Reverse Growth Superstar

: Two hundred and sixty-six: The curse of no winning streak

Link's scoring performance in the fourth quarter was great, he was unstoppable. To be honest, he deserves his name in the All-Star starting lineup. "

At the press conference after the game, Ray Allen gave Link a very positive evaluation. And Pierce, another player who participated in the conference, chose to use the words of praise on Jimmy Butler.

"I didn't even know who he was when he was on the court. I didn't know anything about him. But after a few minutes of confrontation, I completely remembered that guy's name. I must admit that Jimmy Butler caused me. Huge trouble. If Link is the culprit in killing the game, then Jimmy Butler is an accomplice."

The entire press conference seemed to have become an old player's touting meeting of young players. But Link and Jimmy Butler's performance is indeed outstanding, Ray Allen and Pierce are not embarrassed.

As for the Grizzlies, Hollins attended the press conference alone, answered a few questions hastily, and left in a hurry.

After all, the Grizzlies players have to fly more than three hours tonight from Boston on the East Coast to San Antonio. They don't have much time to delay.

After returning to the locker room, the players took a shower and changed their clothes, almost without rest, and set off for San Antonio.

In the evening, reporters found Jimmy Butler walking into the boarding gate with three or four bags hanging on his body at the airport. There is no doubt that he is helping the team's old players carry bags. It is not uncommon for rookies to help veterans carry bags in the NBA, and it is almost the default rule for teams.

As for which boss Jimmy Butler helped carry the bag, reporters don’t know...


On the plane, most players fell asleep. Only Jimmy Butler opened his eyes, he was very excited!

Tonight's game, when he defended Pierce again and again, and Pierce showed a surprised expression, Jimmy Butler was full of accomplishment.

Even thinking of these images now, Butler feels very refreshing.

Thinking of this, Butler couldn't help turning his head to look at Link. Link, who was sitting diagonally behind Butler, had been asleep for a long time. He fell asleep almost as soon as he got on the plane.

After all, Link is the person who played the most minutes for the Grizzlies today, playing a full 41 minutes. Moreover, on both ends of the offense and defense, Link shoulders heavy responsibilities.

Without his efforts, there would be no Ray Allen shooting 28.6%. Without his hard work, there would not be the final 10 points in the final quarter.

Efforts, this became Link's most recognizable label in Butler's eyes.

Butler is a very old school player, he values ​​"status" very much.

This is not to say that he always wants to be the boss, but those veteran players, Butler is very respectful.

Although Link came to the Grizzlies only a year earlier than him, he was strictly speaking his predecessor. What's more, whether Link is still pulling him to practice together, which makes Butler treat Link with great respect.

Today Link said that Butler would help carry the bag, which was originally just a joke. Unexpectedly, Butler finally hung up Link's bag in a daze.

Butler cursed you so much to Link because of Link's hardworking qualities, which made Butler very much appreciated.

Butler knew that there was a fierce battle waiting for them in San Antonio tomorrow night.

So he gradually calmed his emotions, and then closed his eyes.

If there is another chance to fight with Link tomorrow, Butler doesn't want to be in poor health due to lack of sleep.


Link did not wake up until 10 o'clock the next day. For Link, who was not always the first to go to the training ground and often started training early in the morning, it was already very late to sleep.

Although the Grizzlies only started training this afternoon, Link hurried to get up to wash, not wanting to delay any more time.

Link looked out the window and found it strange. Twelve hours ago, he was still in the North Shore Garden and the Celtics, but at this moment, he is in San Antonio.

After all, it is the perverted person who arranged such a frantic schedule. Traveling for such a long distance would be tiring even for traveling, let alone playing a game.

Link did not complain anymore, but turned on the phone and checked the basketball news today.

To Link's comfort, Jimmy Butler appeared on the news very frequently today. It seems that in yesterday's game, Butler was indeed a small fire.

As for Link's own reports, of course there are many, and most of them are positive. After all, even Ray Allen, who was facing Link yesterday, admitted his excellence.

But Link remained uninterested in these as always, whether it was slander or praise, it was temporary.

Swiping and brushing, Link turned to a few news related to today's game.

"Since the Grizzlies lost to the Trail Blazers on the 24th last month, they have maintained the rhythm of losing one game and winning one game. In the past half month, without exception! The Grizzlies have not Lost in a row, but no winning streak. This is not accidental. That's because the Grizzlies usually can only fight one tough battle. After one game, their state will become very bad. So I think, In San Antonio tonight, the Grizzlies are still unable to win. They squatted with the Celtics to the end yesterday, and after running around the night before sleeping well, they were about to contend with the nasty Spurs. Seriously, the Grizzlies. The odds of the team winning are too small!"

This report was quickly spread and became a "curse" by fans and the media.

The Grizzlies can't win a winning streak, so they just won the Celtics and they will definitely not be able to beat the Spurs today. In addition, the Grizzlies have lost to the Spurs twice. Therefore, many San Antonio fans even left messages online saying, "We are all celebrating the victory in advance."

Seeing these nonsensical reports, Link shook his head. He finally understands now why Durant will set up a special account to smash people online. Sometimes the remarks of the online media and fans are really annoying.

But open the trumpet account, but it’s embarrassing to forget to switch accounts...

But there is one thing to say, the game tonight is really hard to play. Link has experienced how strong the Spurs are this season.

Parker and Ginobili still maintained their state, and the old monster Duncan even recovered! The state of a player who is almost 40 years old can recover. Link really has never seen such a pervert.

On the basis that the GDP has not The Spurs also ushered in the rise of players such as Leonard, Danny Green, Splitter and others this season.

There are no excessive draft picks, no big deals, but the Spurs can take the team to the next level. This is their genius.

As soon as he thought of all the tragic situations that might happen tonight, Link wanted to cry without tears. He walked out of the room silently, ready to find a masseur to help him maintain his health.

This masseur is not another masseur, this health care is not another health care.

But as soon as Link went out, he found that Jimmy Butler had just walked out of the room. The two were stunned for a few seconds, and finally Butler said hello first, "Hello, Lin, how are you resting?"

"Not bad, where are you going?"

"Go to the supermarket to buy something, together?"

Link nodded and followed. I always think about the game all day, but I will be sick. You can’t go to a nightclub or go to the supermarket to make a few packs of instant noodles.

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