Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 872: This is called digging

During this period of time, the topic of talent is getting hotter and hotter. China's various actions have quickly attracted the attention of the world. Many countries have responded very quickly. The first one that jumped out was Singapore. Singapore directly published an article. Will further welcome the long text of global talents with an open and inclusive attitude.

The National University of Singapore also released a promotional video in China. In the promotional film, a large number of Chinese students studying at the National University of Singapore have appeared in the film, reflecting the happiness of the Chinese students there, and demonstrating that the National University of Singapore welcomes more Chinese students. Attitude to go.

   On the European side, Germany and France responded quickly, seizing this opportunity to rush to publicize, and Germany and France also followed a high-profile promotion of a wave of lion alliances.

In fact, not only for Chinese students, but for global students, the existence of the Lions League can help everyone have a greater choice in employment issues after graduation, and it is also beneficial in the postgraduate PhD stage. The league itself It's not just Chinese students who benefit.

There has been a wave of talent grabbing all over the world, especially international students, and what everyone wants to grab is naturally those students who are worried that they will be blocked by the United States, and it is not only Chinese students who panic, but students from all of Asia. All feel very uneasy.

   Secondly, there are talents who may be snatched by China Xia. These recent practices of China Xia are too obvious. It won't work if you don't seize the time to **** people. Of course, you must start with the students.

   At the end of September, when the global talent flow pattern changed, Meng Qian was still not idle, and he was "being a demon" on the wind letter again.

   Thanks to Meng Qian’s activeness in Fengxin in the past two years, there are more and more fans around the world. Every time he publishes something, he always attracts a wide range of attention, especially after being suppressed, the attention is even higher.

   Meng Qian suddenly posted a video on Fengxin. The subject of the video is: 18 years old.

The location where the video was shot was Meng Qian’s office. The picture was very simple. Meng Qian sat at his desk, facing the camera and started his speech. In large outsourcing, it is necessary to start layoffs and start to streamline.

   In the eyes of some people, Dafeng Group seems to have reached a stage of development and it is almost time to slow down. I don’t know what gave these friends such an illusion. Don’t forget one thing, Dafeng Group is still underage.

   But Dafeng Group is about to be eighteen years old, but this is the most young and frivolous age. At this age, how can Dafeng Group slow down, how can it start to seek stability?

   I recorded this video today to tell everyone that when we are about to be eighteen, not only will we not slow down, but on the contrary, we will move forward with more radical steps. "

The screen suddenly turned, and there were many technology demonstrations. Meng Qian was placed in the lower left corner, "Everyone knows that artificial intelligence, quantum technology, clean energy, new materials, and even controllable nuclear fusion have all entered in the past few years. In a period of rapid development, breakthroughs in technology have allowed us to see the hope of the fourth industrial revolution.

There have always been many people using Dafeng Group to benchmark some well-known companies, from Sony at the beginning, to Google later, to Samsung a few years ago, and many people said that we were once. IBM.

It is normal for humans to make comparisons habitually, but I also want to tell everyone that everyone has their own dream while alive, and my dream is not to defeat a company, as I mentioned every time As I would say during the new globalization, I want to quickly promote the development of world science and technology.

For me, I always have a regret, that is, I will never have the ability to control the destined shortness of life. I am 36 years old this year. The past 17 years seem to be in the blink of an eye. How much can my life be? For 17 years, I don’t know. The only thing I know is that the speed of technological development in the past 17 years has been too slow.

   So I am very anxious, and getting more and more anxious.

I know that everyone is now paying more attention to some of the troubles we have encountered, some so-called competitions, but I am really not in the mood or interested in wasting too much energy on such things. I believe that what the world wants is a The Dafeng Group that has brought you technological breakthroughs time and time again, at least this is the Dafeng Group in my mind.

   So when Dafeng Group is about to be eighteen years old, I don't care what the external environment will develop into, we have to follow our pace, and we have to start a new journey. "

The picture turned again, and there was a very emotional transition, "In the past 17 years, we have laid a solid foundation for ourselves. From next year, we will step on this foundation and officially start the fourth industrial revolution. Challenge task.

   Dafeng Group will then establish the spirit of Yu Gong Yishan, move forward firmly, and resist this social responsibility without fear.

  In order to achieve this goal, we need more talents to help us.

   Although the Dafeng Group currently has close to 500,000 employees and more than half of the R&D personnel, this is still not enough for our goal.

To this end, I am going to initiate a global recruitment order here today. No matter which field you have in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, clean energy, new materials, and controlled nuclear fusion, if you have your talents and abilities, if you are as interested as us, If you have an idea to challenge the fourth industrial revolution, then come to us.

We plan to increase the company's R&D talents to 500,000 within 5 years. After 5 years, we will pay 200 billion yuan in R&D talents every year. As long as you are a talent, as long as you have the courage and courage to be the first in the world, we Waiting for you to make history together!

   The big man was born in the world, he is a big ambition, and the women do not let the eyebrows, he top half of the world, talents from all over the world, come to our Dafeng Group, let's play the big ticket together! "


This video of Meng Qian quickly spread on the Internet. With a guaranteed salary of 200 billion a year for talents and 500,000 global scientific research talents, whichever number comes out is an attractive title party, not to mention this title party. it is true.

"This pattern is too different. While thinking about how to suppress the Dafeng Group and not let the Dafeng Group surpass itself, while thinking about carrying the burden of bringing mankind into the next technological American companies suddenly appeared. It's a drop in price."

   "American companies are fighting hard there, and Dafeng Group does not treat them as opponents... Suddenly, I think Intel and Microsoft are the same as Yanque."

   "This is the technology company in my heart. If I can catch up with the fourth industrial revolution in my lifetime, I won't be in vain in my life."

   "Meng Qian is the only CEO of a technology company who has always said that the development of technology is too slow. This at least shows that he really loves technology itself. For this point, I will always support Dafeng Group."

As soon as the video came out, it was not only a response to the recent suppression of Dafeng Group by some forces, but also aroused the desire of global talents. Whether it is financial resources, development status or future pattern, Dafeng Group is already the world's number one technology company. Especially the direct determination to fight for the fourth industrial revolution, this sense of mission has really attracted many people.

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   Soon after the video of Meng Qian came out, Dafeng Group’s global recruitment rules came out. What kind of talents are needed and how much is needed are clearly written. In terms of talents, Dafeng Group’s efficiency will always be so fast.

However, this speech is actually a recruitment. Compared with the American companies who are now digging people in Dafeng Group, Meng Qian used the most direct way to tell the other party that if you want to dig people, you can dig openly and directly. Dig in front of the world.

   This is called digging!


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