The newspaper held by the Marquis Edfeld for the candidacy of the Crown Prince, Zislan, echoed across the country via correspondence.

Zislan does not possess the kind of charisma that everyone as a king would recognize, but Zislan, with no political colour, was a widely accepted candidate for crown prince by the people. Blood muscles are impeccable, too.

Zislan also launched links with Noaculio.

It is a well-known fact that the Noaculio army, which emerged in the eastern part of Siel-Teira, is moving to ensure safety, including by maintaining law and order and exorcising demons. Some question Noaculio in one case of the coup, but the fact that he's still exactly putting up his body to protect Ciel-Teira now, the credibility to come from it, was enormous.

Tie hands with Noaculio on the flag of Zislan and rebuild the nation.

It was a light of hope for those who live in invisibility even tomorrow.

But another piece of news blasted from the west, as if to undo the news.

The Marquis of Berger announced that he would own his eldest son, Johann Wilhelm Berger, as Crown Prince.

Although Johann's candidacy for the Crown Prince is fulfilled because he draws royal blood, it is a bypass flow.

According to the practice of Ciel-Teira, who had chosen a man with the closest blood to the previous king, it is a matter of subtlety whether the support of the people as well as the queens can be obtained.

But the news of another candidate Crown Prince was accompanied by another news, like a horse pulling a two-headed carriage.

The Gilleshhattar Federation is preparing a march.

Its great nickname is' To protect the Resident Gentiles in Siel-Teira, where the state system has collapsed ', but naturally people's expectations increase' Will they also protect themselves'?

Anyway, the Federation has known each other for a long time and is a good friend. Even though there was unfortunate trouble with the coup by Hilberto II, people still have convenient expectations.

And the territory of the Marquis of Berger is the westernmost end of Ciel-Teira. It hits the border with the Federation.

No explicit statement was made either to not stimulate the Noaculio army, but it was an obvious story. Johann, the Crown Prince candidate for the Marquis of Berger, has links with the Gilleshhattar Federation.

There are those who expect from the Gilleshhattar Federation.

There are those who neglect what the kingdom of Noaculio is.

And there are those who fear that this conflict may develop into a dangerous clash.

Time continued to flow mercilessly with disturbing air.

"What can I do for you? Holy Beast.

If you're here to apologize for your disrespect the other day, then so be it. Rub your head against the ground, imitate the hog's chirping, and swear you won't turn against me for the rest of your life. That way I won't tolerate you, Erminio.

He tried to summon me, disrespectfully. "

Erminio, who sat deep on a throne-like couch against Morgana, who visited his living room, said away as an arrogant shore.

This is the room assigned to El Minio, Marquis Edfeldt.

Overall, the decorations in white, gold and deep red on the accents are persistently applied from the entire room to the furniture.

By way of example, on both sides of the El Minio, the two Temple Knights refrained, like statues.

Morgana tried to call and talk to Erminio, but he turned himself in because Erminio refused to do so.

She also follows the masked monk men… the Holy Beast man who created himself, as against Erminio again.

"I want you to go out and investigate the King's capital, Taylor Arle, to the" decisive droet ”. Can you?"

Morgana tells Erminio that he has no ears at all for his delusions.

Erminio stared uncomfortably.

"An investigation? What more are you going to find out if you're trying to escape to your country?"

"No, you don't. No, it's not. The policy has changed. The Noakurio army will attack the king's capital once and for all."


Erminio woke himself up listening attentively.

"Hey, you want to defeat" Princess Rose of Grief, "don't you?

To Morgana's inquiry, Erminio says nothing.

The silence was affirmative.

Erminio assumed the escort of Marquis Edfeld because he expected "Princess Rose of Grievances” to come.

Seriously, Marquis Edfeld, etc. shouldn't matter.

"If the Noakurio Army were to return," Princess Rose of Grief "would attack, but on the contrary, the Noakurio Army would attack the King's Capital from now on, wouldn't it?

When that happens, the "Princess Rose of Grievances” will be caged in the king's capital to consolidate her protection. You're not going to show up as an escort. Still, the Marquis won't let you go, just in case. "

"I mean, maybe there 'll be a fight in my strange place..."

"The Noaculio Army wants to ask the" Decisive Droet ”for a job. I once infiltrated the King's Capital and bought the strength that came back even if I didn't say I was safe.

