Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 791: Moral Quality

At the beginning of April, the smart photovoltaic highway began to pass. Meng Qian is actually a little worried about this. After all, another time-space smart photovoltaic highway has not been completed, just like Ali's VR shopping in the past, the momentum is huge but cool quickly.

"Mr. Meng, the smart photovoltaic highway has encountered a little trouble." Just two days later, He Yating really came over with bad news.

"What's the matter?" Meng Qian took the tablet caringly.

"After the Smart Photovoltaic Highway was opened, all Internet celebrities took photos there, which not only affected the charging of special cars on the road, but also caused traffic congestion there. What's more ridiculous is that there are couples who want to engrave on it, but fortunately they were stopped in time. Up.

The Smart Photovoltaic Highway has now completely become an Internet celebrity highway..."


Meng Qian's face was full of question marks, "Are these people idle? What can be photographed on this broken highway..."

He Yating said helplessly, "To be precise, it is not only to take pictures, but also many live broadcasts in the past. This year, live broadcasts have suddenly risen on a large scale, especially the rapid development of mobile live broadcasts, which has created a society where there are Internet celebrities and anchors wherever there are hot spots. phenomenon.

In fact, some of them are really popular science anchors, and there is no problem with the proper shooting records on the roadside, but there are always some unruly ones, which have now alarmed the transportation department. "

Meng Qian made all preparations, and even built a camera with a high coverage rate on this highway to monitor any possible vandalism.

But I didn’t count this level. "What did the transportation department say?"

"They can only send people to clear the management, which means that we can send someone to help. After all, traffic laws do not have a very serious basis for penalizing pedestrians on the motorway and affecting the driving of motor vehicles, even if the penalty is fifty or one hundred. , Some people don't care.

And the Fa does not blame the public, there are too many people over there.

Now I can only say that it will not be destroyed as much as possible and wait for the heat to pass. Ordinarily, the road should not be hot for too long. "

Meng Qian curled his lips. His smart photovoltaic road pointed to the fourth industrial revolution. He didn't expect the start to be planted on this kind of thing...

Fortunately, just like He Yating said, this kind of heat passed for a while, but after He Yating left the office, Meng Qian couldn't help thinking about it, always feeling unhappy.

Thinking about it, suddenly someone knocked on the door and came in.

"Why are you here?" Meng Qian hurried up to greet him, and it was his wife and son that made Meng Qian so diligent.

"There was a very important filming today. Both Mom and Auntie haven't come back yet. I can only come here with Fanfan in my arms."

Meng Qian hugged Meng Fan from Shen Jiawen's arms and gently stroked, "Then let Fanfan go to me, you go."

"Don't you need to work today?"

"Just read the report here in the morning, it won't affect."

Meng Qian hugged Meng Fan and teased, while Shen Jiawen sat down in Meng Qian's position and took a rest. She happened to see the picture on the tablet, "Are you watching the smart photovoltaic road turning into a net red road?"

"Ah? Oh, well, He Yating just told me about this, you said these people are annoying or not."

"Then do you have any plans?"

"What's the plan? If the company reacts too strongly to this matter, it is easy to be brought into play. In the past two years, many people have been boycotting live broadcasting, just like they boycotted games, but there is nothing wrong with live broadcasting itself. How much have we helped through live broadcasting? Students in poor areas.

Besides, not every anchor is of low quality. I have never liked to kill a group of people with a stick. We must see that some anchors have been delivering positive energy and showing their social value. Some rat **** pulled them all into the water.

So I'm thinking, if there are really poor quality people in the back, maybe we should select a few people who are particularly excessive and expose them through the media. "


"Yes, expose a few cases, and talk about things from the perspective of violations of laws and regulations, and encourage everyone not to do such things, and try not to affect the entire live broadcast industry."

"I'm afraid it won't have any effect if you talk about the occupation of a motorway?"

"It really violated traffic laws anyway, and I want to expose it to people who have repeatedly violated the rules and have not corrected them."

"You may not know much about the concept of red." Shen Jiawen looked at the tablet and smiled. "Do you know that there is a saying that black and red are also red."

"I heard it."

