Rich Devil

Chapter 465: , the water temperature is just right


Eating BBQ.

Watching a movie and blowing the sea breeze…

From time to time, I listen to my friends bow their heads and talk about topics in a loud voice.

Occasionally, I heard someone burst into laughter because of the plot of the movie, comfortable and natural, drinking a drink, forgetting all the troubles of life, waiting for the passage of time...

For a moment, the head that was lowered for life quietly lifted up and looked at the appearance that he had longed for.

The movie gradually ends.

Night falls.

Watching people leave, people come, and bonfires are lit.

Looking at someone crying, stubbornly laughing.

Some people get drunk like crazy.

Others shouted loudly at the sea.

Another person sprinkled dog food from the heart...

Others suggested to see the sunrise, scene by scene, very much like life.

Hu Yanshuo and Xu Yun were kissing on the beach.

Can't help it!

He ignored the envious glances from others, and didn't care that the soft sand stained his clothes.

There will also be people who wonder why two people with such high looks don't care about their appearance, they don't care about their appearance at all, they play around recklessly, and they raise sand and build sand castles on the beach without disguise.

Both laughed casually.

Occasionally, he would whisper about recent events in a low voice.

Still like two children who haven't grown up, rolling around on the beach without any scruples...

Looking up from time to time, looking at other people who are very life-like, the two occasionally look at each other with envious eyes, and laugh at each other's boring life.

Whether tourists or nearby residents, treat both of them, they are shocked by their appearance, envious of their emotions, and silent on their wealth.

Late at night.

The people on the beach are almost astigmatized.

The staff who are hired to patrol the sea also make people not wake up in the waves.

A group of people traveling together pitched tents on the grass nearby.

In the dark of night, Hu Yanshuo and Xu Yun also went to a nearby hotel and asked for an accommodation similar to the sea view room they had asked for.

Luxurious decoration.

Huge anti-peeping floor-to-ceiling glass windows, you can see the sea head-on...

The waves are rolling, carrying the sea breeze.

The vision in this direction is the direction of tomorrow's sunrise.

"Are we going to see the sunrise?"

Taking a look at the style of the room, Xu Yun didn't care about the extravagant decorations. Instead, her eyes fell in the direction of the huge glass wall, and there was a hint of anticipation in her eyes as she asked Hu Yanshuo.

"Let's not watch!"

Hu Yanshuo said firmly.

After hearing the answer, Xu Yun's face showed a trace of disappointment.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Yanshuo bullied Xu Yun, put his arms around her slender waist from behind, and said again in her ear, "Let's not watch."

Xu Yun still didn't understand why she didn't watch the sunrise.

There was a unique smell of men, which got into her nose. It was different from the scent of women. The smell on Hu Yanshuo made Xu Yun feel particularly good. She tilted her head slightly, and when she looked back, she saw Hu Yanshuo's profile. , The handsome face also has a temperament that ordinary high-value men do not have.

Everywhere is the fatal capture of women...

Xu Yun's ears began to turn red, filling her white neck. She found a shocking fact, a good-looking, handsome person is just so unreasonable, even a casual remark, for a woman. Terrifyingly terrifying lethality!

"For, for, why not..."

Her body was hot, as if she was about to burn, but Xu Yun's mind seemed to have a flash of light, and she understood what Hu Yanshuo said just now.

No wonder it sounds so out of context!

She turned her head abruptly and looked at Hu Yanshuo who was close at hand, Xu Yun's eyes were shining.

"Looks like you understand!"

Hu Yanshuo let out a chuckle, and then said slowly, "I ordered a seafood dinner, let's eat together later!"

still eat?

Just as she was about to ask, she met Hu Yanshuo's teasing eyes, and Xu Yun's aura was like a star.

Letting out a melodious laugh like a bell, Xu Yun grabbed Hu Yanshuo's arms with both hands, and her red lips came close to his ear, and said, "It doesn't matter if you eat seafood or not, I just want to ask, have you figured it out? ?"

Lazy voice, slightly hoarse and charming.

Under the night, a scent penetrated into his ears, making Hu Yanshuo feel as if his ears were crisp.

As soon as Xu Yun finished, she left Hu Yanshuo's ear, pulled away, and let go of her hand.


She saw Hu Yanshuo's eyes widened, and she couldn't help showing the prankster's laughter.

Hu Yanshuo just wanted to understand what Xu Yun meant when he said something out of tune just now. Hearing the laughter made him even more convinced.

Looking at Xu Yun with embarrassed and playful eyes, I don't know if it should be said, "We came here by helicopter, not driving."

There was also a hint of enlightenment in my mind. It turned out that the speed of the female driver...

Xu Yun laughed, but seeing Hu Yanshuo's eyes, her ears couldn't help but turn red.

The white cheeks seemed to have blood stagnant.

Xu Yun felt her face get hot for a while, and her whole body seemed to be drunk. The floor-to-ceiling windows reflected her face, as if she had been drinking secretly.

Inexplicably, there was a guilty conscience of being a thief. Xu Yun began to change the subject and said, "I went to take a shower, and my clothes were stained with a lot of sand..."

Found an excuse.

Xu Yun felt as if her heart was stimulated, and hurriedly ran to the bathroom.

"There is one thing I need to clear with you in advance!"

Hu Yanshuo grabbed Xu Yun's hand, which made her slightly startled. Looking at Hu Yanshuo, who suddenly had a serious face, she felt a little dazed. The feeling of wanting to escape into the bathroom was swept away, and she asked subconsciously. :"whats the matter?"

"The earth's water resources accounted for 96.5% of drainage resources and 2.53% of available freshwater resources."

"So little?"

Hu Yanshuo looked serious, Xu Yun listened in confusion, and asked questions subconsciously.


Hu Yanshuo nodded affirmatively, and his handsome face showed the helplessness of worrying about the country and the people: "Nevertheless, there are still many people wasting water..."

After giving Xu Yun enough time to react, Hu Yanshuo continued: "It just so happens that I also have a lot of sand on my body, you should understand what I mean! I am definitely not the kind of person who wants to take a bath with you, I am for Linqiu's water resources are sustainable, do a little bit, let's start...wash together."

At this point, Xu Yun, who had just reacted, was pushed into the bathroom by Hu Yanshuo.

Although something is wrong?

However, Xu Yun looked at Hu Yanshuo's handsome face, and her heart was filled with a very philosophical thought. With good looks, everything is right!

The door is closed.

The sound of water was pouring unexpectedly...

It is bound to praise those who are willing to start from trivial things and make a modest contribution to the sustainable development of Linqiu water resources and have noble feelings.

It is because of such people that the human society will be more beautiful and harmonious!


The water temperature is just right! Hu Yanshuo exclaimed.

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