Chapter 179: Creating a Local Legend part 2

Once he put his hand over that faintly red crystal, it shone immediately with a bright red color. Once that light shone, Ibro felt a strong traction force that sucked all the energy that was inside his body. 

What he noticed was that suction force didn't distinguish between his own energy and the energy he absorbed from a while. 

All his energy had left his own body and floated around him. Ibro opened his eyes and watched all the different energies that were around him. 

That was not the end. This ball's radiated red light had started to merge with his energies. Although his powers were outside his body, he could still feel them. 

He could sense their vitality, eagerness for more power and their different characteristics. They were like different persons, each with different personalities and desires. 

When this red foreign light invaded his powers, he felt hostility at once. That red light intended to harm his powers. 

He didn't know how or why, but he acted at once. He tried to move his powers back to his body but he failed. He started to retaliate. 

His energies began to surround that alien energy and started to invade it instead. It was a battle of attrition; the last man standing won it all. 

At the beginning, Ibro's energies maintained a balanced struggle with this alien energy, but with time Ibro felt he was losing. 

This alien energy was still emanating from this crystal without stop. Ibro glanced towards the root of his troubles with hatred and anger. 

He didn't feel himself but he put the second hand strongly over this crystal. His anger drove different kind of energy to appear. 

This intelligence energy was a truly alien energy in this world. So its appearance changed the equation at once. 

His intelligence energy began to invade that alien red energy without mercy. It didn't stop there as it invaded that crystal at the same time. 

Ibro's main stat was Intelligence so he had a huge reserve of it. In seconds, that crystal started to issue multiple creaking sounds and small cracks began to show up on its surface. 

Before the passage of one minute, this whole crystal exploded into tiny bits. All the energy stored in it tried to escape to cause a massive explosion, but Ibro's different energies didn't let an ounce to leak. 

He absorbed it all. His powers began to regress again to his body carrying their trophies back to his body. Once each energy entered his body, he felt a huge boost in all his strengths. 

Ibro opened his eyes and looked back towards the peak masters. All of them showed shocked expressions on their faces without any exception. 

Even that distasteful shameless stony peak master was showing the same expression. Ibro didn't stay in his place as he moved at once towards the last test area. 

He didn't know what to do with all these small floating balls, but once he entered their range they started to move faster. 

They started to rotate around him in the center like they were worshiping him. Ibro felt his own energies were resonating with these balls. 

Wisps of energies started to emerge from his body to turn into dragons. Each dragon opened its mouth and started to chase one ball at a time trying to swallow it. 

The balls speed was really fast and its reaction was superb. Not a single ball was eaten by these five dragons even after a few minutes. 

He started to feel tired. He looked towards these sneaky balls in frustration. He couldn't move to attack them nor could he control his own five dragons to target one ball at a time.

"Thank heaven he can't pass that test. Each ball of them had immense strength. 

If he managed to absorb even one ball, his future will be boundless," that relieved hateful voice of the stony peak master reverberated through the plaza. 

When Ibro heard him he felt more anger from these balls. Suddenly he felt the Intelligence energy in his mind resonate with his anger and hatred. 

He didn't know why but every time he felt negative emotions this energy appeared. Was it because he was a dark magician from the start? 

He didn't have time to mind this issue right now. He let that door in his mind open to its full and allowed for this Intelligence energy to appear. 

Another dragon appeared from the top of his head. It was huge. It was dark purple in color. It was majestic. It looked over these tiny balls in disdain as if he was an emperor looking over lowly ants. 

At once this dragon roared with a mighty high pitched sound. That majestic sound caused these small balls to stop in their tracks. They were weakling afraid of the presence of mighty predators.

"Oh heavens, it's a dragon roar phenomenon," that wasn't a single exclamation of surprise, shock, excitement, and fear that appeared in the wide plaza. 

Ibro didn't have time to think about all these sounds as he was watching his five dragons attacking these paralyzed balls one by one. 

Each ball one of his dragons absorbed was accompanied by massive energy flow into his body. He felt his body was about to explode.

'Emperor Might Order 'has been activated. Please, system holder, maintain your calm and try to absorb as many powers as you can. System will help guide and store these energies for future uses.'

'It's easy for you to say this, I'm the one in pain here,' Ibro exclaimed with a painful tone in reply to this system words.

'No pain no gain system holder. Try to sustain as much as possible.'

Ibro didn't have any strength left to argue with that damn system. 

He really missed his dear Dronil. He started to hold back his pain and focused over following his dragons eating one ball after another without stop. 

These hungry beasts were feasting without mercy over these balls. Each time one ball tried to move, that huge majestic dragon over his head looked at it. 

One glance was enough to paralyze it and let it surrender to its fate. After one minute, Ibro felt he had exceeded his limits by far. 

His pain had started to make his mind numb. If this continued he would lose his consciousness again. He gritted his teeth trying to distract that pain. 

He even looked at that stony peak master in the eyes trying to use his hatred to keep himself sober. After another thirty seconds, Ibro couldn't hold it back anymore. 

He roared like a heavily injured beast. That roar disturbed the ongoing feast. All his dragons stopped what they were doing at once and retreated in a tacit move. 

They entered his body in no time and resided back inside his different parts. The only dragon that kept presence was the majestic dark purple Intelligence dragon. 

Ibro looked at it in the eyes and felt weird. That dragon was showing human expression on his big face. It was a look of disdain. 

It was as if it was in discontent with Ibro. Although the extreme pain had ceased a lot, it didn't stop at all. It kept pulsating all the time which was like continuous torture to Ibro. 

That dragon looked at these tiny balls around him and then it roared loudly. It opened its huge mouth and sucked all these balls into its belly. 

Ibro felt an electric shock all over his body then he lost his consciousness again.

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