Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 305 Southeast Asia

As the incident gradually calmed down, Meng Qian also began to see the guests. The first batch of guests in March 5 was a team brought by Zhou Tedi, and Zhou De is the leadership of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and this time has come with him. Several other departments delegations, the purpose of everyone is natural is about the needs of databases and commercial software.

Domestic official digital management has begun to begin in the late 1980s, but the early digital management system is very weak, and many local units continue to be able to match the computer.

From the end of the 1990s, with the development of the Internet, the relatively popularity of the computer was developed, digital management began to grow in China.

And 2001 to 2005 is a major time period of digital management in China.

In 2003, Meng Qian did not eat the earliest piece, but caught up with the fastest development stage.

The negotiations are very smooth, and Zhou Deiren is willing, it is already a trust attitude towards the wind group, and the skeleton of Oracle is not believed.

And in fact, the country is very willing to support domestic technology companies, and do not say how many official orders have been taken like Huawei and Lenovo. Everyone knows to see the company in Tsinghua Tongfang, because the product lacks competitiveness, the country is going abroad Talk to orders, to help Hua Tongfang sells products to Africa and Southeast Asia, all the way, although there is no shortage of companies really help.

At the same time, the wind group has always been a price strategy in the high price of high prices. In overseas, the products of the wind group will be slightly cheaper than Omi's products, but it will not be cheap.

But in the country, this price advantage is very obvious, selling one hundred in foreign people, Meng Qian sells ninety, selling one hundred, Meng Qian sells 50 in the domestic people.

So even if you don't consider supporting the factors of domestic enterprises, you don't have to keep up with money.

Under the lead in the national-level department, more and more provincial and local official departments have actively contact the wind group, especially Jiangsu, and Meng Qian also sent sales team to all parts of the country to sell themselves. The product.

At this time, there is only this product capacity in the country, but also has the ability to compete with foreign products, and there is a price advantage. This money is very good.

Start March 7, some banks also also sent a team to come over, and there were some public welfare organizations, social institutions, and companies would not say.

The database and enterprise software of the wind group will begin in the domestic market.

"Our database and software sales can take two or three billion sales in domestic estimates." March 12 early meeting, Xiao Bo sighed the recent situation.

As a result, everyone looked at him with a strange look.

"What am I wrong?" I noticed that Xiao Bo, who everyone god, was a little uncomfortable.

"Lao Xiao, although your work is mainly overseas market, but you have to have a bit basic understanding of the domestic market." Gu Junhui, a smile, "two or three billion, you have not too underestimated our Huaxia market." "

"How many sales do you think?"

"Five hundreds of billion." Ding Ming took a sentence.

Meng Qian's conscious nice agreed that in 2005, Huaxia officials were purchasing Microsoft's office software, which spent more than 300 million mm, with a provincial level spent 35 million gold.

And there are several keywords here, just office software, just a Microsoft company, just public data.

Why is the international giant like Huaxia market, because this market is too big.

If the country is really willing to support the wind group, this market will stop 5 billion.

The domestic market is almost the same, Meng Qian began to arrange the docking with foreign companies, just start to talk to the wind group, basically the Asian enterprises and agencies, which make Meng Qian is, Southeast Asia, this market moved. .

Since the past, Southeast Asia feels like poor, Southeast Asia does have a few countries very poor, but there are also several countries' development, and these a few national brains are not stupid.

Since the rise of the old Suffha China, Miki Huaxia and Southeast Asia have formed a classic asymmetric triangle relationship, and some of the Southeast Asian countries have a very smart use of their weakness in this relationship.

The so-called asymmetry triangle is the shape of ABC, A is rice, B is China, C is Southeast Asia, but because asymmetrical relationships, C can be good, and you can get a lot from A and B. Benefits, of course, it is really too deadly useless, it is likely to be hammered by A and B, which is why we have seen many Southeast Asian countries for a while A for a while b.

Everyone is not pro, people are the interests.

And after 911, this relationship has a little subtle change, that is because of the topic of the anti-terrorism, Miki has further penetrates Southeast Asia in the military, Southeast Asia knows this is a pressure, but as the weakest C, this kind of things he resist Can't, so he needs to go to China to find a bit balance.

Once history, Southeast Asia did two things, one is to increase the cooperation with Huaxia peacekeeping force, and on the other part is to increase trade communication with Huaxia.

Now, they suddenly discovered that Huaxia's technology development seems to be something, go see.

Since March 10, there are still many people in Southeast Asia, and many people have been in the wind group, and they have left in Huaxia for a period of investigation.

