Reading the Spirit of Restoration, Reincarnation of Granddaughter Turns Me Down – Chapter 78

Third Grade Martial Artist cultivation, now stay here for a while.
Regardless of the great cloud army, it is still a folk martial artist waiting (of all kinds). They are all phoenixes, given to Nhan Trung Long Phuong!
In the army, at this level of cultivation, the distance from the generals is not far away.
For example, now that the second group of martial arts high schools, the third grade of martial arts cultivation can be the principal. As a principal, his status was not low.
Thanks to Van Thanh, the university’s martial arts won the most fame.
Everyone just discovered the scary place of martial arts high school. The status of many high school principals in martial arts has increased a lot. Of course, taking on this position is a powerhouse!
It can only be said that this one position is more and more important compared to the frontt much! The first group of martial arts at the Third Grade Martial Artist High School couldn’t find how many people came.
Some people are even afraid because the school management will miss the practice. For the principal in charge, do not pay attention!
However, the second group of martial arts high school said that it caused many 3rd grade Martial Artists to compete for the top. Obviously, a lot of them have idea principals.
Mostly, people still see the benefits at the same time.
For example, there are so many graduated Martial Artists from that high school of martial arts. It’s every network of relationships!
The first group of Spiritual Qi restores Martial Artist, but it is very precious. Someone witnessed this point and wanted to take advantage.
It’s just that although everyone is competing, Da Yun is also not a fool. Strict selection!
Covering the context of all aspects want to do the investigation.
Along with each year, there will be an examination of the martial arts high school.
If a student’s cultivation progress is too slow, then the principal is the first person responsible. This is also a threat to retreat many Martial Artists!
After all, it is not that all three Martial Artists are knowledgeable in teaching and learning. Don’t look at Van Thanh’s martial arts university on the surface of competition.
In fact, An Huyen’s inner self is a training method for each disciple. This is the key university of Van Thanh martial arts!
The list of Third Grade Martial Artists is finally announced under the situation of tens of thousands of people. Compared to the second grade Martial Artist, the number of third grade Martial Artist is less.
Possibly less than 200!
Dispersion of such places is less.
“These three third-grade martial artists have already stood at a relatively high position in the Great Clouds.”
“Most of them still come from the great clouds in the army!”
“But there are still many great cloudsSoldiers outside the Martial Artist, let your eyes shine.”
“The Great Cloud Army is outside, the highest ranking must be the Goddess scene!”
“It’s over, I, this city, is at the top of the third grade, and the third grade is still not on the board!!”
. .
The whole crowd of people are talking loudly! Some people dare to be emotional, some people are happy.
Other than that, there are a few people who are looking for a lot of school principals’ identities. In the third grade of Martial Artist, the ranking above is ranked at the top!
The principal of the martial arts school, Van Thanh, was a martial artist who used to follow Duong Chinh Tu at the side of a martial artist. Third grade high level cultivation, ranked fifty-nine in the Ranking!
This one is said to be, it’s not bad!
Anyway, don’t forget, this time, it’s more than a hundred university seats. The same makes Van Thanh very concerned!
Because if it is enough blood and blood, many people definitely do not want to leave Van Thanh. and An Minh Nguyet said, it was ranked third!
There is no mistake, the third three qualities.
An Minh Nguyet, Van Thanh martial arts union president, An Thi disciple, martial arts talent is amazing. Once killed not only one head of the third grade of strange beast, now the cultivation level of the third grade is at the peak. The distance of the same Four Ranks is not very far!
This is the chart described above, but it is to make everyone excited for Van Thanh. If this is a breakthrough, then Van Thanh has three middle-class Martial Artists. Moreover, this is also the highest ranked Yuncheng once!
In front of the first and second grade inside the Ranking, Van Thanh is on the famous board.
However, the rank is not that high. Moreover, the metal content is not the same as !
“Ming Yue, this strength is actually calculated.”
An Huyen looked at the list with emotion and said.
I can’t help it in my headShow up Duong Chinh Tu’s image.
Regarding his own niece’s intelligence, if it wasn’t for Yang Zhengxiu’s handwriting, he wouldn’t believe it.
After all, only Duong Chinh Tu, the first class martial artist, can accurately perceive the strength of An Minh Nguyet. About to break through the Fourth Grade, this assessment may not be arbitrary.
Three products and four products said at the same time, but there is a huge difference.
Obviously, Duong Chinh Tu feels that An Minh Nguyet’s spirit and will are different from above. Just got a comment! For this time, An Huyen, on the other hand, said nothing more.
His An family did not want to dominate Van Thanh and cut off the Great Cloud. If you know your strength, you will know it!
What’s more, An Minh Nguyet’s strength allows light to be absorbed, and also helps An Thi.
Compared to the one-sided boss, An Huyen is still more interested in creating a long-standing inheritance of the Martial Dao Family. Although An Thi can be counted with the Martial Dao Family, it is still not enough.
“Shouldn’t some of these boys be urged to get married?”
“It’s not as bad as being in front of a Five Great Hall.”
An Huyen could not help but silently think.
Fortunately, An Huyen quickly did not have many tangerines.
As for Van Thanh, which is very familiar to An Minh Nguyet, third-ranked An Minh Nguyet is equally excited! As time passed, the list of Four Grade Martial Artists came out the same way.
Van Thanh didn’t need many words, he was a great man in Duong Chinh Tu’s army. Ranked with the thirtieth list of people!
This is already considered not bad, after all, it was not mentioned in front of Yuncheng.
In the Great Clouds in the Army of the Four Martial Artists, roughly 50 names were placed there. Going to Van Thanh behind the progress, but not small.
At least Duong Chin Tu was very satisfied!
The list of four products is not the same as before, that is, even 100 people cannot contribute enough. Also only ninety people!
In other words, if An Minh Nguyet broke through, he would be able to directly climb the list of Fourth Grade. You must know that the great city master is not so perfect.
Although the Southwest city master is relatively few, if this master is because of the original Sham Lam, there are many. There are many strange beasts, so there are not many main cities.
However, the main city in the central region of the city is not a few. This is a relatively safe place in some contrasting places.
The reason why there are a few areas in Da Yun here, the number of city owners is not small. Covering a group of people’s mouths, they all moved here a little.
Of course, above the leaderboard, the most people noticed, it is still the star outside of the great cloud. It’s just that there are only four!
In front of the first grade, second grade, third grade, on the contrary, the list can still hold a lot of weight. But when it comes to Four Products, it’s not much.
An Xuan, on the other hand, can explain that many of the scattered people were originally absorbed into the Great Cloud Army. At the front of the resurgent Spirit Qi, a personal ascetic!
Where there are so many great cloud troops, the inheritance of resources and the experts discuss.
In this place, the gap has been drawn, and it is not easy to catch up behind. .
People In The World Of Cultivators, With Everyone Can Divide Five Years
In this world, no one can make fun of me, only I go to make fun of others!!!

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