Reverse Growth Superstar

: Seven hundred and seventy-seven: the difference between 2 people

     Halfway through the second quarter, the Spurs' situation is getting worse and worse.

   The score was gradually opened, and Link's offensive made the Spurs no longer worry about it.

   The Spurs went from a 2 point lead at the end of the first quarter to now 6 points behind. Popovich frowned deeper and deeper, and he couldn't believe that he would lose control of the game in the face of this perfect plan.

   At this time, Link once again faced Dior with the ball. And this is precisely Link's third match against Dior in this quarter.

   Popovich changed defense for three rounds, and Link did not forget the goal he set for himself. As long as Popovich asks Leonard to defend himself, the Grizzlies' offense will be on!

   This attack is absolutely not allowed to miss.

   Dior is still the same, not eating, not fouling, not taking risks, and let Link take a step.

   To be honest, this kind of infallible defender is really hard to deal with. Link felt that Dior's defense was seriously underestimated, and this guy should join the selection of the best defensive player.

   Westbrook has a lot of steals and blocks, but he often makes mistakes and often loses position because of impulsive actions. So even with more steals and blocks, he is not a good defensive player.

   Dior and Westbrook are just the opposite. Dior doesn't seem to be good at steals and blocks. But what he is best at is not allowing the opponent to score. And the ultimate goal of defense is not to make the opponent unable to score? Steals and blocks are just a means to prevent the opponent from scoring goals.

   Link continued to call for cover and asked Gasol to hang Duncan out of this move, which had already been successful twice before.

   I have to say that a center with shooting ability does have a greater threat tactically. Without Gasol, this tactic of the Grizzlies would not be successful.

   But this time, when Link once again borrowed Gasol's cover to break through, Link found that Duncan had come over in time!

   At the same time, Dior also double-teamed Link directly. They gave up the defense of Gasol and planned to strangle Link to death at any cost!

   Link calmly delivered the ball to Gasol. The Spurs did not believe in evil, they wanted to bet on Gasol's shot.

   Then let them lose decently!

   Gasol connects to the basketball from the three-point line, and most centers are overwhelmed when they receive the ball from the three-point line.

   But Gasol didn't. The moment he received the basketball he made a decisive three-pointer! Gasol doesn't shoot many three-pointers, but all Grizzlies players know that he has a three-point range.

   Seeing Gasol take a three-pointer, Popovich's eyes are full of expectation. As long as Gasol can't make this goal, he can safely and boldly let Dior continue to defend Link!

   An offensive point that can't throw the ball into it can't open up space. If Gasol can't make a shot, Duncan can boldly go up to defend every time Link plays the pick and roll.

   But soon, the roll-up basketball net made Popovich’s expectations disappear.

   Marc Gasol made a hollow three-pointer and he successfully seized the opportunity! Facts have proved that if the Spurs rashly let Gasol shoot, even if it is a three-pointer, it will pay a price!

   Link was excited to high-five Gasol, and the Spaniard successfully maintained his offensive threat. And this three-pointer also helped the Grizzlies expand the difference to 9 points!

   9 points, this is not a small number. If the Grizzlies score again, the point difference will go to double digits. At that time, the situation will become more uncontrollable!

   So Link finally heard the harsh whistle.

   Popovich asked for a timeout, and the Spurs seemed to re-adjust their strategy.

   Link smiled, exactly three rounds! Sure enough, Popovich could not sit still.

   After the timeout is over, the old man will definitely change defense!

   Everything is going according to Link's expectations. Popovich thought he was in charge of the game, but in fact he has been controlled by the Grizzlies.

   Link slowly walked off the court, and when he saw Butler, he hooked his little brother's shoulder, "Remember what I said to you before the start of the second quarter?"

   Butler nodded, repeating what Link said before, "After Leonard leaves, don't stop running."

   Link smiled with satisfaction, the Spurs' dominance of the game is over!

   On the other side, Popovich couldn't speak as calmly as Link. He knew that Dior alone could no longer contain Link. So he walked to Leonard and looked at the expressionless guy.

   "He is so arrogant!"

   Popovich yelled, and Leonard just nodded.

"Next, I need you to go back to defend Link. You tortured him like Jimmy Butler, understand?" Popovich gritted his teeth, he wanted to see, facing Leonard's defense, Link Don’t get crazy yet!

