"Are you kidding me!? You're putting a cannon on a fresh golem!

The cannonball looks back at the outer wall, which is about to collapse, and Cain screams like he's abandoning himself.

The mounting of a cannon on the shoulder of a giant siege fresh golem was a maddening delicacy that just seemed to me like a poor hobbyist technologist had been given full powers of development to do all he could to waste and evil nori.

"The magic defense mechanism on the city wall can't prevent it, physical shells."

Zeft analyzed calmly.

There are also two types of magic cannons: those that normally fly shells and those that fly the energy of magic as it is.

All in all, the city is built on top of a magic accumulation (hot spot), which pulls out the magic of the ground vein and uses it for defense and other energies. It is normal for the city walls to have a magical defense with that power. I think he's been alert to that and targeting physical damage.

But when it comes to flying live ammunition, that's what happens when you shoot one shot. It needs to be reloaded, and the shells for it are not on the shoulders of giants...

And I thought arrowheads. Twelve rocks emerged after breaking the snow.

Just the size of the cannon, the bullet.

- "Rock Chunk Creation (Creative Rock)"?

Undead soldiers lined up with shields.

All that's out front are guys with no art such as skeletons and zombies, but it's more normal to assume that there's also a mix of magical undead such as Rich.

Those guys are the 'loaders'.

"Oh no! I'm stopping you!

"Intercept the shells!?

Zeft gets lost for a moment in Krall's prophecy.

If you're crawling enough to magically destroy flying rocks, it's a treat. There are also magicians in successor adventurers and knights waiting on the wall.

"Defense on the wall...... no, you can't. If I let that thing close to the city wall, it won't be anything.

After I smashed one of my legs and stopped moving, that would be fine. "

"After all, that legion, we're holding it round!

"It's not even a round. That's all I've got."

Zeft looked back and smiled at the assembled adventurers.

Many are subtle in strength, but even if they are, their presence can be harnessed by taking on dangerous enemies by "Zero Jing Xuan”.

The adventurers, who were in a state of panic, seemed to calm down just a little when Zeft called them.

"Guys, don't push me! If you do damage to the giant, retreat and enter the battle defense.

“Zero Jingxiao" clears the way. Go on later! Let's go! "

"" "Ooh!!

I was a little short on volume to say hoarseness, but I roared and screamed and ran.

It would also look like suicide for an undead soldier to penetrate in a small number into the line like the sea.

But it's Shiel-Tayla's greatest adventurer party, the Zero Crystals.

The noise of trembling at night and cutting the wind.

Adventurers marching forward, looking. Arrows were released from the formation of the undead.

"" Breaking Wind Falls (Windsor):! "

A backwinding wind broke out and the flying arrows were bounced together. Crawl wind magic.

The small number of people means that the scope to be protected is also narrow. It also consumes less magic.

Cain, the big man with heavy armor and a big shield, will be at the vanguard of the assault.

Zeft to hide on its back and the albina of the goddess (Priestess) follows.

Distance of the undead soldiers lined with shields to reach Cain.

So Albina stepped forward.

"[Performance Deflection: Emphasis on Power (Smash Custom)] … [Holy Flash (Holy Ray)]!"

A silver scepter rang and spewed out a flash of dazzle. The aftermath of energy bulges the monk's coat of albina.

Ground and horizontally extending flashes are thicker and shorter than they should be. Magic adjusted to increase power at the expense of magic efficiency and range.

When Albina waved the sceptre to the side, the giant sword of light by Holy Qi also moved, sweeping away the undead so that even dust swept them out.

A large bug hole was worn in the formation of the undead.

A rear undead soldier fills the distance so as to fill that hole. There.

"" Big Bang (Turbo Explode) "

The earth swayed with unbeatable momentum in the footsteps of the giant as well.

Winding up with a flash of blast was soil sand mixed with melting snow. Fractured bones and rotten meat.

Krall's magic was blowing the undead.

"I'm gonna slash you in!

"Copy that!"

Chelsea punches her right fist in the left hand. Gatsun and cage hands rang.

"" Lightweight Kung Fu (Boiant Body) "!"

Mindful she uses the magic of self-enhancement (buffing).

Some avant-garde positions master some magic only in self-enhancement (buffs). This is a special magic linked to your training as a warrior, called 'Qi practice' or 'body practice'.


Chelsea danced to the universe in motion as if her weight had disappeared.


Chelsea unleashed a flying kick in a piercing throwing spear-like motion. Blow Skeleton's head off.

The skull smashed to rupture.

Kicking that shoulder and flying further, Chelsea hands on the head of one skeleton.

And he released a spinning kick in the air like he was swinging his body.


Several undead were knocked down around Chelsea.

