Chapter Twenty-Five I treat you as a brother, you actually want to be my father?

“Three million combat power, how can it be done!”

Vegeta’s eyelids jumped wildly, and he always felt that he had been fooled by Kahn.

If you have three million combat power, you still have to be afraid of Frieza?

“Yes… Yes, Kahn, with three million combat power, he should be able to directly defeat Frieza! Naba also pouted.

Originally, he was still excited, looking forward to one day becoming the legendary Super Saiyan.

The result is the next second.

Kahn’s three million combat power instantly withered the excitement he had just risen.

What a joy for nothing.

“Indeed, three million combat power to transform into a Super Saiyan is the minimum standard for defeating Frieza.”

Kahn followed suit: “Your Highness Vegeta, aren’t you trying to bring down Frieza?” If three million combat power scares you back, then you are too inferior. ”

District… Three million combat power ??

Vegeta’s eyelids jumped wildly again.

You really stand and talk without back pain!

“Hmph, three million is three million, what’s so difficult about this!”

Vegeta, this person, could not stand the stimulation the most, because of the face of the Saiyan prince and his arrogant self-esteem.

Vegeta had to blow this cowhide out in front of Kahn today.

Otherwise, where will the face of his Saiyan prince go?

“Kahn, I know that you are very strong in combat power now, but it is Prince Ben’s business to defeat Frieza and wash away the shame of the Saiyans!” Vegeta’s mind was hot, and he couldn’t care so much.

If he doesn’t defeat Frieza, what face will he have in the future to become the new King Vegeta?

Although he is a Saiyan prince, Kahn’s fighting power is far above him, and the new Saiyan population is all Kahn’s children

Only when he succeeds in overthrowing Frieza can he hope to become king.


In the future, the position of the new king of the Saiyans is none other than Kahn!

Kahn smiled slyly and said, “It was originally your business, His Highness Vegeta, didn’t we say it at the beginning, I am responsible for giving birth to children to revive the Saiyan nation, and you are responsible for becoming stronger and defeating Frieza.” ”

“Now that I have told you the minimum standards for bringing down Frieza, it will depend on your performance.”

“Your Highness Vegeta, you are a Saiyan prince and a genius warrior, don’t let everyone down.”

“Hmph, just wait and see, I will definitely defeat Frieza!”

Vegeta snorted coldly and said arrogantly.

Vegeta originally thought that Kahn could reach more than 300,000 combat strength for a lower-level warrior, so for him, a Saiyan prince genius warrior, it was not a hand-to-hand approach?


As time went by, after growing up, Vegeta found out in despair, let alone three million, even if it was 30,000 combat power, it was also difficult for him!


Himei also came over with Raditz.


Seeing Raditz staring at Kahn with a strange look, Ji Nei on the side reminded him a little anxiously.


Raditz pouted, then turned his face and said disdainfully: “I don’t call him dad, my dad is Bardock!” ”

Raditz was speechless.

Why do I treat you as the brother of the Saiyan nation, and you actually want to be my father?

“Raditz, why are you disobedient!” Ji Nei was even more anxious at this time.

Kahn waved his hand and said, “Ji Nei, don’t force him.” ”

“Raditz, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to recognize me as a stepfather, I respect your choice.”

Kahn also understood Raditz’s thoughts.

Not to mention a person like Raditz who also has a certain amount of conceit, even if it is an ordinary seven or eight-year-old child, it is difficult for him to recognize a stepfather and call his stepfather a father.

At least it is not possible to overcome the hurdle in your heart overnight.


Raditz looked at Himeuchi with a smug look, as if to say.

Look, people Kahn didn’t say anything, just shut up.


Himeuchi seemed to want to say something.

I saw that Kahn pressed his palm, and Ji Nei had to be silent.

“Let’s go!”

When Raditz finished his business, Vegeta got up and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, Ji Nei took Raditz’s hand and said reluctantly: “Raditz, do you still want to go back to Frieza?” ”

“Of course, I don’t want to stay here.”

Raditz said.

Kahn got up, grabbed Himechi’s wrist and let her release Raditz, “Let him go back, Raditz is a Saiyan warrior, and it’s useless for him to stay here.” ”


Raditz took one last look at Himechi and followed Vegeta and Naba without looking back.

Himeuchi chased all the way out, watching Raditz leave.

It wasn’t until the spaceship on which Vegeta and the three of them were riding disappeared into the sky that he reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

Kahn came over and gently patted Himeka’s shoulder, “He will be fine with Frieza, and the next time we meet, maybe he should grow up.” ”


Ji Nei wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.

She is now mainly worried about whether Raditz will go back to Frieza, after all, Frieza has even destroyed Planet Vegeta, even if Frieza wants to kill all three of Vegeta one day in the future, then she will not feel any surprise.


That’s it.

More than a month passed.

Dr. Briff finally developed the gravity training room.

“This is the control console, you can freely adjust the multiplier by entering the number, according to your requirements, this gravity cultivation room can be adjusted to a maximum of five hundred times the gravity, which is also the limit of what I can do at present.”

In the gravity cultivation room, Dr. Briff put his hands behind his back and said slowly: “If you still have needs, I will improve it again when I have time, and the limit should be about two thousand times.” ”

“That’s not urgent, five hundred times is enough at present.”

Kahn smiled and groaned, “Thanks, Dr. Brive.” ”

“Hehe, Mr. Kahn is polite.”

The gravity cultivation room was completed, but Kahn was in no hurry to start cultivating at this time.

He was more concerned about Bulma’s situation.

“Dr. Brive, is Bulma still like this lately?” Kahn asked about Bulma again.

“Yes, she recently got home and rushed into the lab, and she didn’t know what she was studying, although this is a good thing, but I am still worried that something will happen to her.”

Speaking of Bulma, Dr. Brive sighed too.

He always felt that his youngest daughter Bulma seemed to have changed her temperament.

“Bulma is in school now, why don’t we go to her lab and see what she’s working on?”

“I feel that Bulma is a heart disease, and we must understand the root cause of the heart disease in order to treat the problem.”

Kahn made a suggestion.

“Mr. Kahn, you have a point.”

“Let’s take a look.”

Dr. Brive muttered and then took Kahn to Bulma’s laboratory.

After all, letting Bulma continue like this is not a solution.


ps: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!

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