   Although this would disrupt Popovich’s original plan, basketball games were originally to find the best path to victory in constant adjustments.

   Leonard still just nodded without saying anything. This expressionless number 2 is in sharp contrast with the impatient Popovich.

  He seems to have no emotion at all. No matter what the situation is, no matter how anxious the head coach is, he will always be at his own pace.

   Popovich knows Leonard’s character, or if he is replaced by another coach, he might be so anxious to see the players still tepid at the moment of anxiety.

   The short timeout period ended and the players from both sides stepped onto the court again. The Spurs came to a key point, whether the Grizzlies pulled the difference to double digits and was passively beaten, or came up behind like the first quarter, it all depends on the offense and defense!

   To Popovich's pleasure, the Spurs successfully reduced the score in the first attack after coming back from a timeout.

   This time, Ginobi played in place of Danny Green to pass Iguodala with an angry breakthrough, and then succeeded in a layup with Gasol's supplementary defense blocking the pull-down bar.

   Although Ginobili's hair has fallen out, his coquettishness remains the same. The Argentine's statistics are not as good as before, and in many games he can't even score in double figures. But if you think this "demon knife" is blunt, it will definitely become bruised.

   Popovich waved his fist hard. The Grizzlies wanted to get the Spurs in one fell swoop? not that simple! That arrogant Chinese will pay for his arrogance!

   Ginobili's goal is indeed beautiful, but it did not affect the Grizzlies' plans.

   After all, Ginobili, who is 37 years old, has no way to score that difficult goal every time.

   When the Grizzlies attacked again, sure enough, Leonard returned to Link with his expressionless face. And Bristol Dior was replaced in front of Jimmy Butler.

   Link did not hold the ball, he has been swimming outside the three-point line. Leonard did not let Link take a step. Even if Link does not hold the ball, he is still the biggest threat on the court.

   On the other side, Jimmy Butler entered the way Link said from the second half, and never stopped running.

   Under Gasol's off-ball cover, Butler interspersed with runs. Soon, he threw the slow-moving Burris Dior behind him.

   The Spurs' attention is now on Link, including Duncan, who has been observing Link's position. I am afraid that after Leonard is broken, he will not be able to make up the defense immediately.

   At this moment, Mike Conley suddenly threw the basketball into the air. Duncan turned his head and saw that Jimmy Butler had cut along the bottom line and jumped into the air!

   Butler received the basketball with his hands steadily, and in Duncan's horrified eyes, he threw the ball in.

   The Grizzlies completed another dunk in the second quarter!

   "When did Jimmy run over!? Who is defending him!?"

   Let alone Duncan, even Hubie Brown, who looked at the whole picture, didn’t see when Butler cut in.

   Butler pulled the basket excitedly. After being locked up by Leonard for so long, he was finally liberated!

   Boris Dior looked at Popovich out of breath, he can't keep up with the guy who runs at all costs!

   Even Link will never run such a high frequency and wide range on the offensive end. If you run like Butler, you will get tired without a period!

   But Butler didn't seem to care about the next game at all. He left Dior far behind and easily completed a wonderful dunk.

   "Go on, go on!" Popovich shouted while beckoning, he knew that the Grizzlies had deliberately passed the ball to Butler this round. The purpose is to hope that the Spurs will relocate Leonard.

   Popovich will not be fooled, he still doesn't believe Butler can keep running at that frequency!

   What Popovich didn't know was that he had been fooled.

   Dior's physical strength began to decline, and after only one round of chasing Butler, the French fat man panted.

   Facing Dior, whose physical strength was declining, Link gave him a more powerful confrontation on the defensive end!

   As soon as Dior received the ball, Link roughly posted it and kept trying to steal.

   Dior’s stamina was quickly consumed, and there were large drops of sweat hanging on his forehead. And the biggest disadvantage of physical exertion is that Dioben's unpleasant movements have become more sluggish!

   This time, when Dior lifted up the basketball to pass it to Gino Belgium, Link reached out and rushed to the ball, letting Dior get rid of it!

  Dior knew that he had to take off twice to catch the basketball again. But now he is not the Dior who could beat Stoudemire down on the touch.

   Dior, who has experienced injuries and getting wider and wider, no longer possesses the original athletic ability.

