Revived Warrior

Vol 5 Chapter 3: Takeda

I stayed for a while, and then almost scolded, but the curse was happy, and the deduction was not a good thing. I could only swallow this breath.

The flick is a very good tactic. The problem is that the strength of the two sides is too far away, which becomes harassment.

The most important thing is that the purpose of this battle is to defend, and sooner or later it is necessary to retreat. Those of us responsible for harassment, who are out of the passage, have lost the opportunity to retreat, even if they are not eaten by the Fifth Army. Will be drowned by other legions behind.

Sicilian fire and the fat npc named Maz did not dare to oppose, just 5o points of merit really scared everyone.

At this time Lieutenant General Carl began to arrange the tasks of other regiments, and I couldn't hear why. All I had in mind was how to make Lieutenant General Carl change his mind.

Suddenly, Takeda Village was standing up: "Lord Lieutenant, my fifth mixed formation wants to participate in the flank operation, please approve it!"

I widened my eyes, didn't I? Someone volunteered to die. Either an idiot is too confident. But being able to mix players who lead a group in the game is definitely not easy.

Lieutenant General Carr also took a moment, but his mind seemed to be full of instructions to "kill these players", so he showed a "desperate" expression and laughed: "Courage, approve!"

At the end of the meeting, we walked out of the camp. I coughed and beckoned: "Comrades participating in the flank operation, come and discuss it."

Three people came over and Sicilian fire smiled and said, "Introduce each other, I am the Sicilian fire, 81-level fire warrior, third-rank Viscount, the owner of Xuelin City, and have a town territory, major rank, this time bring A 5oo demon warrior group. "

Fire Samurai? This is a change of job of the magic warrior, it is very difficult to appear, really good luck guy.

Maz Road: "Maz, 62th priest, third-ranked Count, Lord of the Niu County, rank of lieutenant colonel, and brought 1ooo knights."

Although known as the Knights, the regiment of a single unit allows one-fifth of other occupations. However, the Knights led by a priest still seemed strange.

I also introduced my identity, and the Sicilian fire immediately showed a long-awaited expression and patted me for a while. Although I was not high-level, I was able to enter one of the top 60 perverts, and my fame was not small. Although this "top ten" is a bit unpleasant.

Takeda Mura faced disdain: "Level 69? It ’s better to be famous than to meet. I do n’t know how much help you have to get your current status. I, Takeda Mura, Level 85 Archer, Second Viscount, Yan Feicheng Lord, major rank, with 5oo bowmen. "

Level 85 is powerful enough. In fact, looking at his arrogance, he should also be the master of a consortium. He really got to this level with the help of his subordinates. Besides, level 85 is probably only ranked out of the top 100 games, and it's nothing great.

Now that everyone is on a boat, he doesn't care about his attitude. I said, "Everyone should know that we have been assigned a troublesome task this time. Are there any good ways for you to avoid this task? Let me talk about mine first. Well, I want to stun the prisoner. What do you think? "

Sicily was stunned: "You are really despicable with Master, I think this method is good!"

Matz coughed: "Even if they are fainted, they will sue you after the war. At the same time that all the merits on the battlefield are invalidated, the military court will try you."

I was disappointed and said, "What else can I do?"

Takeda Village was sneering: "It turned out to be a group of scared ghosts, but now is a great opportunity to wipe out the enemy and build fame in one fell swoop, but you are discussing how to escape, hum, I am ashamed to be with you, I am gone, this time Action, I'm responsible for the right flank. If you haven't escaped by then, go from the left!

Watching Takeda stride away, we all hummed twice, but I do n’t understand where this Takeda has such strong confidence, and he is a bow corps, so we do n’t want us to cover him?

Sicily laughed with fire: "It seems to me that Heaven is not very concerned about the situation in Xiliang Kingdom. Takeda Village is the young owner of the Takeda Foundation in Japan. In Xiliang Kingdom, his power is ranked third."

I snorted, and it seems that his self-confidence is not without reason, and I don't know what he can do with weakness and strength.

At this time, the three supervisors had found us, and we couldn't figure out a solution for a while. We still hurry up and prepare for the time, and the time will come soon.

It is said that everyone goes to the quartermaster to buy the discounted blood medicine to the upper limit. At this time, military musicians sent by the lieutenant teach us military songs and military music. Those who have music skills have learned the music, and the team also equipped us with Two blacksmiths and a tailor for repairs.

During the busy period, I saw the resurrection point in the middle of the camp with a magic circle, and I felt a touch in my heart. I wonder how many players will appear at this resurrection point again and again.

I must not let those brothers who gave my life to my Friendship City sacrifice for nothing, I have a decision in my heart.

Once out, as soon as I assembled, I immediately recruited Fate Stealth, and let him go out of the Silver Channel to detect enemy situation. Although there is military intelligence, I believe in Fate Stealth.

When Wu Ying was brought up with volunteers, we rushed to the Silver Channel, and most of the other troops rushed towards the channel.

