Reverse Growth Superstar

: Four hundred and eighty-one: Sao but 3 goals

Kelly Irving, the 2011 draft pick. After James left the Cavaliers, Cleveland's new spiritual pillar.

Irving's data is gorgeous, he can score 18.5 points and 5.4 assists per game in his rookie season. But unlike Wall and other top picks, Irving not only did not regress in the second year of his career, but also made significant progress.

This season, Irving's scoring average has risen to 22.5 points! In the case of averaging one more three-pointer than last year, the three-point field goal percentage is the same as last season, close to 40%! This gorgeous data also made Irving selected to the All-Star bench this year.

As a second-year player, this is already a great honor. After all, not everyone is like Link and can be an All-Star starter in the second grade.

In addition to his excellent stats and No. 1 overall status, Irving's most interesting aspect is his gorgeous style.

Irving's offense is mostly based on fancy dribble breakthroughs. Even under NBA-level defense, Irving can make complex, street-like dribbles with ease.

Irving's outstanding collection of a season, cut out can definitely make most fans climax in place.

Therefore, Irving's one-on-one singles ability is definitely quite strong. Even within the scope of the NBA, no one dares to say that he can definitely be contained.

Therefore, Irving is not even afraid to look for singles among all-star players.

Irving knows that looking for players like Kobe and James, they might not be able to fight against him due to their status.

So Irving decided to find a player with similar qualifications. Therefore, entering the Alliance Link only a year earlier than Irving became the first choice.

As Owen expected, Link accepted his heads-up invitation. But what Owen did not expect was that Link was so confident that he even said the words "I let you half"!

After Link said these words, the other stars onlookers suddenly exploded. Link this guy is a hedgehog. It's okay if you don't offend him, but the more you challenge him, the more dangerous Link will become.

"Okay, guys, let's give up a space! Kelly Irving vs. Link, the All-Star Game will start early! Since they want to play, let them play!" Randolph got up immediately, and everyone gradually dispersed, freeing half of the basketball court to Link and Owen.

Link gave Randolph a white look. This guy really didn't hurt to stand and talk. It's all right now, you have to fight if you don't.

Owen held the basketball and smiled slightly. With so many reporters here now, if the one-on-one match against Real Link wins, wouldn't it be so high?

And since Link saw Irving knock Knight down yesterday, he also wanted to personally experience what it was like to defend Irving.

The two really wanted to fight each other.

"Let’s play five goals. Three points and two points count as one point. Whoever scores the first goal five times will win. The team that scored the goal will continue to hold the ball in the next round, until the shot is missed or intercepted. The ball is right. The rules are simple, so, do you serve first or me first?" Irving can't wait, he can't start the game right away.

"You come first, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't even have the chance to attack. Because if I come first, I will definitely score 5 goals in a row." After Link finished, he took the basketball initiative and passed it to the ground. To Owen.

Seeing Link's self-confidence, the defender felt like he was looking for the wrong heads-up...

Before the heads-up, Link already used trash talking to make Owen a little nervous. Although he entered the league only a year earlier than Irving, Irving felt that Link seemed to be a big man who had been in the league for more than ten years.

He stood there confidently, waiting to teach later juniors. Link's whole body exudes the aura of the king.

Owen shook his head, no longer thinking about it. Link is just a third-year player. Where can he go?

Owen made several three-threat moves after holding the ball. From this move, Kobe, who was watching the excitement, frowned.

He discovered that this kid Owen was not playing jokes, he really wanted to fight!

The next second, Owen suddenly started a breakthrough! Link immediately moved sideways, but as soon as he took a step, Owen used a flexible back change to pass Link, easily entered the penalty area and succeeded in a layup.

"Oh, it's so pretty."

"As expected of Kelly, a breakthrough."

"Haha, Link has a hard stubble today."

After Irving scored, the other stars onlookers immediately discussed it. On the periphery of the stadium, the reporters' flashes never stopped.

"Link is 1 to 0, don't think you are playing with a high school student." Owen gave a finger, triumphantly.

"In my opinion, you were originally a high school student." Link tilted his head and didn't panic because Irving came up to score a goal. He still looked like a big boss.

With the second goal, Irving suddenly retreated halfway through the breakthrough and made a shot. Link hurriedly sealed it up, but he did not know that Owen had accelerated again, wiped it away from Link, and prayed for the Buddha!

After wiping Link, Irving scored an easy layup for the second time in a row. The training field was already full of cheers. Even professional players couldn't help but want to applaud Irving's performance.

Durant was the one who applauded the most actively, and this guy wanted Link to be embarrassed here.

Link put away his hippie smile, picked up the basketball, and then hit the ground to Irving again.

When Irving received a basketball rebounding from the floor, he found that the ball was much stronger than just before. The young Cavaliers guard looked up, but found that Link's expression seemed to be serious.

Kobe nodded, that's the truth!

"Kelly." Link called Owen before the third goal.


"I admire your confidence." Link said seriously.

"Thank you."

"No, I haven't finished. I appreciate your confidence, but at the same time I have to thank you, thank you for your $25,000."

Owen was speechless, and Link's mouth was so annoying. However, he believes that Link will become speechless after the heads-up.

As soon as Owen was about to break through this time, Link raised his chest and pressed it up, giving Owen a physical confrontation and disrupting his dribbling rhythm.

Link knows very well that Irving's changes are indeed fast. If he is allowed to speed up, he will not be able to catch him back. If you want to guard him, you must fundamentally kill him!

Seeing that Link was actually guarded against this death, most people except Kobe knew that Link and Owen were not playing around. From the beginning, the goal of these two guys was to knock each other down!

Owen took a step back, his body was still slightly thin compared to Link. But it doesn't matter, Ouwen is not the kind of guard who relies on brute force.

After being pushed back beyond the three-point line by Link, Irving was like a quick dribble with left and right hands, looking for rhythm. He can score in the first two rounds, and Irving believes that there will be no exceptions in the third round!

Owen stabs forward to the left, but crosses to the right as he moves. Link was surprised secretly, in such a small space, this guy could accomplish such a quick change of direction.

This guy Owen really has something!

With this wonderful crossover step, Owen successfully broke through Link! He is so fast that most defenders are estimated to be unable to catch up.

But Link was not completely thrown away. He responded very quickly, and he posted it almost immediately, staying beside Irving, not allowing him to make a layup easily.

But Owen still relied on a faster pace, surpassing Link's a little bit, and directly layup!

Ordinary people have been scored by Irving for such a breakthrough. But at the moment of Owen's layup, people saw Link rise from the ground, the speed of the bounce was jaw-dropping!

Owen raised his head, but couldn't see anything. The entire basket was covered by Link!

So In the case of Irving's successful breakthrough, Link froze with a big hand in the air and nailed Irving's inevitable layup to the backboard!


Link squeezed the basketball vigorously, causing it to violently collide with the backboard and make a loud noise. The players onlookers grinned with exaggerated expressions. However, their various expressions all express one meaning-Nima is too cruel!

Owen turned around in amazement. He didn't expect that he could not completely shake Link off. Moreover, I did not expect Link to destroy the ball.

Link grabbed the basketball with one hand and hit it directly on Owen's chest.

"Learn a little bit, it's time for me to attack next."

Last night, Rachel told Link to watch out for the ambitious Irving. When Link was half-talking, he was hugged by Rachel.

If he can finish the sentence, he wants to reply to Rachel, "Don't worry, Owen should be careful about me."

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