There is just to take a look at these people, some have some products, and some talk about other things, such as March 15 this day is sitting in Meng Qian's Office of the Ministry of Commerce.

Southeast Asian countries are essentially agricultural powers, but everyone's economic development is still more obvious, but also leads to different economic development. East Timor is the poorest, Brunei Laos Cambodia is slightly better, these four countries It didn't have agriculture.

Myanmar is relatively better, because since 1989 began market economy, Vietnam has been reform and opening up in 1986, and economic development path is actually a bit like Huaxia.

Indonesia is an export-oriented economy, and the Philippines is a good economic structure that export-oriented. Singapore, the familiar Singapore is the world's four financial centers, the third largest refining country in the world, is the new industrial market economy.

And the economic development of Thailand is unique in Southeast Asia. It is a free economic policy, which relies a lot to rely on external market and external technology, but now Thailand has always rely on Omi and neon, basically no Chinese.

"Mr. Meng, this is our investment policy. You first look at it. You may have a little rough, and the specific problem can communicate." Meng Qian took a folder, and a copy of the copy was given to Xiao Bo. I came to find a big wind group to go to Thailand to open a branch.

"I have always heard that Thailand's foreign exchange reserves are constantly improving because of Thailand's improved and attractive investment promotion policy. It seems that the news of the external biography is not fake." After reading the investment policy, Meng Qian first appreciated a sentence.

"Our Thailand is not better than Huaxia, and our development needs everyone's help, so we should also give our sincerity."

Meng Qian also no longer floating, "Don't wear Mr. Bayu, Thailand's market we have learned last year, if our market investigation has not been wrong, Thailand has many Omei companies, our strong wind groups, competition is not small. what."

"Indeed, we have introduced a large number of Omei companies in China, but Mr. Meng may not be clear. Thailand is also an agricultural and resource export great country."

Meng Qian nodded, "The rice in your country, rubber exports to the world, especially tin, I remember that your reserve is the world."

"For this reason, we have developed in the development of science and technology in the past two or thirties and thirties, such as the export-oriented building, such as mining industries. But our Thailand is not better than Russia, the resources are finally limited, so I need to change in these years. Our development strategy.

On the one hand, we have increased the development of the tertiary industry, such as tourism, on the other hand, we also want to make some adjustments in the field of technology development. "

"However, the premise of technology development is still needed to be market-oriented." Meng Qian put a sentence.

"The development of the hymths in Thailand should be clear, our Thailand does not lack the soil developed by the Internet. In this era, there is no country's market, and we look forward to the arrival of the wind group very much. "

Bar has always been in the entire conversation process, and even some is too humble, and some are too straightforward, unlike a national cadre, this makes Meng Qian curious but not well.

The polite could pay for a while, Meng Qian said that he would send someone to Thailand and then be a in-depth market survey, and a reply from Baron as soon as possible.

"So many high-tech enterprises in Mi country have had cooperative history with Thailand. What do he do for our wind group?" After sending away Barbai, Meng Qian is confused.

However, Xiao Bo knows, "I may know after I have been a market survey."

However, shortly after Bakun, Meng Qian received a call from Hyord.

Zhou Total. "

"Barjia just went soon?"

Meng Qian horse is sensitive, "How do Zhou know?"

"We are looking for it first, Thailand does need to do technology transformation, but their domestic talent training is walking towards the low-end industrial direction, once transformed, the relevant talent reserves are very lacking, and now the rice country does not want to help them Talent. "

Zhou De 's sentence made Meng Qiaoton, "It turns out that Omi did not want Thailand to develop high-tech, Thailand naturally fell on us."

"So this thing is not only to open a branch outside the country, and some extent has been related to diplomatic relations, but we have also opened it, although Thailand has seen a wind group, I don't know. Bar is how to express it, but the wind group is not a state-owned enterprise, we do not interfere with your decision.

It's just that the current situation should also be a factor that can join the considers, so I will talk to you. "

"The country has just supported me, I have to know how to be grateful." Meng Qian smiled, "and I have always been very interested in this market in Southeast Asia, I have never found entry point, now Miki is now suppressed them, I helped me very busy. "

"Do you think about it yourself." Zhou De is hesitant to take a call, "When you come to your company, I will never tell you, if you really want to enter the market of Southeast Asia, When the country is, you must be cautious, you are still young, some have never experienced. "

Meng Qian got a thank you, "Reassured, Pan President has come to remind me, I have a few in my heart."

After the phone, Meng Qian made Xiao Bo immediately took the team to Thailand. Before going to Meng Qian, "Lao Xiao, pay attention to this, we have to stand a benchmark in Thailand."

Xiao Bo knows the heart of God, "I understand."


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