Reverse Growth Superstar

: 275: The most special star duel

That afternoon, the training hall of the Federal Express Arena was very lively and the atmosphere was also very happy.

Yesterday, Link just scored 10 points, 12 rebounds, 10 assists, 5 steals and 3 blocked triple-doubles, which made the league popular. Today, Marc Gasol was selected to the Western Conference All-Star team. The Grizzlies can be described as double happiness, so when training in the afternoon, everyone is in a good mood.

The Memphis media are naturally very proud. Prior to this, the Grizzlies only had two All-Star players, Paul Gasol and Randolph. Among them, Gasol still walked away from the Lakers, failed to become the icon of the Grizzlies. Randolph started halfway, not the Grizzlies themselves.

But Link and Gasol are the All-Star players that the Grizzlies cultivated by themselves! Although Link has the status of a veteran of the Rockets, most people don't think the experience of the Rockets has helped Link much.

Although Gasol Jr. was traded by the Grizzlies from the Lakers, he played for the Grizzlies from the first day he entered the league.

In the past, there were only two All-Stars in team history. Now, two people have entered the All-Star Game at once. Can the Memphis media not be proud?

Link and Gasol became the full-name idols of Memphis, and Jeff Austin's mouth was almost grinning. why? Because Link and Gasol are his clients!

Suddenly there are two more All-Star customers under his hand. You call Austin and he is willing to go to Guoben now.

Both Link and Gasol were selected for the All-Stars, which can be said to be a happy event for everyone, which directly caused a win-win situation.

Austin even arranged for Nike staff that night to shoot a set of posters for Link and Gasol. It can be said that the action is quite fast. As long as there is commercial value, Jeff Austin will grab it the first time.

Little Gasol originally wanted to shave off his beard-like messy beard before going to take pictures, but was caught by Link, and the Spaniard's plan to shave his beard was once again ruined...

Thus, both Link and Gasol, with their chin-full beards, completed their first All-Star photo.

After shooting the poster in the evening, Austin took two of his clients to a rooftop bar to sit down. Austin, in a good mood, ordered himself a cocktail, but Link and Gasol, two big guys with beards and male hormone outbreaks, only had a glass of juice in front of them...

"It's incredible. Congratulations! Although I have been saying this all day, I still want to congratulate you. You are my pride, the pride of the Grizzlies, the pride of Memphis!" Jeff. Austin raised his glass excitedly, and Link and Gasol happily picked up the juice and met their manager.

Who will be unhappy if the strength is recognized and there is still money to be made?

"By the way, what's going on with the Grizzlies lately? Why is everyone wearing a beard? Are you participating in any charity activities? Link, you are not suitable for growing a beard, so you seem too old. Mark, you look good with a beard, but it's too long, you're almost catching up with James Harden!"

"Puff!" Hearing Jeff Austin's question, Link almost didn't spit out any juice.

Little Gasol turned his head and looked down at the night view of Memphis from a high altitude, with tears in his eyes.

Quite a bit "why my eyes are full of tears, because I love this land so deeply".

"There is no reason, we just made a collective bet. If all goes well, after the regular season, all of us will look at least three or four years younger. With Mark, it is estimated to be ten years younger, hahahahaha!"

"I shouldn't have participated in this gambling game back then, really." Little Gasol shook his head helplessly, no way, who made his hair growth speed really terrible.

Little Gasol had long hair like his brother, plus a big beard. If you add a pair of sunglasses and a motorcycle, it is really too punk.

"By the way, Link, do you know Jeremy Lin? He seems to have been quite popular lately, even more dramatic than when you turned out last season. Before scoring 25 points against the Nets, he only played nine. In this game, he played no more than 55 minutes in total. He is not the point guard candidate in the Knicks' plan. Jeremy Lin is just a point guard picked from the Houston Rockets discard list, and in a few days his nonsense The guarantee contract is about to end. As a result, he became famous in the first battle. At the end of the game against the Nets, all of Madison Square Garden shouted his name. Yesterday, the Knicks played against the Jazz, and he hit 28 in his first game. +8 data, and then it was revealed that he could only sleep on the sofa of his teammate's house because he had no money. This is simply the script of a Hollywood rational movie!" Jeff Austin suddenly remembered another Asian Asian who is popular in America today. The player, so he chatted with Link and Gasol.

"Uh... Another rocket abandoned general..." Link was speechless, so the Rockets can always wade into the muddy water.

"You said seems to be. Although he was cut by the Warriors before, he did play for the Rockets before the Knicks became famous..." Austin also found out that Morey His face is dark enough.

"I don't know him, and I haven't had much contact with him before. Although we are all Chinese, we don't know each other privately. But I think his miracle will not stop there." Link looked at the juice in the glass. , The more I look, the more it looks like the main color of the Knicks.

"Do you really think so? In the next game, the Knicks opponent is the Wizards. The Chinese with your last name will face the No. 1 pick Wall. In the next game, the Knicks will face the Lakers. These two games The game is not easy to play, do you still think he can continue his myth?"

"Yes, I still think he can continue his mythology. That guy's outbreak is not accidental. Mike D'Antoni's system is extremely dependent on point guards, and Anthony can't fight no one to grab the right to shoot, so Jeremy Lin... ...Uh, Jeremy Lin’s data will only get higher and higher. But on the 12th in Memphis, everything may not be possible." Link smiled, Lin was crazy, maybe he will be re-entered definition.

After all, he is also sexual.


On February 8, 2012, the Grizzlies played against the Timberwolves at home. Link appeared on the sidelines in a suit and leather shoes. According to the agreement between him and Hollins, Link did not appear today. But even so, the Grizzlies still defeated the offending Minnesota Timberwolves 95 to 90.

The wolf from the north was beaten into a husky again.

Gay, who regained the power to fire, scored a team-high 19 points. Pondset, who replaced Link's starting game, lived up to expectations and scored 17 points. Gasol Jr. had 12 points and 8 rebounds. The Grizzlies won without risk.

Today, because Link did not appear, his attention was not so high.

But on another venue, another Lin, as Link expected, put out a shocking performance.

In Washington DC, Jeremy Lin scored 23 points and 10 assists. He scored a double-double for the first time in his career. He was evenly matched with No. 1 point guard Wall!

On February 8, the Grizzlies did not play, and the Knicks played against the Lakers at home Jeremy Lin scored a career-high 38 points. After the game, Ke spoke out to the camera, "I let him score nearly 40 points. , You ask me what advice I have for him?"

Kobe really took it, how come an Asian monster suddenly appeared! Moreover, they are all called Lin!

On February 10, Link, who had disappeared from the basketball court for 4 days, finally appeared. Continuing the previous game with 10 points, 12 rebounds, 10 assists, 5 steals, 3 blocks, and defeated the Spurs, Link scored 24 points, 11 assists and 5 rebounds today to help the Grizzlies defeat the Pacers at home. The Grizzlies won four straight!

On the same day, Jeremy Lin had 20 points, 8 assists and 6 rebounds, using his all-around data to help the Knicks without Anthony beat the Timberwolves by 2 points. The Knicks ushered in the season's longest 5 consecutive victories!

After these two games, Link and Jeremy Lin appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated. In the NBA, two Chinese descent occupy most of the content of Sports Illustrated, which is really the first time in history.

Now, the whole world is waiting for the 12th.

The most special star showdown in history is about to spark.

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