"You have to be clear about one thing, whether it is a celebrity or an Internet celebrity, no matter what the appearance is, at least they can't escape their status as a commercial tool in this era.

When you look at them from the point of view of business tools, what is the difference between red and black? "

"But people are people after all. People can't really become an absolute tool. Who can stand being scolded every day?" Meng Qian really doesn't understand this field.

"So black and red also have to grasp a certain degree, that is, they can't make big mistakes. For these people, it is really annoying to occupy a motorway, but is it a big mistake? Does the sin lead to death?

At least under the current ethical code, it is not an unforgivable sin. Even if the traffic is obtained by black and red, the traffic is already there. At this time, as long as the team is willing to take action, it is very easy to wash the white.

In fact, many companies will deliberately let their artists follow the black-red route, and then turn around and set up a pleasing personality, and the black fans will immediately become real fans.

Recently, it has been said that the past few years are the era of traffic dividends, not because of how crazy the traffic effect is, but because the current traffic is still easy to control. "

Shen Jiawen explained this, and Meng Qian understood, "So if you expose some people now, you might even help them."

"It can only be said that this is possible. After all, they themselves are a group that relies on traffic to eat, and they may use it. So it's better to leave this matter to the relevant department."

When Shen Jiawen said this, she suddenly felt a little emotional, "Why can't our country increase penalties for things like running red lights, littering, spitting, etc. like the Neon Country? If we can adopt high pressure like the Neon Country. Punishment, the quality of our Huaxia should also be able to rise to a higher level.

I didn’t say everything before, according to the punishment standards of the Neon Country, will anyone have quality? Do you know the reason for this? "

"It's not that I haven't tried it in China. In the past few years, I thought about increasing administrative penalties. As a result, I was scolded by netizens as soon as some minor penalties were issued. In the end, it stopped.

Wasn't there a classic joke back then, when spitting was caught and said that he was fined two yuan, the man took out ten yuan and threw it on the face of law enforcement officers and said that I would vomit four more times.

This thing is related to the national culture. We don't like heavy punishment. Sometimes it is better to impunity for light punishment, so we can't follow the path of neon country. "

"It's just that some people want the quality of the Neon Country, but don't want to accept the punishment standards of the Neon Country.

Eh, do you think there is such a possibility? "Shen Jiawen suddenly thought of something," Isn't it all about the credit reporting system now? Is it possible to include some behaviors in moral quality in the credit reporting system, and use credit deterrence to improve the public's moral standards and quality performance? "

Meng Qian smiled and shook his head, "China is a modern country, and a modern country talks about administering according to law and governing the country according to The level of personal morality cannot affect citizens' equal right to enjoy public services. ."

"What's the reason? People who have no morality and quality can't be cured?" Shen Jiawen was obviously a little unacceptable when she heard this explanation.

Meng Qian smiled jokingly, "Western human rights love to talk about this."

"We are China, so we care about Western human rights."

Meng Qian gave Shen Jiawen a compliment, "My wife said it well, but in fact, the country is also looking for a compromise solution, such as..."

Said that Meng Qian was suddenly excited, and a memory in his brain was aroused, "Why did I forget about this!"

Muttering to himself, Meng Qian took out his mobile phone to call a project leader of Dafeng Technology Innovation, "Did we undertake the construction of an information sharing platform from the Development and Reform Commission?"

"Yes, the national credit information sharing platform was launched not long ago."

There are two major credit systems in China. One is the credit reporting system sponsored by the People's Bank of China, including personal credit reporting and corporate credit reporting. Everyone is familiar with this system. Borrowing and lending must be linked to this credit reporting system.

There is also a national credit information sharing platform sponsored by the National Development and Reform Commission, including the building of integrity and the building of civilization, and the building of civilization is related to moral quality.

The national credit information sharing platform was launched at the end of 2015 in another time and space. With the advance development of China Internet in this world, it was naturally launched more than half a year earlier.

Meng Qian hung up and called again, "Is the leader free lately? I want to invite the leader to dinner..."


"What do you want?" After Meng Qian finished the call, Shen Jiawen looked at him curiously.

"Let me see if I can set a minimum threshold for the industry."


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