She is equipped with a toenail that is more a weapon to boost the power of the kick than a protective gear. Undead soldiers and other wooden ends before kicking even piercing the crust of a dragon.

Plus Chelsea kicked and landed the skeleton she was supporting so she could pinch it with her leg. There comes the spear slow, but Cain broke in.

As he snapped the spear he received, Cain pressed his shield and smashed two skeletons and a zombie at the same time.

"Nice follow!

"The fool saved my life."

Hmm, and Cain exhaled.

Shields used by shieldmen (tanks) are collectively referred to as' targets'.

This is mostly demonized by 'hostile attraction', and the opponent who fights is somehow guided to sight and attack by the target.

Even skeletons and zombies that magically just move as ordered are awakening memories of their own physical battles to make tough decisions.

Where to attack, who to target. Beyond there's room to judge that, you're also caught up in 'attracting hostility'.


The Holy Beasts rush in to push the wound further.

A tiger-shaped holy beast took advantage of the giant and tore away the undead soldiers without hating to hurt themselves.

The bird-shaped Holy Beast was in a sudden descent attack, tailoring the undead as they jumped out to fight back.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!

Swaying the Great Sword Zeft proceeds. One wave beat a few undead at a time, knocking them down and crushing them into fine dust.

And he was about to swing two more times to engage the giant.



A sharp, sharpened sword flash held back the way it was going.

A slaughter of divine speed, like slashing three times in a single step, but it had the power of a special blow.

Zeft retreats as he is prevented by his sword.

The slaughter was unleashed by a man with long blonde hair in dull shades bracketed high. He is wearing ethnic costume-style clothing that he stops with a belt to match in front.

And cloudy eyes on earthy skin. Ghoul.

What you're holding is a thin, beautiful, single-edged sword. It is a weapon called katana used in the Far East.

"Ghoul's...... Samurai!

He was clearly a fierce man distinct from the surrounding miscellaneous soldiers.

"This guy..."



Ghoulsamurai beats up a jumping Chelsea.

Rotated in the air and Chelsea landed Hilarious.

"Be careful. This guy can do it."

Behind Ghoulsamurai, a giant who had finished bouncing was in the shooting position.

12 series of cannons are filled with magic. How many more shots will the wall hold its shape? How many more minutes, how many seconds of grace do we have? Zeft was starting to rush.

"Tell me, Lo... even if it is a fine and shitty fish in Ika, and no miso sill, no bah meal, no bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah...!!

"What are you talking about, this guy!?

"You La already mean teh le and iu in a salt sprinkler zni mound (doh hyo)!

"What are you talking about, this guy!?

Ghoulsamurai rings Katana's and for some reason he comes over with a sliding leg.

"My name is Udanosuke! Be a proud samurai to serve the great Princess Le!

You're hurting La. Iso! Contemporary battle!!

"Sounds like it's starting."

From the rooftop of the inn, look at the city wall, and Bertil is alone.

The Second Knights were distributed to the city. Gathering forces in one place would also increase the risk of being poked behind them, so outside the walls was a situation where the adventurers were left to be on guard.

Leaving the front-line command of that unit to Khaya, Bertil is turning further back.

On a cold-breezed rooftop, Bertil stops with heavy stones lined with call marks (callers), plus a number of far-sighted crystal balls. This is a magic item that connects the two crystal balls so you can see the footage.

Looking over the disturbingly mesmerizing city, Bertil confirmed the appearance of several buildings and the holy beast placed in the city.

Temples, assemblies and halls.

Because of the massive influx of refugees, the empty (...) Kiki (...) box (...), which can accommodate even a little bit of people, is packed with people without exception. Still, the tent is lined up after the Noaculio Army Garrison without enough, and the incendiary fire is constantly burning because the people who were started out of the tent without enough.

- If I die, where the hell am I going? Well, heaven or hell, I guess.

From now on, many people will die.

Die because Bertil gave the guide.

Most people have a big formula for eventually dying without Bertil doing anything.

Marquis Edfeld territory no longer waits only for the ravages of René.

It's a fatal disadvantage without masking. If Rene cares about it, he can't kill all the inhabitants, but he should be able to do it as easily as 80%.

So Bertil explores the possibility of cutting off some life to keep the rest alive.

Understood it was all over for the truncated side.

Even if you lose, there is a way to lose.

- Suppose you were scared of every post-mortem punishment and didn't do what you're supposed to do in your life... oh, shit like that is inferior to dogs.

Bertil looks up at the black sky.

"Look, Lord of heaven, smile. This is the Battle of Bertil Lagerbeck."

With his pocket watch, Bertil confirmed his time.

The second hand.


Eventually carve the apex.

"God protect Siel-Teira."

A few quiet lightning struck at the same time.

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