From Eltarev, the realm capital of Count Keeley's territory, to Taylakaine, it was normally about a three-day itinerary.

However, if you try to get the shortest distance, you will really pass the Wang Capital.

That's too dangerous to think of, so Oswald was set to take the northbound route. Along the way you will have trouble with the presence of the Marquis of Alawen and Count Tudor, who will spend six days exchanging opinions, etc. on your way to Taylakaine.

Not only did he meet two people on the way, but Oswald had contacted several of the Hordes in advance. Each had an idea, but many cared less about Zislan's thoughts.

Meet with Zislan, supposedly running for Crown Prince, and explore its sincerity.

Oswald is like heading to Taylakaine on behalf of the people who were anti-Hilbertos.

- Some people don't seem to think so... at all. Seems like he hated me a lot for one of those meetings.

Instead of sighing, Oswald glanced at the ceiling of the inn.

This is Count Hensley territory, the accomodation town of Tulho. It rents out the finest of several inns lined up. If it's true, I also missed Count Hensley on the road, but he refused.

Count Hensley was an anti-Hilberto, as was Oswald. But Oswald seems to consider himself a traitor for expressing his agreement with Zislan.

Well, it wasn't stopped until it passed through the realm.

- Is this really correct?

Not many times, Oswald asked himself.

Emotionally, I find it difficult to cooperate with Marquis Edfeld's pushing dyslan, for example. There is also a shadow of Noaculio behind it. But Zislan is only about to become the Crown Prince and king by orthodox procedure. How can we stop it?

That would be good to have another Crown Prince candidate and set up majoritarian work for the Council of the Hordes to decide on the Crown Prince. But it's a different story if we can stop Zislan and the Marquis Edfeld. Marquis Edfeld, with the Kingdom of Noaculio and the majority of the marquis on his side, may I say that he now holds the political power of Ciel-Teira in his hand. Oswald is therefore weaving in the reign of Zislan.

-... what happens to this country as a result? What's our position?

No, thank you. It wasn't like this either. Without the people, there is no country, without the country, there is no people. We must dedicate a new Siel-Teira to the people who have lost their country!

At that time, the door was knocked modestly and Oswald returned from the maze of thought.

"Excuse me. We have received a communication from the Marquis of Alawen."

"Get in."

One of my accompanying servants comes and hands me an envelope from the sealed communications bureau.

Oswald immediately opened it.

Simply encrypted communication text so as not to override the communication officer who writes the communication.

That wasn't even bad news, but it was enough for Oswald to hold his head.

The Counts were gathered in front of a fireplace in the Inn's dining room and colloquium.

In addition to Oswald, Hadley, Steve, Priscilla and Catherine.

Trevor, his eldest son, keeps him away as Oswald's nominee in the territory.

It's a spring day yang. A fireplace with a flame of color that reminds me of the whole place.

The dining room, lined with cute painting plates, landscape paintings by unnamed artists and calm atmosphere conditioning, would otherwise be a space for relaxation and banqueting, but the air was strained like a trampled snow.

"You said the Noaculio army was hit?

"Oh. This way, I got my reward.

The supply unit that was headed this way from home is devastated. Yesterday, moreover, a front-line unit that was stationed in Taylakaine was ambushed, killing and injuring dozens of soldiers. They burned down the food. "

"" Princess Rose of Grief ”...

Look at that, Noaculio, but... is something wrong?

Hadley was frowning at Steve's words without clothes on his teeth.

Raid on the Noaculio army by “Princess Rose of Grievances". From the way you force the bleeding to exhaust with guerrilla tactics, you can see that you are one or other militant. I'd say it's more of a threat than Oswald assumed. But that's not the point.

"He said the Noaculio army has decided to withdraw the majority of its troops.

He also went into preparation for the Marquis of Berger to hold the Crown Prince. Some have observed that they have already attached a bond to interact with the Federation. "

Oswald spoke at once of the main points of the communication.

It was Hadley who swallowed things the earliest while they were together.

"Father. Isn't this country... divided into two parts"

With a blue face, Hadley says in a trembling voice.

"... Hey brother, why don't you explain what you mean?

"Use your head a little, Steve. Marquis Berger is willing to give back what Marquis Edfeld did by slapping him as he did.

If the Noakurio army were to withdraw, Gilleshhattar would make some proper excuse and pour in the army to be replaced. Supporting and policing refugees, and protecting people from demons. To hold Siel-Teira militarily. And to earn the trust of the people, to be the back shield of the new Crown Prince.

Eventually, by reinstating the king of the Federation, we intend to make it a stepping stone to re-establish relations with Ciel-Teira. "

"So long live, then."

"But the Marquis Edfeld and His Royal Highness Zislan can't retreat anymore!

