Revival of the Mysterious: Tarot Cards, Starting with the Fortune Teller

Chapter 99 Shock! Local tyrants and rich women slaughter fat sheep

Finks has yet to answer.

The majestic voice came out again.

"The names on the table are your codenames from now on."

"There is no need to reveal your identity here, everyone's face and figure will be covered."

"On the Ark of Destiny, I am the captain and you are the crew."

"You all belong to the children of destiny and will gather here!"

"Those who use fate as a boat and ride on the river of time can break through the barriers of boundaries."

"Whether you can achieve success or not depends on you. Although you have luck, you should not take it lightly. If your luck is exhausted, a new son of luck will be selected!"

“All I can provide is a communication platform, and I hope you can encourage me together!”

"This place is also a special existence. Every time you come, you enter it physically."

"If you need to leave, just say it silently in your heart!"

"When you come back again, you can enter only when you hear the three bells in your mind and recite the prayer forever for a hundred breaths!"

"If you miss it, you have to wait until next time!"

See the sound stop.

Finks wondered.

"Master Captain, what does it mean to step on the river of time and break through the barriers?"

The majestic voice came again.

"Don't say it, you will understand later!"

"Then you communicate among yourselves. When you need to leave, just say it silently!"

The two Finks waited for a while.

After that, there was no sound in the mist.

I guessed that the captain might leave.

He looked at the woman opposite and said.

"Baita, did you also see the prayer coming in?"

The woman is Sophia.

After taking, Sequence 9 Reader, the potion.

When he's about to turn into a monster.

Whispers are heard.

Following Yong Nian, we arrived here.

I'm still a little confused to this day.

Hear the abyss ask.

Only then did he wake up a little.


"I had just taken the potion and was about to turn into a monster when I vaguely heard a prayer."

"I started reading it unconsciously, and then I ended up here."

Although the content is very short.

But Finks still got two pieces of information.

First, the White Tower is only Sequence 9.

Second, the way the prayers appear is different from mine.

At the same time, I was extremely shocked.

What kind of strength is this?

Only then can it be done?

And what exactly is this place?

That's ok.

The Ark of Destiny was not sailing on the sea, because when it was on the deck, it had been confirmed that no sea water was seen.

But one thing can be confirmed.

The captain did not do any harm.

I felt a lot more relieved.

He asked again tentatively.

"Excuse me, are you from Makenna City or St. Rupa City?"

Sophia, who was unprepared, replied.

"Sorry! I have never heard of Makenna City, but I know St. Rupa City. It is a city in Haikou."

"I'm in the royal capital, which seems to be thousands of kilometers away from Saint Rupa City."

Finks' pupils narrowed.

That is to say.

The two of them are thousands of kilometers apart.

Being so far apart, they can actually teleport to the same place.

What ability can do this?

The previous Sotas only appeared randomly within a hundred kilometers.

He glanced at Misty out of the corner of his eye.

His expression became more and more respectful.

Finks pondered for a while.

"I need night flower, 10 grams of stamens, and a chameleon heart."

"There are a lot of materials in the Royal Capital. If you have time, please help me find it. I will pay the corresponding price to express my gratitude!"

Sophia's eyes lit up.

asked hurriedly.

"Lord Abyss, I will pay attention to what you say."

"I have one thing to ask you. I drank a bottle of magic potion, but I don't know how."

"I wonder if you can tell?"

Finks was stunned.

What is this woman's identity? He didn't even know what the potion was, so he drank it.

Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to find follow-up magic potions in the future?

But I just thought about it in my heart.

The other party can't control it no matter what.

said in a deep voice.

"I don't know much about it. Please tell me first about the feedback information from the potion."

Sophia raised her hand to support her chin.

He thought about it for a moment.

"My reading ability has improved, and it seems that being able to read ten lines at a glance is no longer a problem."

"By the way, there seems to be another one. My memory has improved a lot. Even if I get on the boat of destiny, I can still remember how many steps I took."

Finks was startled.

He knew there wasn't a lot of career information.

But from the description of the situation in the White Tower, I really know a profession.

In Makenna City, Wilder and his team went to the North District to support that time.

There is a special agent in the West District who is the reader.

Said towards the other party.

"I know a profession called reader, which is somewhat similar to what you said. You can read ten lines at a time."

"You can use this as a reference!"

Sophia looked happy.

He dared not tell his father about this.

Surrounded by his father's subordinates, he didn't dare to ask questions at will. Now that we have this place, it is much more convenient.

said hurriedly.

"Lord Abyss, if you come across a reader's potion or formula, no matter how much it costs, please be sure to help me get it."

“Price is not an issue!”

Hearing this, Finks' first reaction was in his mind.

Rich man, rich woman!

At the same time, he also kept the White Tower's needs in mind.

If you have a chance.

Kill a bunch of fat sheep by the way.

Even Finks himself didn't know.

Since merging with the demon soul.

The personality gradually changes.

In the past, Finks would never have thought of slaughtering a fattened sheep.

At this time, Finks suddenly thought of a question.


"So how do we trade?"

Sophia was stunned.

After thinking for a moment, he said.

"I can see the clothes on my body. I should be able to bring some things in. Let's give it a try next time."

Finks nodded.

"Okay! If I don't have anything else to do, I'll leave. Say goodbye!"


Two figures left one after another.

Kurt sat on the throne, one hand on the armrest, resting his chin.

Re-arrange the conversation between the two.

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