Reverse Growth Superstar

: Seven hundred and forty-one: was poured into a chicken by 3 minutes of rain

The Miami Heat came prepared today. If anyone thinks that this game is just James trying to get back the protagonist's position, just a battle between Link and James, it would be a big mistake.

  Today, the entire Heat will work hard to win the game.

   The scenes of the Heat breaking down in the finals last season are still deeply carved into the minds of every Heat player.

  As the biggest obstacle to the Heat's championship, the Grizzlies are definitely the object that every Heat team member wants to defeat. From the coach to the bench, everyone hopes to find a way to contain the Grizzlies.

   This is the last time the Heat played against the Grizzlies before the finals. Therefore, if the Heat in this game can find a real way to curb the Grizzlies and win the game, then they can seize the opportunity in the finals.

   If you try and make mistakes in the finals, it will be too late. Even if the finals are 7 matches and 4 wins, every team has 7 games chance. But in the championship-related finals, losing an extra game is extremely dangerous.

   The Heat showed up in the Federal Express Arena with their new strategy, and everyone will do their best to make the strategy work.

   This game is far from a duel between Link and James. All the Heat will fight hard.

   As James said, this game is not about 72 wins, just about victory!

After    Ray Allen hit a three-pointer, the fans in the stands did not seem to be affected, and they were still confident.

   The Grizzlies also made a comeback soon. Unlike the Heat, the Grizzlies found Link as soon as they came up. Link's performance in the past seven games is perfect, and everyone hopes that Link can continue his good state.

   Link faced James, planning to use his quick double change to pass him. After the All-Star Game, both Durant and George were stunned by Link's move and they were both upset by Link, but James was obviously more prepared than the first two.

   Through the game video, James has long discovered Link's breakthrough changes. In this regard, James has long been prepared.

   When Link changed direction for the second time in a row, James was not thrown away like a wooden stake, but immediately adjusted his center of gravity and followed!

   Link was a little surprised, this is the first time he was stopped after changing directions continuously!

   "Damn it!" Link knew that he currently only has 50% of Peak Hill's ankle strength, so the speed of continuous change of direction is not the fastest in the league.

   Therefore, if the opponent anticipates the direction of the breakthrough, it will indeed be prevented.

   If he now owns Hill's ankle before the injury, James may not have time to stop even if he anticipates the direction of the breakthrough. It seems that the plan to fill the small white bars still cannot be stopped. In the world of competitive sports, there is no strongest, only stronger.

   James continued to stick to Link, using his strong body to force Link to slow down.

   Link carried James to the basket, just about to prepare for the layup, but found himself surrounded by all the Heat players wearing black jerseys.

   "So fast!" Link was surprised by the Heat's defense. When he broke through, he clearly found that the defense had not shrunk. But after he got to the basket, the Heat's defense instantly shrank back!

   This is the second change of the Heat today, quickly shrinking and guarding the restricted area!

   Last year's Christmas game, Link used a difficult rebound to kill the game surrounded by the Big Three. That picture has been replayed by major TV stations from time to time and is regarded as the most classic goal of the season.

   But James believes that Link cannot score such a magical goal every time. Shrinking defense is still the best way to reduce Link's offensive efficiency.

   If one person can't guard it, send two or three people! This is a very simple reason.

   In the end, Link forced a layup under the double blocking of Bosh and James, because when he realized he was surrounded, it was too late to pass the ball.

   But even for the current Link, the ball is still too difficult. In the end, Link's layup bounced twice on the rim and finally slipped off.

   James immediately took off twice and grabbed the rebounds, without giving Link a second chance to attack!

   Spoelstra yelled happily off the court. He thought the defense just now was the Heat's best defense against Link since the finals last season!

"The Heat contracted very quickly, and they surrounded Link almost in an instant. I don't know if you noticed that when Link just layup, he was surrounded by Heat players wearing black city jerseys. Today, the Heat’s defensive discipline is very good, they are prepared! As James said, they will not let the Grizzlies take 72 wins easily, they will fight to the last second!"

   Hubie Brown began to realize that something was wrong. Although the game had only been played for two rounds, the Heat had already shown an amazing state. In just two rounds, the Heat let people see that they are fully prepared.

   The Heat continued to attack, and Link continued to slam James. At this time, only Ray Allen can be called a shooter on the Heat field. Therefore, the Grizzlies never thought that the Heat would focus on the three-point line, they still put the defensive focus on James.

