Rich Devil

Chapter 451: , the world has a high value...


If these certified anchors have identity fraud and other behaviors.

Once confirmed.

For any reward in the live broadcast platform, the panda live broadcast platform will bear all the losses and return the full amount to the user's account.

This is one of those responsibilities.

It is also the simplest kind of responsibility that Hu Yanshuo thinks.

After all, this kind of responsibility can be solved for Hu Yanshuo as long as he spends money, so it is very simple and easy.

Other responsibilities lie, and naturally involve many…

This kind of legal responsibility is probably similar in nature to the guarantor. After all, the live broadcast platform endorses the certified anchor.

The main function is actually to increase the recommendation and exposure rate for the positive energy anchor.

In line with some of Hu Yanshuo's previous behavior.

Therefore, Hu Yanshuo was quite optimistic about this certification. At the same time, he also knew that Chen Lingxi would not be unaware of the risks involved in this kind of guarantor certification.

Although she didn't tell Hu Yanshuo about these things, Hu Yanshuo had no idea at all.

In addition to giving Chen Lingxi enough trust.

It's just that Hu Yanshuo doesn't care how much money he loses at all. If the reality is not that many people will struggle with money, he feels that it is a good choice to push everything horizontally with this simple and rude way of burning money!


This kind of certification is not just anyone who can be certified.

At least Hu Yanshuo learned through the introduction.

Among the certified batch of people, most of them are positive energy, and there are really many shining points in their bodies, at least not everyone can obtain this kind of harsh certification.

Look at it, Hu Yanshuo also found that most of the certified people are disabled people.

There are woodcarving craftsmen who have lost both legs and a left arm. With the help of their agents, they use a carving knife to complete each piece of woodcarving.

There are people who have lost both arms, writing with calligraphy on their legs...

There are also one-armed painters…

Most of these people are physically disabled, but they still have a heart that loves life.

It is also said that life is difficult, encountered many setbacks, and has overcome difficulties and obtained small achievements.

Some are facing the despair of life, constantly cheering for others, and they also carry a firm energy for life...

There are also some rural teachers. The live broadcast tells about the difficult conditions in the countryside, mainly because of the backward educational facilities and the living difficulties faced by students and teachers...

Hu Yanshuo went around the live broadcast room like this, and only spent tens of millions, and suddenly found that the certified live broadcast room had already been visited.

Suddenly a little depressed.

I felt that I should have a chat with Chen Lingxi and relax the certification requirements a little bit.

Even if it is to certify those who still retain traditional craftsmanship and culture, after all, they have persisted for decades, just to promote and preserve these traditional craftsmanship and culture from being cut off and extinct.

There is more or less perseverance and hardships that ordinary people can't imagine.

At least certify a little more of this kind of anchor, and I won't let myself stop after spending tens of millions. I feel that my whole heart is empty, which is very uncomfortable.

Done all this.

Hu Yanshuo calmly turned off the live broadcast and logged out.

But I don't know that the entire platform is going crazy because of his behavior of spreading money and wealth.

It is conservatively estimated that the reward of tens of millions of yuan fell.

The heads of a large group of people were buzzing, and then, like a festival, they poured into a large number of live broadcast rooms.

Just like a little bit of gossip news, many entertainment media also poured into the live broadcast platform, and began to gradually inquire about the news. The news continued to spread, and a large number of tourists also rushed to the live broadcast platform with excitement.

Spending tens of millions of entertainment gossip, if nothing else, there will be a lot of heat the next day.


For all this, Hu Yanshuo has no way of knowing, but because of his rewards, some wealthy people have led a wave of rewards for platform-certified anchors under his leadership.

It was also because of this craze that Chen Lingxi, who had wanted to talk to Hu Yanshuo, had no choice but to let go of this idea and start to concentrate on her busy work.

Exit the login interface of the live platform.

Hu Yanshuo looked at the time on his phone and opened the Krypton Gold Mall to start spending.

The previous registered company plan was advanced, and the fund registration operation was carried out through the krypton gold mall, and the textile company registration and other businesses were quickly carried out smoothly.

After spending the money, Hu Yanshuo directly handed over the follow-up of these matters to Song Huiteng.

After the trivial matters were handed over to Song Huiteng, Hu Yanshuo would not pay attention to it too much.

As for whether the cost of these investments can be recovered.

It is not in Hu Yanshuo's consideration at all. This investment is just a drop in the bucket for him.

The total cost is less than a few hundred million.

For Hu Yanshuo, who is diligent and works hard to make money every day, this expenditure is not a big problem. It would be good if he can quickly enter production and return funds.

If not, for Hu Yanshuo, at most, it will be an extra expense.

For Hu Yanshuo, a hard-working and diligent hang-up, it's not a problem at all. As long as the hang-up hangs hard enough and diligently, at most it is enough to be frugal in daily expenses.


These expenses are not enough to make up one percent of his daily on-hook income.

This matter was quickly forgotten by Hu Yanshuo. Even though Song Huiteng reported to him that some projects in the environmental protection company's recent had made gratifying progress, it still did not give him much success. interest.

Still, he engaged in a tedious and tedious act of burning money.

Substantial funding additions have been made to projects in many labs, providing incentives for researchers in those labs to continue to supplement their experiments...

Seeing that a large number of researchers were given a new wave of benefits from the laboratory, the diligent and hard-working Hu Yanshuo finally showed a gratified smile after seeing the summary information of the investigation.


Hu Yanshuo tucked the phone back into his trouser pocket, took a jacket, and walked out of the villa on a whim.

Walk the roads of Beverly Hills.

Walking from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, walking on the cement road, many vehicles passed by Hu Yanshuo, and many servants and gardeners took a leisurely walk.

When they met Hu Yanshuo, most of them were amazed at the handsomeness of this young Asian man, and at the same time they nodded politely to him.

After all, the most common people who appear in this area are those hired by the rich.

Coupled with the good looks of this young Asian man, it is not inferior to the star employers they met, and even higher than those star employers, especially when there is no injustice and no hatred, naturally they will not know it. Life and death jumped out to discriminate.

On the contrary, there are quite a few young and beautiful maids, watching the back of the handsome Asian young man leave, a surging tide in their hearts...

I deeply understand that it turns out that there are really people in the world who can be so good looking that the sea water wets the canyon...

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