Chapter 24 how? Looking down on lower-level fighters?

“We are also out on a mission this time, which happens to be not far from here, so His Highness Vegeta brought us here.” Naba continued.

Kahn nodded.

If you stop by while you are out on a mission, it’s nothing.

Frieza probably didn’t have the leisure to keep an eye on Vegeta’s every move.

“Kahn, I heard Frieza say that your combat power reached twenty-seven thousand more than a year ago?”

Vegeta came over this time, in addition to seeing what stage Kahn would implement the plan to revive the Saiyans, he also wanted to personally determine whether Kahn’s combat power was really the same as Frieza said, reaching a staggering twenty-seven thousand?

“More than a year ago? That’s pretty much it. ”

At that time, Kahn’s combat effectiveness was indeed almost this number, which should be the period before and after Qiu Yi came to Earth.

“Now what? Your combat power won’t have exceeded 50,000, right? Receiving Kahn’s personal confirmation, Naba couldn’t help but ask curiously.

Hearing the terrifying value of fifty thousand, Vegeta’s heart beat violently.

If Kahn’s combat power really exceeded 50,000, it would be too terrifying!

You know, even Dotoria and Saab failed to reach the combat power of fifty thousand.

Even, the combat power of 50,000, even if it is placed in the trump card of the Frieza Army, is a strong person at the top level.

Kahn smiled, “Didn’t you wear a combat effectiveness detector?” Just see for yourself. ”

Fifty thousand combat power?

That’s too much to underestimate yourself.

Curious about Kahn’s combat power, Vegeta and Naba pressed the button on the combat power detector.

Di Di Di.

Immediately, the combat effectiveness detectors of the two began to calculate the movement.

The values on the screen began to soar rapidly.

Thirty thousand… Fifty thousand… Eighty thousand… One hundred thousand

150,000… Two hundred thousand… Two hundred and fifty thousand!

Di Di Di!


In the next second, Vegeta and Naba’s combat power detectors exploded in unison.

“How is it possible…”

Naba’s eyes widened and he looked at Kahn, who was sitting across from them with a look of shock, smiling.

“Three… 300,000 combat strength?! No way! ”

Vegeta was also constricted pupils and his heart was shocked!

Before the explosion of the combat effectiveness detector, he clearly saw that the last combat effectiveness value that stayed on the detector screen was 300,000!


The combat effectiveness detector exploded due to overload in operation.


Vegeta and Naba thought that Kahn’s combat power could reach 50,000, which was already amazing.


The results they calculated using the combat effectiveness detector were far more than fifty thousand, and even the combat effectiveness detector could not detect the real combat power of Kahn!

This moment.

Vegeta and Naba’s eyes changed when they looked at Kahn!

They stared at Kahn as if they were looking at a monster, and their young hearts were greatly shocked!

“You guy… How can your combat power be 300,000!! ”

Vegeta growled lowly.

Those wide eyes were full of unwillingness.

He couldn’t accept it, he couldn’t accept Kahn, who was born as a lower-level fighter, his combat effectiveness could reach such a terrifying value!

You know, even the captain of the Ji Niu special combat team, Ji Niu, has a combat effectiveness of just over 100,000.

However, Kahn’s combat power is three times that of Captain Kitty???

“Kahn, you… You won’t be the legendary Super Saiyan, will you!!? Naba was also shocked.

The terrifying combat power of up to 300,000 is completely beyond their cognition!

Kahn shook his head and said, “Super Saiyan, I’m not yet, but soon.” ”

If he could transform into Super One now, why should he worry about whether Frieza was spying or tracking Vegeta and them just now?

Vegeta’s eyes widened and his eyes were torn, and he roared unwillingly: “Impossible! How can a low-level warrior of yours have a combat power of 300,000? How could it be a Super Saiyan!! ”

“This is absolutely impossible!”

As a Saiyan prince and a genius warrior, Vegeta has been a little devilished by his arrogant self-esteem and conceit.

“How? Looking down on lower-level fighters? ”

For Vegeta’s unwilling roar, Kahn just said without waves.

What is 300,000 combat strength? His current combat power has long exceeded two million, but it is just the combat effectiveness detector of the Frieza Army, and it cannot detect the energy intensity of this level.

Vegeta’s eyelids twitched fiercely, and he knew that the 300,000 combat power displayed by the combat power detector just now was real.

Just thinking about him who was arrogant and conceited, he couldn’t accept this fact in his heart.

It’s just that Vegeta also knows that even if he is a Saiyan prince, he is not qualified to shout in front of Kahn, who has 300,000 combat power.

His identity as a Saiyan prince is not worth mentioning in front of Kahn’s 300,000 combat strength.

To put it bluntly, Kahn gave him face and called him His Highness Vegeta.

If you don’t give him face, then he is a quick tragedy tower, and he can be put into the earth in minutes.

The power between them is not at all on the same level.

“You guy, how did you do it?” Vegeta asked through gritted teeth.

His current combat strength has just exceeded three thousand.

But Kahn’s combat power has exceeded 300,000, and Vegeta knows that this is far from Kahn’s true strength.

Kahn’s real combat effectiveness will only be higher than 300,000!

“You can’t learn, at least you can’t do it now, and when you grow up, you may have a chance.”

Kahn said lightly.


Kahn is right.

You don’t have a multi-child system, how did you learn it?

Even if there is, it won’t work.

Vegeta is less than eight years old this year, and his hair has not grown, even if he is given a multi-son and multi-blessing system, it is just a decoration.

“Also, you don’t have to be frustrated, Super Saiyan does not refer to a specific person, it is no exaggeration to say that any Saiyan has a chance to become the legendary Golden Warrior Super Saiyan.” After a pause, Kahn continued.

“What did you say?!”

But anyone who is a Saiyan can become a Super Saiyan?

Vegeta and Naba’s hearts and three views were once again hit by a huge impact!

If Kahn wasn’t fooling them, wouldn’t it mean that one day, they could become Super Saiyans too?

“Kahn, are you saying that both me and His Highness Vegeta can become Super Saiyan??” Compared to Vegeta, Naba was particularly excited.

Kahn bowed: “Yes, provided that your combat power must reach more than three million.” ”

“I’ll pour!”

Vegeta and Naba suddenly fell headlong to the floor.

You really dare to say it.

What is the concept of three million combat power? At least Vegeta and Naba can’t imagine it yet.

If it has three million combat power, how strong it should be!


ps: A little Kavin today, let’s change it first, make up tomorrow, and finally ask for a flower, thank you!!

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