Have you forgotten the information that Marquis Edfeld is in contact with Diretta?

Nor would Noaculio have given up Gracerm. Support for the Marquis Edfeld should continue even once he leaves the army.

His Royal Highness Zislan was originally the next Crown Prince, and should have been nothing more than a blossom to try and make other candidates.... if that balance turns upside down. It could be antagonistic like this!

Even if the Crown Prince were to decide at the Council of the Horses, it was decided by a critical majority that it would not fit in first. If they are bad, they will break the kingdom in two. In some cases… "

Hadley says while in the inch. As if the moment I put it in my mouth, I fear that it will become a certainty for the future.

"It can also be a civil war. Gilleschhatar and Noaculio Diletta are attached to each other."

"... you're lying"

"This is only the worst assumption. It is possible that once the lords attached to His Highness Zislan will flatten their hands simultaneously and that Noakurio will no longer be able to reach them."

"What do we do, Father? Do you still want to go home?

In fact, Oswald thought about it, too. But there's nothing we can do about it when we get home. It's not the beast that the hunter chases me and runs away with his head stuck in the nest hole.

"No. Because this is the time, I have to ask His Highness Zislan more and more what he thinks.

You'll have to figure out which one to give it to, and it could be the material to convince everyone. "

Which way should this country go?

What will be best for the people?

We have to figure that out.

"And as far as I'm concerned, I'd very much like to meet Bertil Lagerbeck, the Second Knight Commander who's in Taylakaine right now.

He said he wanted to hear about Catherine. "

Catherine, still sitting on Priscilla's lap, nods.

When Catherine said she wanted to accompany her, Oswald naturally vehemently disagreed.

Or everyone who was on the spot disagreed. Demons, bandits, troops of the "Princess Rose of Grievances”, on the road you don't know what will strike you.

But he said, 'It's safer to follow your father than to stay in the realm!' There was also a point in Catherine's words.

Neither the guardianship of the robust castle nor the knights who defend the territory… it would not be sufficient if "Princess Rose of Grievances” were the opponent. She fell even to the king's capital, Tayral Aale.

In fact, the lords who gave Hilberto are being crushed in every order. If “Princess Rose of Grievances” cares about that, it will blow up even tomorrow, such as Count Keeley's territory.

Additionally, when Oswald put in a correspondence to Bertil in Taylakaine to talk to him, he leaked a story that Catherine wanted to follow, and Bertil said he wanted to hear about Catherine.

This was the situation where you said you pushed Catherine's back, or you couldn't stop and allowed her to accompany you.

"I too would like to hear from His Excellency the Second Knights about that day.

... I don't know who dies when. I don't want to miss the opportunity. "

I watched Catherine say that with a serious face, and Oswald was as comfortable as he was with his neck tightened.

Since that day Catherine has been investigating “Princess Rose of Grievances”.

Aside from listening to the refugees, go to the Adventurer Alliance library and take the books out of Oswald's study.

There was something impatient about that appearance.

I remember scholars telling me that certain species of fish suffocate to death if they don't keep swimming. There was such tension from Katherine today that she said that if she stopped acting, her soul would die.

But disturbingly, Oswald didn't want to stop Katherine.

Some of the daughters, captured by the “Princess Rose of Grievances" in the Wang capital and freed and fled, say that they broke their hearts and could no longer lead a normal life. By comparison, Catherine seems safe, and Oswald thought it would be distracting if you let her do what she wants.

"Count, may I?"

"Now what?"

My servant rang from across the door. He was a voice with a puzzled complexion.

"... that, named the Second Knights, suddenly appeared and followed you..."

"Second Knights......?

Hadley parrots back at a surprising rate.

The Second Knights are talking about a minor survival escape with Captain Bertil to Taylakaine.

That's why you're in such a place.

Oswald quickly glanced at Hadley and Steve.

It means if you're suspicious, deal with it.

"Let it pass."


A knight shows up at the entrance to the dining room for almost no time after his servant responds.

Lightly armed with some parts removed from full body armor. Other than the chest armor and helmets, he looks like a tight chainmail, and knights sometimes dress like this in a compromise between ease of movement and combat, such as when marching through a dangerous zone where demons emerge. Probably came all the way up here wearing cold gear from this top.

The knight in light armor had a thin, supple body reminiscent of a whip.

"I'll catch your eye first, Count Keeley"

A husky woman's voice echoed from the gap in her full face helmet.

"The Knights of the Royal Palace of Siel-Teira, Khaya Runner, affiliated with the Second Knights.

With the life of the Second Knight Commander, Bertil Lagerbeck, I will now be your escort to the city of Taylakaine. "

The lady knight, with her hound-like eyes and whip-like body, gave a completely indispensable salute by lifting the face covering of her helmet with her fingertips.

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