The Noaculio Army will provide full support during the investigation. We'll accommodate the supplies we need, and if we don't have enough, we're going to get paid.

If you're the only ones who can pick up "Princess Rose of Grievances”, fine. I want you to explore the situation in the King's capital before the Noakurio army arrives even if it's not "

Erminio put his arms together and looked like he was conceiving.

He is a greedy quality to gain fame. Apparently, "Princess Rose of Grievances” also has personal grudges.

The battle is over somewhere while I'm the Marquis' watchdog, what a thing to avoid.

"When the main unit arrives, they will rendezvous, and in the siege battle, they will be hit by a guerrilla attack. It's your job to fight Princess Rose in Grief at the end of the day when Zako and the others have been exposed."

"I see, that would be exactly the role I deserve. But..."

Erminio's eyes look to Morgana.

Elminio, who sat down somewhere, and Morgana, who poked his wand. The gaze is about the same height, but still the gaze of the Erminio is more dazzling than the height.

I was accustomed to looking down on people, the kind of person who has lived that way since birth.

"Why are you the only technical advisor who talks about it? I don't suppose we're going to be talking about this on your own?

Around here, Erminio is also a fool, but not without thought.

I thought it would be a good idea for Erminio to say Morgana.

"If you don't believe me, ask the general. If you're going to join us, you're going to need our next operation, so we'll see you soon."

"Then wouldn't it be polite to come to me from there?

"Aye, you're right. Let's call it."

When Morgana agreed to the two replies, Erminio laughed and nodded sarcastically all the time saying, 'You just have to be that bad from the start'.

"And keep this matter to the Marquis Edfeld."

When Morgana told him to stab the nail, Erminio was surprised.

"Because you're trying to hold me back?

"No, no. Marquis Edfeld still thinks the Noakurio army is retreating.

He's going to accompany His Highness Zislan to the Noakurio Army, and they're both going to escape to Wesara.

If I could see it, I wouldn't have stopped. … at least until you supply me with supplies for the march. "

"Ha! My hipster!

... Fair enough. You were right to speak to me, Holy Beast.

“Decisive Droet," even if it necessarily defeats "Princess Rose of Grievance."

Erminio was full of confidence and leeway.

I don't see that happening, like, in response to faith or for people. Erminio just takes it for granted that he wins and deserves it, with fame in his hands as a result.

stupidity indeed. But it is also preferable if we go to battle for God as a result of that stupidity.

Everyone doesn't have to be smart. Because there are also traitors like Patrick, who are strangely clever and contrary to God's way. That would be better if there were more fools in the world.

The gods were admonished against the people to lie and deceive.

But what is the problem with tricking the unbelievers into working for God?

And deceiving the fool is very easy.

"We attack the king's capital more than this."

When Patrick said that, the army executives gathered at the military conference on the tent looked taken lightly.

Supply units were destroyed and stockpiles burned. The morale of the entire front-line unit is also in a state of being connected by a piece of neck skin at a critical point where it can be controlled.

Even if you think about it, 'wait for replenishment or retreat' and there's no way you're going out of here on offense... it was supposed to be.

But if they even said, 'Successful retransport and the supply troops will catch up soon,' they seemed to have no choice but to believe it anymore, and they didn't seem to feel comfortable, but they did.

Either way, they don't have a choice. What happens if I go home on my own against Patrick's life?

Not if they just pursue their responsibilities when they get back to the country.

It's only traveling in small numbers, and if a demon (including, of course, "Princess Rose of Grievances” or her army) strikes me, there's not a single one.

In the end, the army set out to move west.

Talks of attacking the Wang capital soon spread, and the camp will have a deliberate atmosphere.

Still, no one tried to disobey.

At least, some of the Noaculio army.

"General! What is this!

Marks, who had been transformed into a knight of Noaculio and had been distracted within the army.

He yelled into Patrick's place after most of the Noaculio army had unpacked and pulled off the formation, and the troops had begun marching.

The tip of the array leaving the enclosure of the camp is clearly heading west. Have you seen that, or heard rumors about those around you?

Patrick was one of the few remaining tents where he was just drinking tea as a short break until it was his turn to leave.

Morgana stood still in the corner behind the tent, not doing anything in particular, and Marks had an unpleasant sweat erupting the moment he saw it.

"Why are the Noakurio army headed west!

