Rich Devil

Chapter 387: , the right to print money



Indoor temperature is good!

Under the action of the air conditioner, the indoor temperature is maintained at about 26 degrees Celsius...

Transparent floor-to-ceiling windows.

You can see a small black spot in the sky outside the villa, and the small black spot floats with the wind speed. It is not difficult to guess that it is a paper luan kite that the family flew out in the morning.

The sun shines down the floor-to-ceiling windows and onto the bedroom floor.

On clean and tidy ground.

Appeared about a few hours ago, with the remnants of some dried-up splatter watermarks…

The scent of roses wafts in the bedroom.

It came from the smell of a small bottle of rose essence that was knocked over in the room. Because no one paid attention to it, at this moment, under the action of the air conditioner, the essence began to evaporate, and the fragrance was distributed in the air around the bedroom.

The sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

A small black spot appeared again in the distance, taller than a kite on a family outing.

Accompanied by the noise, it was astonishing that a plane passed by from a high altitude. The noise from the plane also woke Hu Yanshuo from his sleep.

open one's eyes…

The humming of the aircraft engine by the ear gradually subsided as the aircraft passed in the distance. Hu Yanshuo, who woke up, rubbed his eyes and glanced at the electronic detection equipment in the bedroom. The electronic detection equipment displayed one by one.

The aqi index is 25.

In the absence of contrast, living with this good air quality will gradually get used to it.


There is a sharp contrast.

Under such circumstances, Hu Yanshuo frowned somewhat unaccustomedly.

Reached out and grabbed the phone by the bed...

Move your finger!

The phone is turned on!

More than 20 unread messages were displayed on the bright screen of the phone.

The first piece of information entered is the remittance information sent by the bank at 12:00 in the morning.

The remittance amount is 14.4 billion yuan!

After reading the information, Hu Yanshuo quit the information. This is the current normal income from hanging up. Apart from proving that he has worked so hard to hang up, there is nothing to be commended.

Clicked on other unread messages.

One of the messages was left to him by Hadi. Because he knew about the time difference, Hadi directly left a message to Hu Yanshuo. When he clicked on the message, Hu Yanshuo's expression revealed a surprise. He didn't expect it either. , Hardy's ability is so powerful.

Hu Yanshuo asked Hadi to find a suitable private bank.


Now, it has not been long since the last time I asked Hardy to do something.

How could he not be surprised.

Seeing the message, Hu Yanshuo called Hardy's phone, and after a while, the call was connected on the other end.

"Good evening, Mr. Hu."

Hardy's words naturally made Hu Yanshuo realize that it is night on the other side of the ocean, but Hu Yanshuo is also prepared, knowing that the other side of the ocean cannot go to bed so early in the current time period.

"Good morning, Hardy, is it convenient for you to talk over there?" Hu Yanshuo said.

"Yes, you say!"

Hardy answered quickly. Although there was the sound of changing cups in his ears, the sound was gradually disappearing.

"You left a message last night, did you find a suitable bank?"

Hu Yanshuo reconfirmed that Hardy had some idea, so he answered almost without hesitation: "Yes."

"How many banks?" Hu Yanshuo asked.

"14 in Europe, 8 in Asia, and 37 in Africa."

Hardy is very familiar with this data, and he will report it directly, but this kind of information is definitely not something he can grasp clearly, and he must have learned the information through other channels.

Hu Yanshuo tacitly did not mention this issue.

"What about the 14 private banks in Europe?"

Hu Yanshuo thought for a moment and asked about the situation of European banks.

Hardy said a moment, walked in one direction, and seemed to turn on the computer to check the information.

"The 14 private banks in Europe are all in the state of seeking a shot, but most of them are held by the Grand Duchy and small shareholders, and the controlling party has an anti-monopoly agreement..."

"According to your requirements, the best choice is to set up a financial enterprise by yourself, and file a savings and loan case..."

Hardy said picky, but Hu Yanshuo also understood this truth, he sighed in his heart, and said calmly: "I also know this situation, but what I need is to start a bank as soon as possible, with a complete structure, which can be used in Help me in the shortest time possible..."

