream of water are gradually decided and wet stones are bounced off the air vortex.

In that, the Oswalds who stood on the walls couldn't be safe.

Just flirting in a swirling torrent, like a feather that jumped into the washing machine.

The sacred beast will be able to replace the shoulder for the damage the body tissue will suffer from being suffocated. But people can't move unless they breathe. It's not like René, an undead who doesn't need to breathe.

Of course I can't sing. The Oswalds, deprived of fortification (buffs), could only be flushed.

After making sure everyone is involved, René, who was in the water, turns into Durahan.

The body, which was only bone, regained the weight of the meat and gained buoyancy. Undead's flesh felt dull, but still the water that touched her complexion directly felt kinky and cold.

At the same time as Rene's transformation, the water flows down like a waterfall from a swirling stream of water. Crown the area and pour it from the gap between the walls into the moat of Carrappo.

From the appearance of Rich with a boost on his magic, to that of Durahan, whose magic falls on the contrary, the water is overflowing beyond his control.

The torrents in the universe, which had become somewhat smaller, were, however, still too sufficient to render people incapacitated.

Illuminator sprays a brace of holy chi on a water polo. But Holy Qi was inhibited by water and misty, and the braces only became hot. If this was a firebrace, it might have had some effect, but first of all, a brace of holy temperament doesn't have enough heat.

Rene held her head with one hand, swimming with all her strength through the torrent, grabbing the honeycomb hair that spread like a walrus turtle.

It's Priscilla. She was knitting her hair like a crown, but it had already unraveled in the torrent.


Something blew up over Rene's skin.

It is the divine magic unleashed by Priscilla in agony.

But it only slightly burned Rene's skin.

Priscilla was able to fight with the power of fortification (buffing), but technically she was just an apprentice. It's like being stabbed by a mosquito in Rene, such as the magic she unleashed completely unchanging without a voice, when the cane was also flushed.

Rene held her hips pinched with both legs as she forced Priscilla to pull over. It's like sitting on a belly.

And Rene held his head down with one hand, producing a red blade with the other, slashing Priscilla.

While flirting with the torrents, Rene nevertheless does her best to stand the blade.

The coat was mutilated. Priscilla is intact. The Holy Beast is replacing the wound.

It doesn't matter. Rene slashed it again. Priscilla is intact.


Slashed. Slashed.

Slashed. Slashed. Slashed. Slashed.

Slashed, slashed, slashed, slashed, slashed.

And finally Rene's red blade got the feel of tearing meat. The slashed Priscilla's chest hurts as small as a scratch, even with a nail.

- The Holy Beast is exhausted!

Immediately René drew his sword, stood deep to squeeze his bow, and penetrated deep under Priscilla's busty chest, aiming around the pigeon tail.

Priscilla got bored and threw up a chunk of blood with the foam.

A red one floats in clear water, spreads, winds up in torrents and disappears quickly.

For just a moment René felt signs of a strong holy temper to spark.

Protection of the soul through rituals. A covenant with God in his lifetime to keep the wicked from taking his soul.

I see there is no way that Priscilla, the egg of a high priest, has not received it.

I mean, Priscilla's dead.

Rene immediately solved the maintenance of "White Wash White (Laundry)".

The water that was swirling in the universe is entangled in gravity and falls.

Exactly like flipping a bucket, water poured around.

"Whoa, whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Steve coughs up and spits out water thrown over the wet ground.

Just because you don't need a cardiac massage or artificial breathing in this situation is amazing enough, but you still can't move out just suddenly.

"Ho ho! Whew... Whew!!

Rene came down on that Steve.

"Fly": Adjust the drop position, hold your head with your left arm, and place the red blade downward with your right arm.

A long silver hair containing water was punched like a whip.

Armor was broken through easily, and Rene pierced the earth.

The muddy and watery blood on the ground stained the area.

I felt signs that my soul would be recovered.

"Ugh... Gu, give me the talisman..."

Hadley barely wakes herself up spitting water out of her helmet. Do a trick that will loosen your chest.