   James did have the ball this time. Chalmers handed the ball to James just after halftime, and handed it over to the guy who is about to break 2000 points for the ninth consecutive season.

   James was not anxious after holding the ball, but reached out to call Bosh to set a screen, and then broke through to the side of the screen.

   Link went around Bosh in a light car and returned to James to put pressure on him. James slammed into it, causing Link to take a step back. I have to say that James' physical condition is really historical. He didn't need to double change to this kind of bells and whistles, and he could do it without his opponent.

   Gasol immediately followed, and he chased after James the moment the pick-and-roll formed. After seeing Link being taken a step away, Gasol quickened his pace and ran away from Bosh completely.

   James leapt slightly towards the hoop, but in the hollow, he turned around and turned his head, and smashed the ball directly back beyond the three-point line!

   Gasol felt that using the word "smash" to describe James' passing is too appropriate. Because James' passing speed is so fast, it's the same as trying to hit a basketball.

   But the media has a better name to describe this kind of pass of James-bullet pass.

   The basketball sprinted from the inside to the three-point line. If Bosh hadn't been so focused, he wouldn't necessarily catch the ball too fast.

   The advantage of passing the ball quickly is that before the Grizzlies players can react, before Gasol pounces back outside the three-point line, Bosh can take the shot calmly!

   "LeBron’s intention to break through points is very clear! Chris Bosh shot at the top of the arc. Bosh’s three-point shooting percentage has improved a lot this season, with 33.9%..."

   Hubie Brown didn't finish, the basketball jumped into the net.

   Heat made two consecutive three-pointers, 6-0!

   "Fuck!" At this time, even Gasol, who has always been elegant, couldn't help cursing an swear word. He felt that the Grizzlies' defense seemed to be eaten to death by the Heat. They can easily find holes in the defense.

   James clapped his hands hard and applauded Bosh's goal. Link thought that James would score crazy for the milestone in this game, but it turned out he was wrong.

   That Heat No. 6 is a true leader!

   Today, just by defending James, may not be able to easily kill the game. This 72 wins, no one will give in.

   The Heat completely shot from beyond the three-point line at this time, hitting three-pointers for two consecutive rounds, allowing the Heat to implement their plan more boldly.

   So a few minutes later, the Heat's three-pointer turned into a string. In the fourth minute of the first quarter of the game, James made a three-pointer after three threats, and the basketball seemed to be controlled by a remote control.

   One minute later, Ray Allen once again got rid of Tony Allen's defense and hit a three-pointer, making the fourth three-pointer in a single quarter!

   Heat players feel like a stubborn virus that infects each other, and even Rashard Lewis, who came off the bench, has made achievements beyond the three-point line.

  George adjusted his defensive strategy several times, but the Heat's three-pointer has become so hot that it cannot be stopped by tactics. And after the Heat's three-pointer opened, the Grizzlies didn't dare to shrink the James took a very big advantage in one-on-one with Link and frequently hit the basket successfully.

   In the end, Link played breathlessly for 10 minutes before leaving the game, sweating profusely. But after the first quarter, the Heat led the Grizzlies by 8 points!

   The Heat made 6 of 7 three-pointers in a single quarter, and the three-point percentage was 85.7%, which was higher than the Grizzlies’ free throw percentage in the first quarter! In the first quarter of the game, the Grizzlies were completely suppressed by the Heat! The storm was too violent, and everyone on the Grizzlies was poured out.

"The Miami Heat are going to give the Grizzlies a two-game losing streak at the end of the season! They shot from beyond the three-point line today. The Grizzlies have performed very well in the first quarter, and Link placed orders after the Heat's tight contraction. The quarter still scored 8 points. But even so, the Heat still took a nearly double-digit lead! In the second quarter, I don’t know how the Grizzlies will adjust!"

   Link sits on the bench with a serious expression. It has been a long time since he was led by the nose by his opponent in the game. He knows that the Heat's high three-pointer percentage is not accidental. If the Heat’s three-pointer percentage is just accidental, just wait for them to feel cool.

   But today, the Heat completely suppressed the Grizzlies tactically. They are very well prepared for this game, and every step is executed perfectly. If you don't make changes, even if the Heat's three-point shooting percentage is not so high in the next three quarters, it will never be too low.

   Dave Georgel walked up to Link with the tactical board. He found that he had made a stupid mistake.

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