   Before Dior even had time to leave the ground, Link had already caught the basketball. Dior makes a mistake, the Grizzlies fight back again!

   Dior was thrown away by Link in an instant, and Leonard was naturally the first to jump up. This time, Leonard was obviously a little nervous, he hadn't forgotten Link's deceleration just now.

   While Leonard was staring at Link with all his attention, Link used a pass from behind to divert the front!

   Leonard turned his head and saw that Jimmy Butler had run to the front!

   Butler's absolute speed is not fast, but it still surprised Leonard and Popovich. Because compared with the first quarter, Butler's speed has not slowed down at all!

   "How is it possible!?" Popovich's heart was shocked. This little-known substitute has a perpetual motion machine in his body! ?

   After receiving the basketball, Butler walked to the basket in two strides, and then the fans saw another performance that ravaged the basket.

   "Jimmy Butler has completely turned this place into a slam dunk contest site! He is almost a needle, as long as there is a chance to score, he will always appear on the most correct route!"


   The basketball hoop shook violently under Butler's pull, but Popovich felt his heart hurt more than the basket.

   Two dunks, the point difference became 11 points! After returning from a timeout, the Spurs' defense hasn't improved at all!

   Jimmy Butler is like a running wild horse, suddenly becoming out of control.

   Popovich is proud of the first and fourth minors, his proud control of the scene, completely collapsed in front of the Grizzlies!

   Butler wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then continued to run quickly back to his own half. When Dior has begun to support his knees to gasp, Butler is still full of energy as if he had just played.

   "Kawai, consume him on the offensive end!" Popovich started to move again, and he hoped Leonard could cause trouble for Butler on the offensive end.

   However, Leonard's offensive ability has not fully grown. Faced with Butler's tough defense, Leonard couldn't get away with the chance to connect the ball.

   A player who runs continuously on the offensive end and can spare no effort to fight on the defensive end.

   Popovich found that all his experience and strategies had no effect on the Grizzlies.

  Because the Grizzlies players are too unconventional and unconventional!

   Leonard finally flashed a little space by Duncan's off-the-ball screen, and then caught the ball and shot!

   But Jimmy Butler jumped up like a mad dog seeing bones, seriously disrupting Leonard's not-so-excellent three-pointer.

   In the end, Leonard made a three-pointer under severe interference!

   Popovich covered his forehead, messed up, messed up!

   Gasol handed the ball directly to Link, and Jimmy Butler sprinted again at full speed.

   Leonard, who is quickly returning to defense, is also very entangled. He doesn't know whether he should defend Link or Butler.

   After retreating to the three-point line, Leonard was a little hesitant. Looking at Link who was rushing over, Leonard was worried about Butler who had already cut to the corner.

Just when Leonard was at a loss, Link, who rushed up, turned his head to Butler, and then suddenly shot the ball towards Leonard's crotch and quickly passed by the expressionless guy. .

   Leonard was deceived by Link's fake eye movements. When the defensive goal is not clear, he is full of flaws!

   After passing through Leonard, Link took control of the basketball again. The audience exclaimed, and Hubby Brown even pulled off his headphones and yelled.

   Link faced Leonard, a defensive expert, and staged a crotch pass that can only be seen on street courts!

   "Kawai was crushed, he was completely crushed by Link!"

   Popovich watched the Spurs completely collapsed defense and offense, and sat down on the bench.

   It was not Leonard who was it was him!


   The rim made a loud noise again, and the Grizzlies seemed to be playing an exhibition game. From the second quarter, they "unexplainably" rubbed the Spurs on the ground.

   The players on the Grizzlies bench laughed and applauded Link's playful pass through the crotch.

   Leonard, who has always seemed to have no emotions, picked up the basketball angrily and threw it to the ground. Today he was shaken by Link twice!

   Twice, he didn't respond, just like a fool!

   Popovich thought that using Leonard to defend Link would limit the opponent's top scorer like the Thunder.

   But Popovich was wrong. After all, Durant is not a unanimous MVP.

   The old man knows now how Link managed to squeeze Durant out for the best time.

   The performance of the two people when facing Leonard speaks for itself.

   At this point, the Spurs are already 13 points behind. For the first time, Popovich felt that his ability to control the game was not as good as a player.

   The old man put away his pride and the difficulty of getting the unanimous MVP is beyond his imagination.



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