Ride and Cut

Chapter 21: Hutt's ambition

   Hutt Chiron is a centaur, to be precise, the leader of a small centaur clan.

  His clan was once the people of the Orc Kingdom. They lived well and had all the glory that the people of the kingdom should have. At its peak, he had nearly a hundred adult soldiers, controlled the plump and fertile grasslands, and was proud of being a child of a civilized country.

   But disasters always come inadvertently. Inadvertently involved in the struggle within the kingdom is a fatal danger for a small clan. So overnight, the whole family became wanted fugitives.

   When the heavily armed chasers arrived, they couldn't resist at all, all they could do was escape and flee desperately.

  In order to survive, they embarked on an extremely difficult journey to survive, being displaced, abandoning their former homeland, and coming to the wilderness to join the bandits and bandits.

   It is not easy to gain a foothold in a land full of fighting and impossible. Even the combative centaur almost shed blood in the process. In the endless melee, more than half of the population was lost within half a year.

   The remaining people were recognized by the indigenous people. They survived and got the right to live, which is not bad. But Hutt himself often tossed and turned at night, unable to sleep peacefully.

   He clearly knows that his clan is different from the semi-ignorant natives around him.

   They know etiquette, pay homage to their ancestors, and are proficient in calendars. They will sow the seeds of rye in spring and wait for the harvest in autumn. They will also recite poems that have been sung for hundreds of years in unison when the first snow falls.

   They understand many things that the natives who only follow instincts cannot understand. All this makes Hutt both proud and sad.

   Because if we continue to multiply here from generation to generation, the newborn children will inevitably become no different from the natives.

   A small tribe cannot carry anything other than “foraging”, let alone “knowledge” and “wisdom”. Only countries, only countries with a sufficiently large scale, have that ability.

   For the future of the clan, Hutt made up his mind to lead the clan to join a real country.

   Of course, the Orc Kingdom can't go back, but the Pompeii Empire, which is close at hand, is also a good choice. It is even more prosperous and richer than the Orc Kingdom, with advanced art, academics and various crafts, which fully meets all his dreams.

  The only problem is that Pompeii is a human country and will not easily accept centaur to join...

  Hurt can only wait patiently and wait for the right time to come.

   And this day has come very quickly-the indigenous people of different tribes are planning a joint armed operation recently. As a recognized member of the wilderness, the Centaur clan also received an invitation and learned all the causes and consequences.

   This is the opportunity Hutt is waiting for!


   The centaur witnessed an amazing flying arrow across the sky and plunged into the ground like a meteorite. They took a lot of effort to dig out this throwing spear, and the strong collision has twisted the tip of the metal spear into a twist.

   The most eye-catching young man insisted that it was a spear thrown by a human warrior with his bare hands. The more sophisticated centaur was totally unacceptable, thinking that it should come from the shooting of the heavy bed crossbow.

   Hutt fully understood that this was a demonstration and warning, so he ordered the tribe to raise a white flag and move on. The vigilant human warriors on the hills did not launch an attack, allowing them to walk fifty steps away.

   This distance is already within the range of most long-range weapons, and it can't be approached anymore.

   "Explain what you are here!"

   Richard couldn't figure it out anyway, how Gunther recognized that rag was a white flag. But judging from the demeanor of the centaur, that is indeed it.

   "I am Hutt, the patriarch of the Hayate clan, and I came here with kindness." Hutt stroked his chest with one hand and bowed in salute.

   Centaur should be closely related to each other. The horses have identical short brown hairs, and their limbs are long and powerful, no less than the superior war horses. Their bodies are also strikingly strong, their arms are extraordinarily slender, and their overall height is about two-edged and three-edged, and they are full of a smooth sense of strength.

   Their clothes look very old, but they are still neat and clean. They are the unique style of Centaur-the front swings sag and extend to the roots of the front legs, and the back swings are slightly stretched to cover half of the back.

   and they also carry weapons similar to heavy cavalry scimitars, which are obviously different from the universal creations of what is used by ordinary wilderness natives.

   "I am the lord of the mountain fort Richard." Richard walked directly down the hills, wearing only a thin linen shirt on his upper body, the sword was also put in the sheath, and his breeches were loosely inserted in his hands.

   In front of the centaur whose head is Roshan, the new single image is unarmed, he looks as weak as a baby. In the event of a conflict, it is almost certain to be stepped on by horseshoes into a sticky meat sauce.

   But the centaur found that the soldiers didn't realize that their lord was in danger~www.readwn.com~Standing in groups of three and five didn't mean to move their feet at all, and they were even pointing at them. This kind of performance generally represents extreme incompetence, if not, it represents extreme self-confidence.

   "Are you Richard?" Hutt shook his head and tapped his four hooves lightly on the ground, his eyes full of surprise.

   "I don't think other nobles will have a commoner name like me." Richard looked at the centaur curiously. Their eyes were very calm, completely different from those of the natives who were ready to kill or be killed at any time, so Richard tried to make peaceful contact.

   "I have heard of your invincible reputation on the martial arts stage!" Hutt has always been eager to join the Pompeii Empire, and always pays special attention to any information related to Pompeii. Over the years, it can be regarded as a Pompeii pass.

   Living in a remote wilderness, he has even heard of the unpopular news of "Southern Province Tournament Field Overlord" that only circulates in certain circles.

   "It's so polite! Fictional names are all fictitious names." Rarely, Richard's face blushed and waved his hands again and again, but he felt a little bit happy in his heart. He is well-known among the middle and lower swordsmen in the southern provinces, but it is the first time he has been called out since he came here.

   "My lord, we have something to tell you this time."

   Hutt took out a fan-shaped cow shoulder blade from his pocket. Richard took it and saw that there were a lot of red-brown symbols drawn by ocher on the front and back, which should be some kind of simple text circulating in the wilderness.

   The indigenous people are deeply influenced by humans in terms of culture, and you can see the leopard from the shoulder blade in front of you. There are a lot of ready-made Pompeii scripts in the writing, but they are very scattered and unsystematic.

   "What's said on this." He couldn't understand it anyway, and Richard threw back the bone fragments.

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