"This is the latest news we have received. If the other party really does this, we'd better prepare in advance."

Ouyang Lei rhythmically tapped the tabletop with one hand while frowning.

Looking at Lin Yi with a half-smile on his face, he continued:

"It can be seen that a large part of their purpose this time is aimed at your virtual reality technology.

By doing this, I want Huaxia to put pressure on you.

After all, their system has always monopolized China's market. "

That's right, the content of this document is that Microsoft wants to suspend the update service for all versions below win10.

The reason given is that Guohe mobile phone operating system is incompatible with systems below win10. I hope Guohe Technology will provide relevant solutions this morning and restore updates and security as soon as possible.

And obviously, this reason is so far-fetched.

It is clear that it is aimed at the core mobile phone.

It's just a pause now. If Guohe Technology doesn't contact them to work together, I'm sorry, the system below win10 will be abandoned directly.

This is undoubtedly to put Nut Technology on the fire, and let the Chinese people force Nut phones themselves.

This move is not without insidiousness.

After reading the information in his hand, he casually placed it on the coffee table beside him, and then Lin Yi still looked at Ouyang Lei with a half-smiling smile:

"Hehe, then you mean to let the Nut Technology compromise?"

If this is the case, then Lin Yi may re-plan the original plan in the future, at least not have more cooperation with Ouyang Lei.

After hearing the words, Ouyang Lei was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Lin Yi meant.

So he could only helplessly shake his head:

"If we wanted to compromise Nucleus Technology, I wouldn't be the one who brought you here in a hurry."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yi was obviously in a good mood.

At least he knew that Huaxia was on his side.

that's enough.

"Well, let me tell you this, Microsoft is not just targeting you with Nucleus Technology this time. Such behavior has touched our bottom line.

So we didn't compromise on such an option at all.

I came to you this time to talk to you about a plan. "

Speaking of this, Ouyang Lei lowered his voice slightly, and then continued:

"Actually, we have been working on our own operating system for so many years, and it has been successful.

It's just because the popularity of windows is too high, plus all the software is developed based on windows.

Therefore, there is no way for our operating system to be popularized for a while, but it is only used internally.

But this time their approach completely touched the bottom line, so we plan to take out our operating system to replace their system.

However, it cannot be directly taken out, but needs to cooperate with you.

Add the emulator on your core phone that is compatible with all software into it, so as to be foolproof.

In addition, you can rest assured, because this most important technology is yours, so after the successful development, this operating system can be released by your nuclear group!

This is limitless for the reputation of your nuclear group! "

For Ouyang Lei to be able to give such conditions, it is indeed sincere enough.

After all, there is already a Microsoft in front, and Ouyang Lei and the others must not want to monopolize this thing.

After Ouyang Lei finished speaking, Lin Yi didn't say anything, just stood up and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket.

Then he threw it directly to Ouyang Lei.

Ouyang Lei stretched out his hand to take it with some doubts, and then always looked at Lin Yi with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hehe~www.readwn.com~ Find a safer computer and see for yourself."

Regarding Lin Yi's words, although Ouyang Lei was puzzled, he picked up the phone and asked the logistics to send two brand new computers, a notebook and a desktop.

When the computer was brought over, Ouyang Lei ignored Lin Yi with his eyes closed, and started to insert the USB flash drive into the computer.

And the prompt that popped up next made Ouyang Lei stunned.

For no other reason, I saw an installation interface called Tiannui operating system popping up on the computer at this time.

And this interface is undoubtedly all in pure Chinese.

Even the self-developed operating system that Ouyang Lei said could not do this.

After all, the programming language they use is not pure Chinese.

"This, this, this is the operating system you developed??"

As for Ouyang Lei's question, Lin Yi was too lazy to answer, and rolled his eyes helplessly, indicating that he would know if he installed it.

Looking at Lin Yi's virtue, Ouyang Lei was helpless.

Since he lied to him yesterday, this is how this guy treats himself.

However, the old man gave orders to these people, and he couldn't do anything about him.

Shaking his head helplessly, he turned his attention to the computer screen again.

. . . .

ps: Brothers, that's all for tonight, and I'll continue to update the brothers tomorrow and during the day!

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