Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 844: Play prisoner's dilemma

In 2016, a major event happened to Toshiba. Toshiba suffered a huge loss in its nuclear business in the United States. It caught up with the Toshiba financial scandal and premium acquisitions last year. Toshiba collapsed from capital to word-of-mouth, and it was unable to fill the gap and had to sell. His last core industry is the semiconductor storage business.

   In this time and space, perhaps because of greater external pressure, this incident started to erupt a few months earlier.

At the same time, the development of this matter is different in this time and space. In another time and space, Toshiba never sells its storage semiconductor business. One is never sold to Samsung, and the other is never sold to. China Enterprise.

On the one hand, it is because of the inertia of Neon Country’s suppression of Huaxia, on the other hand, it is because Huaxia Enterprise still has a gap in this field. Just because you have a gap, you can’t sell it to you. Once you sell it to you, you will lose the gap. Made up.

   So like the home appliance industry neon state-owned enterprises sell to Huaxia Enterprise, no one cares, because Huaxia already has this technology, then sell it, but if Huaxia has not mastered the technology, it will definitely not be sold.

   The difference now is that this space-time Huaxia has purple light, and the technology Huaxia actually already has it. It is the problem of inertia suppressing China, but no matter what, there is a little room for negotiation.

   Therefore, when Meng Qian met Li Zairong and Li Runyu, Xiao Boshi came to Toshiba.

"According to the current acquisition plan, although Neon Country retains control of Toshiba's semiconductor industry, it is actually a short-term benefit for Toshiba. In the long run, it does not solve any problems. Instead, it will become a bigger one. The hidden dangers." Xiao Boshi said bluntly in front of Tsunakawachi.

The current main acquisition plan is the same as another time and space. Toshiba first spun off the semiconductor storage industry to form a new company, Toshiba Storage, and then found Bain Capital to acquire it, but it was actually a bunch of people who came to acquire it. Among them, Neon State government funds will also end, plus several Neon State enterprises, Neon State’s total shares exceed 50% and take control, while Toshiba itself has a small share in Toshiba Storage. .

  This is actually not the acquisition plan that Toshiba wanted, because Toshiba not only lost its own control?  Moreover, it is a bit less optimistic about Toshiba Storage under the control of a bunch of chaotic enterprises and capital.

   But there is no way?   The neon government finally put pressure on it to keep the technology, and Toshiba couldn't match the government.

   But this matter is not in the two absolutes, because the neon government in the middle has also let go?  Originally, Toshiba storage almost sold to Western Digital?  Finally, Toshiba and Western Digital broke down on the details of the negotiation?   gave it up.

   "What is Mr. Xiao's opinion?" Dafeng Group is willing to take action on this matter, at least Tsunagawa Chi is willing to talk about it.

"I have a copy of the data in my hand?   Would you like to ask Mr. Tsunagawa to confirm it for me?   From this report?   After Toshiba sells its semiconductor storage business?   Now the total annual profit of all other Toshiba businesses is only 60 billion neon coins. ,Is it?"

   Tsunagawa Tomo admitted almost without hesitation. After all, it is a listed company and does not consider the issue of financial fraud?   The fact cannot be concealed without recognition.

   "Mr. Tomo Tsunakawa knows that the red envelopes we sent out during the 18th Thanksgiving season at the beginning of the year exceeded 100 billion neon coins."

Xiao Bozhi’s words are a bit uncomfortable, but they are necessary?   So I apologize immediately after saying it?   "I hope that Tsunagawa will not mind?   I just stand from an objective point of view, Toshiba is no matter what. This is still one of the six major electronics companies in the Neon Country, and the annual profit of our six major home appliance companies randomly selected is almost 7 times that of Toshiba. Of course, I am referring to Toshiba after selling its semiconductor storage business.

Selling assets is something that many companies will experience, but throughout history, those companies that can regain a new life by selling assets have one thing in common?   That is to find a clear point of high profitability in the future, but what Toshiba wants to sell now is that it is only left. After selling the semiconductor storage business, can Toshiba now find an industry with an annual profit of more than 50 billion neon coins? Even if it's just a direction? "

   Xiao Bozhi's words are straight to the point. Once Toshiba sells its semiconductor storage business, it cannot find a core profit point. In the end, it can only regard the installation of circuit systems in the community as a key direction.

   Toshiba holds the title of six major electronics companies in the Neon Country, but in fact it has not established itself as a third-rate company.

Tsunakawa Chi is actually very helpless, because the decline of Toshiba is like the epitome of the decline of Neon Country’s electronics industry. He doesn’t know what to do. “So if we sell semiconductor storage to Dafeng Group, Mr. Xiao can promise us what?"

