"What?" the

sea looked at the message from Weimar incredulously.

There is also such a thing!

A fourth-level steel war scorpion almost collapsed Andermai City, if a fifth-level alien beast came, it would not directly destroy the heavens and the earth.

"Weimar, contact Daniel Zhang immediately, meet you there, and I'll be there in a moment." With

that, the sea turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly, he thought of something again and stopped.

"Everyone, evacuate the city wall, there will be a high-level beast attacking the city soon, you go down and hide first.

After saying that, regardless of the reaction of the others, he turned and ran in the direction of Weimar.

"Brother Dahai, what can I do?

Weimar sat anxiously on the rampart and brushed his hair.

The sea chief took a breath and tried to calm himself.

"Now evacuate the people on the city walls and let them hide in the city, and we will deal with this strange beast.

Weimar stood up abruptly, shook the hand of the sea, and said excitedly.

"The sea, you can't be impulsive. It's a fifth-level alien beast, and I heard that if it's placed in some mature towns, it's also a natural disaster. The

sea withdrew his hand in disgust, Weimar had just finished his hair, and the oil in his hand.

"You don't have to worry about this, we have a solution.

Weimar was afraid of the sea, so he lowered his head and thought for a moment, as if he had made up his mind, and gritted his teeth.

"Otherwise, let's be a vassal of other towns. At the very least, we can all survive. "

What did you say?" asked

the sea, puzzled.

Weimar smiled wryly.

"Actually, I've always had high-ranking towns send me private messages saying they'd help me, but only if the whole town becomes their vassal.

Telling this secret, Weimar seemed to let go of the boulder in his heart, leaned against the city wall, and continued.

"I refused at the beginning. Because I've heard from other adventurers that being a vassal of another town is like being a slave. Only by working hard every day can I get a bite to eat, and those who resist can only be evicted, and I don't want the town I worked so hard to build become like this. But ...... "

the sea did not expect such a relationship between towns and towns, and came to Weimar.

"Weimar, you are doing the right thing, we are not slaves and do not want to be slaves. Trust us and we'll defeat the beast and build the city for you. Now you go and evacuate the people right away.

Weimar was about to say something, but was rudely interrupted by the sea.

"Go, it's an order. Weimar

had to do just that.

After sending Weimar away, the sea turned to look at Yang Xin and Daniel Zhang.

"What do you think.

Daniel Zhang stopped a beast skin skirt on his waist and said indifferently.

"What do you think, when you come, you will fight. It's best to come to the first fire beast. The

sea looked at Yang Xin again.

Yang Xin thought about it seriously before saying solemnly.

"Last time on the wall of Andermai, we have all seen the attacks of fourth-level alien beasts, and fifth-level alien beasts are definitely even more powerful. Therefore, our kind of city wall will not play any role at all.

The sea nodded in agreement

, he had just thought of this problem, so he asked Weimar to evacuate everyone in advance.

looked at the endless Gobi Desert under the city wall, and said word by word.

"Let's go down and fight it. The

sea also agrees with Yang Xin's opinion, since the city wall is no longer effective, then put the battlefield in the open Gobi.

"Daniel Zhang, can your power armor still work?"

Daniel Zhang reluctantly took out the metal plate from his backpack, stroked the scratches on it with his hand, and said distressedly.

"What can be used is that it can be used, but it can't withstand too much attack.

Yang Xin looked disgusted for a while, and said angrily.

"Don't be stingy, when you get rid of this beast, you'll be able to ride in the Flame Chariot.

As soon as he heard that he could make a flame chariot, Daniel Zhang immediately became interested and immediately started to transform.

Yang Xin ordered directly.

"For a while, you will be in charge of attracting the attention of the beasts, and I will be the main attack with the sea.

Daniel Zhang's voice came from inside the clockwork goblin.

"Guaranteed to get the job done. "

Let's go!"

Inside the city, Weimar tried hard to persuade everyone.

"Listen to me, my brother will surely be able to defeat the beast. Those of us who go up are also sent to death. A

lame townsman slowly stepped forward and whispered to Weimar.

"City Lord, you just let us go up, you also said just now, it is a fifth-level alien beast, we don't want to watch our hard-working home be destroyed in the hands of alien beasts, and we will die, and we will die on the way to fight against alien beasts.

Listening to the man's words, Weimar also wavered a little.

To be honest, this month, everyone is really busy day and night.

Seeing that the fruits of one's labor are about to go down the drain, whoever is left there will be anxious.

But now Weimar has no choice but to pin all his hopes on the three of them.

Fearing that the aftermath of the battle would destroy the city wall, the three of them deliberately walked an extra distance and put the battlefield on the Gobi Desert.

It was already noon, but the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the ground was still dark.

The sea stretched out its hand, and large snowflakes began to fall from the sky.

"Roar!" a

loud sound came from the depths of the Gobi Desert.

Several people looked up.

A "big mountain" came out of the snow.


sand on the ground was shaken off the ground with the sound of a sound.

The sea looked at the monster walking in the distance and swallowed unconsciously.

It's really a big mountain.

A stone man of more than 50 meters walked slowly towards the three of them, and the sound of "dong dong" was the sound of its footsteps falling to the ground.

"Big ...... The sea, we want to ...... Do you want to fight with this thing?"

Daniel Zhang, who was originally full of spirits, was also stupid when he saw a monster of this level.

Although Yang Xin was also surprised by the size of this strange beast, she was the fastest to react.

"Change the plan, everyone pay attention to their own safety, contain this strange beast, and see if you can lure this strange beast away.

Yang Xin also knew that it would be no problem for them to deal with this strange beast now, so they could only try to delay the time and survive the 24 hours.

The sea searched with the smart watch in his hand and found that it did not contain the information of this strange beast.

With a scolding scold, he pulled out his Gauss rifle and prepared to fight.

The stone man seemed to be walking slowly, but every step it took crossed a very large distance, and in the blink of an eye, it approached a few people.

The three of them tilted their heads, feeling the pressure of the stone-man approaching up close.

More than 50 meters tall, placed in the Blue Star, that is a 16-storey building.

When you are faced with a 16-story building, everyone will have a sense of powerlessness.

Yang Xin looked at the stone giant who was getting closer and closer with vigilance.

Suddenly, she felt as if the air around her had become a little thicker, and her body had become unusually heavy.

"Not good, everyone, pay attention, there is a gravitational field around Golem's body. "

Roar!" As

soon as Yang Xin finished speaking, the stone giant suddenly raised his hands.

A boulder condensed in the air, and then, overwhelmingly, smashed towards the three of them.

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