The silver channel is really full of silver ore, but in this game silver is not very valuable, and it is not easy to refine, plus it is far from the villages and towns, so there is usually no one to collect it.

Now that the march is here, the miners who have vacancies on their bodies immediately dig, and many troops are in a mess again.

It is really an unbearable army. The NPC officers are angry and scolded, but these players have no meritorious value and cannot be punished anyway. For corporal punishment, the player directly turns off the pain. Confinement or expulsion? Fighting soon, you can't reduce your combat power.

More than 20,000 people have entered various defensive facilities in the corridor, and other troops remain behind as reserve teams. Our four troops passed through the aisle, and there was a hilly area in front of us. There were a lot of hidden places.

At this time, I was surprised to see that there were 10,000 people in Takeda Village's army coming from behind!

Some of these players that suddenly popped up are volunteers, and more are players with ordinary identities. Like Takeda ’s Bow Corps, they all seem to be Japanese.

Understand that it is no wonder that Takeda is so confident. It turned out to be this power. In the end, there are rich people, and the tolls and supplies of more than 10,000 people are just a small amount for large consortia.

But the most important thing is that thousands of Japanese players who do n’t even have the status of volunteers have nothing to gain besides consuming blood and equipment. If it were n’t for Takeda ’s high price, they would never have come. Will be up to millions of world coins.

At the same time, among these Japanese, there are also a group of mercenaries who have the mercenary mark, and it is good to have money.

After a rough scan, the group that Takeda brought are all above 6o. He does have crazy capital, but I doubt whether ordinary players can compete with the troops commanded by computer intelligence on the regular battlefield.

Although computer intelligence is not as flexible and emotionally rich as human thinking, in terms of discipline and calculation, there are definitely advantages that players can't match. In this regard, I have seen several times during the days of the bandit.

Of course, Takeda is not just mad, he has the natural gambling nature of the Japanese military. Because all combat positions in the Silver Passage have troops, Takeda, a 10,000 private force, has room to play only outside the Passage.

If 10,000 people in Takeda stayed behind the passage, they would have the opportunity to make a contribution only when the armies of both sides were evenly matched and exhausted, so Takeda Ningken, who had this large amount of capital, put his bet on this side attack .

Ten thousand senior players, with the financial resources of the Takeda Consortium, must have good equipment and armaments, plus thousands of people on our side, this side attack is very promising to succeed.

At this time, the players in the Volunteer Corps had some false reports, saying that in reality there was something to leave, and they were depressed. In this way, my Volunteer Corps has only about 4,000 people.

Find a place to hide and ambush, look at the Sicilian fire and Maz, and also hide well, it is rare that so many people in Takeda have also hidden.

Destiny Rogue hurried back and reported to me enemy information.

In this attack on the Silver Channel, in addition to the Iron Dragon Fifth Army Corps, there were more than 30,000 flying regiments directly under the Iron Dragon Corps. The army army had flew over the mountains and detoured to our 13th Army Corps from the side.

The Fifth Army has 45,000 people, with an average level of 85, and the Flying Corps has an average level of 8o.

The two enemy forces are estimated to arrive in half an hour.

There is no need to calculate at all. I already know that we have no chance at all, and immediately asked someone to pass the news to other troops and the headquarters of the legion, and at the same time let the destiny stealth to investigate the situation of the enemy's follow-up forces and terrain information.

The supervisory army was indifferent to the intelligence I detected. There was only one sentence: "It is the duty of the soldier to obey orders. Wait for the decision of the general."

The order returned by the lieutenant was: "Fighting with Heaven because of the fear of war, deliberately spreading false news and deducting 1oo points of merit."

Takeda didn't even listen to his ears: "The military's intelligence will not be as accurate as that of a player? Do you want to persuade our army to take full advantage of your thousands of black people? Fighting against the sky, there is more than one of you here. smart people!"

The Sicilian fire and Maz did not explicitly say that they did not believe my intelligence, only that they could not disobey military orders.

Khan, I ca n’t take care of you. Even if I defied military orders and deducted my merits, I would not let my thousands of brothers lose their rank in vain.

After arguing with the Jianjun, no result, I turned back to call the various team captains and fog shadows.

The captain of the Cavaliers is Lanx, the captain of the warrior Black Volcano, the captain of the mage Xuehai Piaoxiang, and the captain of the archer is a Mongolian player called "son of the wolf". The remaining more than 100 people are under my command.

I stated my plan to withdraw from the battle, and then waited quietly for everyone's accusations.

This is a very easy to foresee result. Now exiting the battle is equivalent to desertion. Not only will it be ridiculed by the entire Big 6 player, but more importantly, are soldiers like Tangmen and guys like self-righteousness like Lanks, can they Passed the level in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Tang Men and Lanx nodded at the same time: "We believe in the information of the destiny stalkers, just follow your plan."

Everyone agreed, and I still couldn't believe it.

Tang Men looked at me with a smile: "What's the expression with you? Your decision is correct, knowing that you can't win a war, what else can you fight? Do you know what ** once said? His famous saying Part 1: The enemy is strong, I flash. "2k novel reading network

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