"As you can see. Our Noakurio army dares attack the King's capital more than this."

It was something Patrick with a cup of tea said away without any evil, so Marks had nothing else to say for the duration of the inch than to say no.

"Wasn't it a retreat! We should head to Wesara together......!

"Things have changed."

"Oh no! So what do we do..."

"Unfortunately, it is impossible to escort you to Wesara. But when it comes to attacking our king's capital," Princess Rose of Grievances ”will not lead the army to Taylakaine. Wish us victory in the city. I'd appreciate it if you could help me..."

"... I can't, that's not true..."

I was going to hold my head.

The "decisive droet” that I should have hired to escort had also disappeared somehow.

What should I do if I start doing things that I don't know how to do until the Noaculio army?

"I know with regret that it has taken a deceitful form.

But I am sure that what I do is also for this country. "

Seeing Patrick say soggy, Marks was in the cold comfort of his liver.

Weird. I do look like Patrick and talk in Patrick's voice, but I just think of him as someone else. I don't think the story makes sense.

In other words, it is unnatural to attack the King's capital here.

Who seems happy to do that?

Bite your lips.

And Marks inspired himself.

"Find out."

One of the knights under his command came into the tent from behind. It's not so-called knight armor, it's a man wearing a surgical coat (robe) that resembles a surcoat.

Most knights are left for Taylakaine defense, but he could use sacred magic, so he was supposed to be associated for himself and Zislan.

The knight has something like a basin carved with holy marks and demonic squares. It's a magic item called "The Sleeping Eye."

This is a tool for examining the magic that dwelled in living beings and their holy evil. It was brought as a tool for alerting Lebnand to detect the undead, due to reports that Lebnand was out in the Wang capital.

But contrary to the undead, we can also find an unusual saintly 'man without man'.

At the time the Noaculio army started making strange moves, Marks had the feeling of 'no more'.

I was talking to Patrick, and my suspicions deepened.

"What are you going to do with this?

"General. I want to get certainty that you are you"

"... I'm not kidding. It could be an insult to the kingdom of Noaculio."

When I hear the word insult to the country, a knight with a 'fine sleeping divine eye' frightens me.

Marks, too, was lost at this moment. He said he could break the relationship with Noakurio if he didn't suspect the commander of the marching unit. Marks' own position would also be very poor.


Marks was no longer comfortable rolling him off even from the top of the mountain.

What if Marks is doing exactly what he's concerned about? Even a little hope will be lost.

Right now, I'm the only one who can protect Ciel-Teira...!

"If it was a mistake, I'd give it to you in my arms, my legs, my neck! Find out now!

When Marks ordered, the knight reacted as if struck by lightning and threw the silver wire connected to the basin-shaped body at Patrick's sight.

Patrick tries to pay for it.

It's like an adult doing a power comparison with a child.

I'm distressed not to show my original power, and it seems like I'm clumsy because of it.

A silver wire wraps Patrick's arm around him.

Then, all 20 stones embedded in the disc emitted the light of Baihui.


"Impossible, something like this! Out of measurement range! There can't be a human being living in such a holy spirit in his body!

"Holy Beast! You did it!!

Marks drew his sword reflexively and poked it at Morgana.

Morgana stood still with a calm expression, not even a small shake.

Morgana is sanctifying and manipulating Patrick...

It was only natural that Marks came to the idea. Anyway, it's the same thing we did against Zislan.

Hearing Marks yell, a few knights who were waiting outside step in. It's Marks' gesture that was supposed to take him to Wesara.

"Pull and capture. No!! I don't care if the Holy Beast shows suspicious movement, snap your neck immediately!

"Oh, boy. We can't have less soldiers here."

A rope is struck by Morgana, and Patrick wraps a chain of misrils around him. In addition, Morgana was hung by monkey grooves with demonic sealing power. Morgana can move the Holy Beast by ultra-short telepathy or oral order. If we seal her voice and magic, she will be unable to move the Holy Beast.

The two (or one with one) unexpectedly did not resist at all.

"Touch the perimeter! Make them stop marching! This general is a fake!

Inside Marks was the relief of being stuck on a cliff and the impatience that the situation had gotten worse than assumed.

What is God? What is Baptism? Aren't you just a lunatic?

Morgana was still smiling calmly.

That was hateful to Marks, and creepy.

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