Hardy pondered for a moment before continuing: "According to your request, I suggest you choose a private bank in Europe with little dispersion of shares, and the Grand Duchy holds a small part of the shares. I personally recommend that you buy Andorra in the Grand Duchy of Andorra. Bank shares…”

"The Grand Duchy of Andorra?"

Hu Yanshuo said in surprise.

According to what he knew about Hardy, if he was not sure enough, Hardy would not make such a suggestion.

Hastily recalled.

Among the few geographical knowledge, Hu Yanshuo remembered some situations in the Grand Duchy of Andorra.

"Andorra", located in southwestern Europe, is a landlocked country on the border between France and Spain.

It is also one of the pocket countries of the world.

With a total land area of ​​468 square kilometers, it consists of 7 administrative regions.

at the same time.

It is also a legal "tax haven".

"How sure are you of taking the bank of the Grand Duchy of Andorra, if you're going to talk about it?"

"Let me hold as many shares as possible for as long as possible!"

Hu Yanshuo did not ask for the information of Andorra Bank, the shareholders, or even the specific price. He believed that Hardy would give him a valuation.

Since he can't hold all the shares of the bank as a sole proprietor, he will inquire about time and shareholding.

“Bank of Andorra provides commercial and personal banking services, mainly including commercial loans, commercial deposit payments, cash management services, international banking and foreign exchange services, small commercial loans and retail banking. It owns, has all the right…"

"Its total assets are about 25.34 billion euros. After the acquisition is completed, the government of the Grand Duchy of Andorra needs to continue to hold a certain share. If I enter the negotiation, their shareholding will not exceed 15%. Similarly, the Grand Duchy will continue to hold shares. The right to less than 5% equity.”

"The purchase price is between EUR 1.5 billion and EUR 3 billion..."

Hardy seriously showed Hu Yanshuo the data he had, and, based on his own judgment, gave Hu Yanshuo a general category of judgment.

Although Hu Yanshuo did not ask about the price and the situation of the bank, he only asked about the time and shareholding.

But Hardy will not fail to explain these issues.

at the same time.

He was a little puzzled by Hu Yanshuo's unprofessional behavior, even if you are rich, you can't do this!

"The total assets of 25.3 billion euros are sold for less than 3 billion euros?"

Hu Yanshuo asked in a daze.

Hardy was obviously taken aback by this question, and he didn't respond for a while.

Hu Yanshuo quickly realized that the questions he asked were a little too naive, but he didn't blame him. He always thought that the total assets of the bank were so much that when purchasing, it was necessary to purchase according to the total assets, or even a premium. Acquisition, where do you think that there is no need to acquire according to the total assets.

Despite being a little embarrassed, Hu Yanshuo still asked: "If all banks have the ability, do they have the ability to print money?"

At first, Hu Yanshuo just thought about getting a financial enterprise that basically belongs to him.

Cover up the source of your property for yourself.

The Grand Duchy of Andorra itself has the advantage of being a tax haven, and Hu Yanshuo greedily wondered whether he could increase the power to print money.


Hardy said.

As soon as Hu Yanshuo heard this, he said without hesitation: "2.5 billion euros to win it, negotiate within 3 days, give you 3% commission, 3 days later, negotiate 1% commission."

Although he does not understand the banking system, Hu Yanshuo is still clear about the reasons for a country to increase the issuance of currency.

At least Hu Yanshuo knows that when a country's annual budget expenditure exceeds its income, there will be a fiscal deficit. There are two main ways to make up for the fiscal deficit. One is to issue additional currency through the central bank, and the other is to issue public bonds.

The relationship between the two is:

National annual purchase and investment g - national annual fiscal revenue t = additionally issued currency △m + additionally issued public bonds △b

For example, g-t = 100 billion.

Then it represents a deficit of 100 billion yuan in government finances.

The way to fill the 100 billion deficit is naturally to issue additional currency and borrow money from the people abroad.

For example, an additional 30 billion yuan was issued in currency and an additional 70 billion in public debt to fill the deficit.

If there is too much additional currency, it will cause the currency to depreciate and easily lead to inflation.

Public debt is divided into domestic debt and external debt. Domestic debt is borrowing money from the people of the country. The country does not care. The country can continue to issue bonds every year, and use the post-debt to repay the former debt. The profits earned from investment can be used to repay interest.