"I can give you two promises. First, the high share ratio. We calculated Toshiba's current debt situation before. You should be able to keep at least 30% of the shares. After Toshiba stores it in our hands, it will naturally operate well. Yes, a guaranteed 30% of the shares can bring long-term stable income to Toshiba. As for our ability to guarantee the profitability of Toshiba storage, I believe Mr. Toshiba Tsunagawa is clear in his mind.

Second, for the transformation of smart infrastructure, Toshiba’s efforts in the direction of infrastructure are actually no problem, but the future is the future of smart infrastructure. We are also doing this. We can do this together in the future. Perhaps Toshiba can find the first Two high profit points. "

Tsunagawa’s heart is moved. This heartbeat is inevitable, because he is very clear about some things. It is of course right that Neon Country wants to keep the technology in the country, but the price behind this thing is that Toshiba, a century-old brand, may It's about to fall completely, and it's the kind of never turning over.

   The Mitsui Consortium has nothing to invest in Toshiba. Sony and Toyota are there, and the Mitsui Consortium has no reason to protect Toshiba.

   This is what the Xiaojia family does for everyone, but the question is, what if the technology is retained? Compared with technology, it can't compare to Samsung, and its sales volume can't compare with Ziguang. Is this small house really necessary?

   conveyed the meaning to and confirmed Tsunakawachi’s heart. Xiao Bozhi is no longer pressing, and Tsunakawachi needs to communicate with more people later, and more external forces are needed to promote the whole thing.

It’s difficult to acquire Samsung’s semiconductor storage business in disguised form or to acquire Toshiba’s semiconductor storage industry by taking a stake in Samsung Electronics. It also has to face the intervention of its own governments on both sides and the intervention of the United States. If it can be one of them, China's position in the semiconductor storage industry is completely different.

   Now the LCD panel is already dominated by China, the CMOS sensor is also dominated by China, and the battery industry is also at the forefront. If it takes over the semiconductor memory chip, Dafeng Group will be able to concentrate on fighting with Intel.

   And shortly after Xiao Boshi left, Tsunagawa also saw a piece of news about Dafeng Group's acquisition of Samsung's semiconductor storage business.


"I just called Tsunagawa Tomo. The people from Dafeng Group did find them, and they did propose an intention to acquire Toshiba Storage, but it was only after the first negotiation." Li Runyu confirmed with Li Zai Rong breathed.

   "The news on both sides was obviously released by Dafeng Group."

   "I always feel that this news is not for our two companies. We can confirm each other as soon as we have a phone call."

"The question is, do you think Tsunagawa’s words can be trusted?" Li Zairong pointed out a key, "Think about what Dafeng Group currently has. Most of the entire smartphone market has been taken down by Huaxia Enterprise, and the rest Yes, Nokia is owned by the Dafeng Group, and Motorola is an in-depth partner of the Dafeng Group. Now Apple is still alive.

  Looking at the computer market again, Dafeng Electronics and Huawei have captured half of the global market. HP is now the technology partner of Dafeng Group.

   Now whether it’s a mobile phone or a computer, how good is our product? The market has been held in the hands of Chinese companies, especially Dafeng Group. This is Meng Qian's greatest confidence in the negotiations with us.

  Recommended, really good, it is worthy of installing one by book friends, Android and iPhone support!

   So even if we clearly let our two companies know that he released the news, do you think Toshiba will be uninterested? Compared with leaving the technology in the Neon Country, maybe even the Neon Country officials will be tempted.

   Others play the Prisoner's Dilemma by placing two people in two inaccessible spaces, while Meng Qian directly puts people together to play the Prisoner's Dilemma. He clearly plays the Prisoner's Dilemma. He is showing off his absolute control! "

"From this perspective, it makes sense for Meng Qian to talk to us about the He does not have to acquire us, because even if the acquisition cannot be acquired, we will be his tool.. .

   This Meng Qian has already begun to fiddle with us wantonly...

   And he, while using us, he did come up with a win-win strategy. "

   Li Runyu was also very upset, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt that Meng Qian was a bit too awesome.

"This Meng Qian deceived people too much!" Li Zaiyong was completely angry, "but this also exposes Meng Qian's arrogance now, just like the neon people back then. He really doesn't treat the United States. In the eyes.

   Today is November 9th, right? "


   "The result should come out soon."

   On the side of the neon country, Tsunakawachi quickly went to have a dialogue with the government, but the government did not make a statement, and also signaled to wait for a result.

   West Lake Tea House, the expressions of everyone in the West Lake Club are more interesting than one.

   "How is this possible..."

   "This year is really a weird year."

   At 1:40 AM on the 9th Eastern Time of the U.S., similar doubts were raised all over the world. Just as everyone could not believe that the United Kingdom really voted to leave the European Union, all forecasting experts were beaten in the face again.

   America, ushered in a surprising new owner.


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