Ride and Cut

Chapter 24: The accident came too fast like a tornado

   The summer in the wilderness is far less intense than Pompeii. It is only hot for a while at noon on a sunny day, and it is still cool at other times.

   The shadow of the war had little effect on the Alpine Fort.

   Guard soldiers followed Gunther and Hutt all day long, sweating on the training ground, and in the evening they sneaked into the river to bathe in groups. The barbarians used to be tribal hunters, and the centaur was once a steppe herder. Although they belong to a natural and powerful race, they also need a lot of training to become a real professional warrior.

   There is no need for Richard to worry about these things, but he took a break, and squatted by the river all day, watching the second general Humha happily scooping up pebbles from the river.

   When he is in a good mood, he will give him more dried meat, and the two giants will kiss his boots gratefully, and become more interested.

  This abnormal behavior aroused Annie's idea, and she finally couldn't help but ask: "Master Richard, what do you want so many pebbles for?"

   "I'm going to pave the bottom of the stream on the mound. The water flowing over the colorful pebbles must be beautiful. Then the two sides will be transplanted with wattle flowers. When you are fine, you can sit by and drink tea."

   The answer was far beyond Annie's expectations. She didn't expect that the rough embryo in front of her had such a delicate side. The blood of the elves flowing in the veins makes the half-elves' nature advocating exquisite and beautiful things, and it is also pleasing to see Richard.

   "My lord, among the pioneering aristocrats I have seen, there are many who are obsessed with military or business, but you are the first to manage the garden with a leisurely feeling."

   Just as Richard was about to speak, a sound of horseshoes from far and near broke the tranquility of the afternoon.

  The flat terrain will not block the line of sight, and you can see two human cavalry rushing all the way towards the alpine fort when you look up.

   Richard's eyes were far better than those of ordinary people. He could clearly see that the face and chest of one cavalry were covered with blood, and the other had a spear stuck in his back and he was lying on the saddle without knowing his life or death.

   He put **** in his mouth and blew a loud whistle. The Ehter, who was training, immediately rushed up with a few centaur, and while running, he fetched a feather from the quiver and put it on the bowstring.

   Now the distance between the two sides is about five hundred yards, they are quickly approaching in opposite directions, and after a few breaths, they will enter the appropriate firing distance. With centaur archery, two cavalry will instantly become hedgehogs.

   "Wait a minute!" Annie's face suddenly became very pale-the half-elf's eyesight was also very good, and she could see clearly what Richard could see.

   "This is the mercenary cavalry of our Woya firm!"

   There was another whistle, and the centaur put away its bow and arrow, stopped and turned, making a big circle and returning to the foot of the hill with the two cavalry.

   The horseshoe hasn't stopped, and Annie's mercenaries have taken the injured cavalry down to take care of them. The other was obviously dead for the time being and was left unattended, and Richard leaned over to take a look.

   He was supposed to be a ranger like a scout, only equipped with chain armor and single-barreled crossbow.

   had several minor injuries on his body, but the fatal injury was the spear stuck in his back. Judging from the purple face and lips, the blood all over his body drained from the wound.

   Richard pulled up the chain armor on his body and took a closer look. He couldn't help being a little surprised at how rich the cavalry was. Chain armor is not a kind of low-end goods with simple iron rings, but on this basis, the two ends of each iron ring are hammered flat and punched, riveted with fine rivets, and then turned flat on both sides.

   Thousands of iron rings are processed one by one, making this process extremely time-consuming and expensive. The advantage is that it can effectively strengthen the stab resistance of the chain armor. It's a pity that even so, the spear on his back exploded a few armor rings abruptly, and the tip of the spear penetrated the entire chest and protruded from the front, and then nailed to the saddle.

   He took the wooden pole and pulled out the throwing spear. He looked at it carefully from beginning to end twice, his face became a little dignified.

   He saw something not very optimistic from above, and there was a vague idea in his mind.

   When he raised his head, Richard's eyes met with Annie accidentally, and unexpectedly found that the face of this half-elf chick was also terribly low.

   "Li Cha..."


   "Forget it, you said first." Richard threw a spear in his hand to a passing barbarian.

   "The guards of the firm's reinforcements encountered the group of jackals halfway through, and the whole army has been wiped out." Annie smiled sadly, her thin body trembling slightly, like a begonia flower that was knocked down by raindrops.

   "Are these wolves well equipped, just like the last time we met?" Richard asked, but his tone was clear and affirmative.

   Before Annie could answer, he continued: "Alpine Fortress is not safe now. I personally recommend that you lead the mercenaries back home with only basic rations and war horses. Even if you encounter a jackal, you can easily get rid of it."

   "No." Annie's tone was calm, calm and firm, like a hard rock hidden under the lake, "I can't leave the wounded mercenaries. They used to fight to the death to protect me."

   "But you can temporarily foster them in Gaoshan Fort. UU reading www.uukānshu.com" Richard smiled and winked, "Of course, the cost can't be less."

   "Sorry, I can't do this." Annie took a deep breath, "Master Richard, thank you for your kindness, but I don't want to be troubled by guilt forever, and lose sleep every night for the rest of my life."

   She understands that Richard's proposal was made out of goodwill, and out of reason, she also agrees that this is the best solution at present, but still can't comfortably abandon her companions. The elves' stubborn and almost paranoid moral values ​​are vividly displayed on her.

   Richard nodded, since they were unwilling to withdraw, then due to military considerations, it was an inevitable choice for the caravan mercenaries to temporarily merge into the mountain fort.

   The addition of a dozen or so Pompeii fighters was nothing, but the abundant supply of supplies that came along with them quickly caused the arrogant and powerful generals who had been despised of them to quickly suffer red-eye disease. The war is approaching, but the atmosphere in the big restaurant is like a holiday.

   "They were really eating well." Gunther and Hutt sat together, digging out a large pick of honey with a dining knife and spreading it on the bread. After thinking about it, they added a fifth sausage.

   "It's not bad." Hutt was even more exaggerated. On the plate in front of him was a thick beef that was bigger than the plate.

   "I found something very interesting." Richard kicked the door open and strode into the large dining room. The barbarians and centaur who were eating Hesai suddenly stood up to greet him, turning over a piece of chair and bench.


   The mercenaries hadn't reacted yet, and the Gaoshan Fort people began to eat Hesai again with laughter and laughter.

   "Boom!" The spear that was pulled from the back of the dead cavalry was thrown on the table by Richard. The mud and blood stains attached to it were washed away, revealing its original appearance.

   Richard sat down opposite Annie, "There is honey! Gunther, you bear stuff, don’t you hurry up and give me something to the lord!"

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