Chapter 51 Frieza, you fucking are really a big bad breed

“Frieza, I didn’t lie to you.”

Kahn grabbed the half-dead Frieza’s head, “I said, from the beginning, I can kill you in seconds like a second-kill button, but my strength has increased for so many years, and I have never fought with anyone, just play with you.” ”

“You don’t really think of yourself as an onion, do you.”


Frieza didn’t resist for a while, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.


Frieza gritted his teeth and said with a look of remorse: “I knew that today, this king should have driven all of you Saiyan remnants to extermination!” ”

It’s just a pity.

There is no regret medicine in this world.

Kahn shrugged noncommittally and said, “So, as I said from the beginning, you have missed the best time to completely exterminate the Saiyans. ”

“In the final analysis, you still haven’t faced us Saiyans squarely from the beginning, just now you said that ignorance, conceit, and arrogance are the weaknesses of our Saiyans, and now it seems that this is precisely your weakness.”

“The lion fighting rabbit also uses all his strength, you won’t understand, in this world, killing is the greatest respect for the enemy.”

“Damn wild monkeys!”

Frieza’s eyes were full of reluctance and remorse.

It’s not that he didn’t pay attention to the Saiyan nation, but he didn’t expect that such a few surviving Saiyan remnants could still appear such a ruthless character as Kahn!

To say that Frieza’s destruction of planet Vegeta was all under the orders of Beerus, it is not true.

Among them, there is more or less mixed with some of Frieza’s personal vigilance against the Saiyan people.

Because Frieza knew that the Saiyan nation was not truly subservient to him, plus there was a legend about the Super Saiyan.

So Frieza also knows that sooner or later the Saiyans will definitely hit the bottom and rebound.

Coupled with Beerus’s signal, there was only the matter of his destruction of Planet Vegeta back then.

“It’s just a pity for you, Frieza.”


Kahn suddenly said this, which made Frieza a little confused.

It’s a pity for Ben King? Pity what?

Kahn also did not make a fuss, and said bluntly: “It’s a pity that your body is a mutant frozen demon race, and tomorrow the potential is strong, but it is defeated by your arrogance and arrogance.” ”

“Today before coming to Earth, if you did a few push-ups on the spaceship, it would not be such a field now.”


If you think about it, Friesa trained for four months, and he could soar from the level of 120 million combat power to the golden form of the super blue level like a heifer riding a rocket.

It’s outrageous to open the door to outrageous, outrageous to home!

Not to mention the black form that has been cultivated for another ten years and is free in one move.

A gold form, a black form, all tell how terrifying Frieza’s own potential is!

But Van Frieza did a few sit-ups in the spaceship on the way to Earth, and Kahn will never be his match today.

“It can only be said that you have been in a high position for many years, so that your own mentality has changed, thinking that in this universe, no one should be able to shake your position as the emperor of the universe.”

“This is the main factor in your defeat today.”

Kahn’s faint voice fell in Frieza’s ears, but it was like a sharp thorn, piercing into his heart.


A faint sly sly color flashed in Frieza’s scarlet eyes, “You’re right, so you should let me go today, and after I go back, cultivate for a period of time and then win or lose, how about it?” ”

“What do you say?”

Kahn smiled harmlessly.

But Frieza felt a cold killing intent from Kahn’s smile!


I saw Kahn’s left hand sticking out, and a qigong bomb that exuded the aura of death quickly condensed.

“Since you already have murderous intentions against me, how can I let the tiger return to the mountain today? Do you think I look like a fool who has lived for more than thirty years? ”

“Besides, if I don’t kill you, I can’t sleep well at night.”


With Frieza thinking, how could Kahn sleep?

Moreover, Kahn is currently not able to deal with the strength of Golden Frieza, so no matter what, he will not be able to let Frieza leave alive today.

Killing them all is the greatest respect for the enemy!

“Mr. Kahn, please wait a minute!”

Seeing that Kahn really wanted to kill him, Frieza was completely panicked and panicked: “Back then, King Ben destroyed planet Vegeta by people, not King Ben’s meaning!” ”

“You want to avenge the Saiyan, you go to him, please believe me!”


Kahn was happy.

“Haha, Frieza, you’re really a big bad guy, you let me go to the god of destruction Beerus to take revenge? If you want me to die, just say it, why bother with such a roundabout. ”

Frieza’s face darkened, and he said in horror: “You… Do you know Beerus, the god of destruction?? ”

Kahn smiled and said, “You destroyed planet Vegeta at the behest of the god of destruction Beerus, and I knew about this from the beginning. ”

“So you want to fool me into finding trouble with the god of destruction Beerus, I’m afraid you’ve miscalculated.”


How could Kahn say that he was a big bad breed?

But that’s Frieza.

Even if he loses, he will do everything to kill his enemies, or die together.

This is Frieza’s method.


Frieza’s face darkened.

“Okay, it’s time for you to hit the road.”

Say it.

Kahn pushed a little harder and threw Frieza into the air.

“Frieza, since you ascended to the position of the emperor of the universe, you have been domineering and doing many evils in the universe, and today this is your final destination.”

“If you still have a chance to be resurrected, if you want to come to me for revenge, remember to cultivate before coming.”


When Kahn’s words fell, the qigong bullet on the palm of his left hand also burst out.

Under the gaze of Frieza troops such as Vegeta, Ji Nei and Belibulu, Frieza was bombarded into powder by Kahn’s qigong bomb.

A generation of cosmic emperors has fallen.

“Win… Win! ”

At this moment, Raditz could no longer hide the excitement in his heart and was ecstatic.

“Frieza, this bastard, is finally dead!” Naba also grinned.

The group of Saiyan girls in Ji Nei cheered even more excitedly.

With the fall of Frieza, the shadow that shrouded their hearts finally slowly dissipated.

“F… King Frieza! ”

“Nope! This is not true! How could King Frieza lose to the Saiyans! ”



ps: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!

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