It would be a talisman. Even in that torrent, I don't see the talisman planted inside the armor being flushed.

Rene's red blade is magical damage. Defend with a talisman and it will temporarily shine. The decision itself is not wrong.

Rene abandoned the red blade. The red blade, which has lost its shape in the hand, returns to Rene's blood.

"" Noisy Spirit (Poltergeist) ""

When Rene quickly invited him with her fingers, he stood on a moat that was still violently rippling, a blister that poked up.

The only thing that jumped out of the water was a mighty magic sword that could tell by the signs alone. It's Tayla Ayul.

It flew as if it were being pulled by a magnet and fitted into Rene's hand.

If this demon sword combines the power and sword moves when it is in Durahan form, most armor can be slashed.

Rene sets up Taylaayul and walks with a kick in the water to her ankle.


Hadley, being swept away, holds both hands with caged hands.

Hit him while defending himself with your arm.

There's no way you can win.

Even though you can't even stand up, you say it's like you're finally half-baked.

Slash him to slap his protruding fist open. Slap your arms off with each cage hand. Slash your chest into a diagonal cross. Cut your hips into rings. Pierce your chest. Penetrate Tayla Ayul from the surface covered slit. Drop neck after neck. Run through.

I felt signs that my soul would be recovered.

Rene rushes through as she hears the sound of what was Hadley collapsing behind her.

Oswald, go for it.

"What the hell...!

Oswald's remorse and despair come through.

That is an emotion that is inherently arguably a favorite for Avis Spirit. It's the first pleasure a person can taste without a body, like feeling sweet all over his body.

But Rene was not willing to taste and devour Oswald's despair.

- If you resented me at least a little, it would have been a little easier to kill.

I should have known. He said this was a battle to cut off all salvation and move on.

No matter how heartbroken you are, you will not stop.

I don't stop my legs, but my heart still starts to crack.

Shake Tayla Ayul, pay off the blood fat and rebuild.

Killing Oswald is easy. Nor is he in a state where he can move properly, nor does he mean he is more outstanding in swords than his sons. All you have to do is poke it with this sword.


Rene hung a sudden brake.

My legs slipped and I was about to fall.

I felt the presence of white (...) Y (...) mind (...).

Reflectively narrowing and stopping the scope of 'emotional perception'.

Don't let them see things they shouldn't.

Same thing as Morgana's heart.

But that wasn't Morgana.

There was a sound of something dragging on the wet ground, and then it appeared.

If you're going to make an impression on a big mess in a nutshell, it's 'The Sacred Beast of Fae'.

Is he about three meters tall and six meters tall? My head looks too big for about 2.5 heads.

From the bright white lower body enlarged into a shape like a Namekuji, the feet of various species of animals stick out in bullshit, and so they drag their torso forward like a galley ship.

By way of example, the head is like wearing a golden mask, but that is a skewed and odd thing that does not come with a lion, a tiger or a dragon. It could be like this if Picasso painted an abstract drawing with the medicine in his hand. Moreover, the head was unusually large and long back and forth. A mess of golden fangs was hidden in his torn mouth, smudged with snug blood from around his mouth to his chest as if he had eaten a full course of living people.

The giant in the great knight armor, disappointed in its mouth... Tracy was telling me, Marquis Edfeld matches Marks' face.

"Oh, my... Holy Beast, conspire against us..."

Leaving the word behind, Estimated Marks was devoured by the mysterious Holy Beast.

Every armor was eaten up, chewed up, and swallowed down.

"Enemy attack... enemies, enemies, tequila, coming, kamisa, of, coming..."

The Holy Beast is squeaking with a ripped mouth to his ear and a distorted voice.

Crawling through the mud and the ground, unexpectedly quick, the Holy Beast leaned over to Oswald.

"What... this...!

"Ah... I want to... I want to... I want to..."

The large mouth of the anomaly opened and Oswald's upper body disappeared into the mouth of the self-proclaimed Zislan.

I felt signs that my soul would be recovered.

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