Foreign debt is different. Foreign debt is money that must be repaid, and the people of the country should share the repayment.

External debt is measured in foreign currency, which is only related to the current domestic currency exchange rate. Therefore, if the foreign debt is too large and insolvent, the country will go bankrupt...

What does mastering the power to print money represent?

It's obviously an obvious question how many bankers crave power.

"No problem, I promise to negotiate within 3 days."

Hardy's voice was full of excitement, and the excitement almost came from the other end: "Please prepare funds and go to the United States within 3 days. You need to be present to sign..."

Hearing Hardy's confident voice, Hu Yanshuo knew that his money-clearing behavior had worked.

Andorra Bank although there is a willingness to sell.

Even the right to print money has been divided, which shows how strong its will is. The emergence of the right to print money also represents fierce competition.

Fewer M&A people does not mean that there will be fewer M&A people.

Getting it as soon as possible is king.


Hu Yanshuo directly gave Hardy a bargaining chip that he could not refuse, and let him go all out to do things for himself.

Hearing Hardy's assurance, Hu Yanshuo chuckled: "I will go to the United States today, I hope you will give me enough surprises!"


Hardy's voice didn't seem embarrassed, and he still had time and spare mind to tease: "It seems that your time is very tight! But if you come over, I may invite you to a banquet..."

The implication is that it is a certainty that it will be negotiated within a day.

Hearing these words, Hu Yanshuo laughed without saying a word. He also understood that Hardy was a little greedy and wanted to increase his chips.

Even if Hardy's ability to act is beyond his expectations.

Hardy was a little disappointed, but he didn't expect much, so his disappointment was not too big.

So, Hardy changed the subject very interestingly: "I hope you will come as soon as possible!"

"Will do."

Hu Yanshuo chuckled and did not tell Hardy his specific flight. He revealed that he would go to the United States today, which was already Hu Yanshuo's limit. As for whether it was an airline plane or a private plane, he would not take this safety issue into consideration. easily disclosed.

After hanging up the phone, Hu Yanshuo also realized the problem.

However, Hu Yanshuo didn't want to waste his energy to change this bad habit of the rich.

"Are you planning to go abroad?"

There was a bit of Sun Man's whining voice next to her. Although her nursing level was quite high, she still had some local spoken English. However, when Hu Yanshuo said he wanted to go abroad, she could hear it roughly.

It seems that many women wake up with this whine.

The sh side is especially obvious. At least Hu Yanshuo often feels it in Sun Man and Qi Lin. As for whether other sh women have such a habit, he feels that this issue needs to be observed for a long time.

The soft glandular adipose tissue in the hand is a little heavy, about 88 Pa, and the weight is only a little more.

"Well, there is something!"

When Hu Yanshuo spoke, he saw Sun Man pouting slightly, and tapped his hand on the lips without lipstick, stopping what she wanted to say: "I'll be back in a few days."

"You are so boring!"

Sun Man rolled his and said, "It seems that I can only buy some clothes online!"

Hear the music.

Hu Yanshuo chuckled lightly, took the mobile phone and performed some operations, and then said to Sun Manshu: "I transferred money to you, 500,000 per person, you can buy whatever you want..."

I just saw the information on the daily income of 14.4 billion yuan, and Hu Yanshuo is also very generous in transferring money.

"Wow, you are so nice!"

Hearing Hu Yanshuo's words, Sun Man shouted happily, and then she went under the quilt very naughty.

Hu Yanshuo immediately felt that although Sun Man was not much different from his biological age, the difference in psychological age was relatively large. He was such an old man, and he was so playful.

Climbing into the quilt, naturally not because of shyness.

But, it's too playful, want to play hide-and-seek game, really naughty!

Even so.

Hu Yanshuo still thinks that there are many men who like this, waking up every morning and playing naughty women with him.

Cute and involuntary, I want to play naughty games with them.

Look at the toes that are separated to the left and right, exposed to the air.

Hu Yanshuo felt that he should bend his toes hard, so as to make himself feel tense. With Sun Man's game, it should complement each other, and with the help of a few breaths of cool air, the effect seems to be even better...

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