Reverse Growth Superstar

: Two hundred: almost twenty + five + five

The Mavericks swept the Lakers 4-0, and the Grizzlies defeated the Spurs 4-1.

When the final two teams in the Western Conference Finals were born, most people looked confused.

Dallas Mavericks? A team whose lineup looks too normal. Memphis Grizzlies? They have been wandering the eighth in the West most of the season.

Where's the Lakers? Where's the Spurs? Where's Thunder? Not all, the Mavericks and Grizzlies finally stood on the top of the West.

"The most unpopular final in the West in the past decade."

"Since 1998, the second Western Conference Finals without Kobe and Duncan."

"The weak team counterattack? Or is the strong team overturning? The most grassroots Western Conference!"

The headlines of the media all revealed shock, although after half of the Western Conference semifinals, everyone guessed the result. But in the end the match is out, and people can't help but sigh, the West is chaotic!

Of course, more straightforward media gave a title-Heat Championship!

In the eyes of most people, the Grizzlies and Mavericks with relatively "civilian" lineups, no matter which team advances, it is impossible for them to face off against Miami's Super Big Three.

This may be the first time in history that a team from the West will be despised.

Of course, the Bulls must be very upset, the Heat have to defeat them before they can win the championship! This title is equivalent to ignoring the Bulls.

At this time, the NBA this season is getting closer and closer to the finale. The various regular season awards are also announced one by one.

On May 15th, the NBA officially announced the list of this year's rookie team, and Link impressively appeared in the rookie team.

At first, people thought that Link could compete for the best rookie award, but Griffin's data is really terrible. The rookie season averaged 20+10 per game. Looking at the entire NBA, only insiders at the level of Duncan and O'Neal can do such shameless things.

Link's regular season data is actually not bad, averaging 17.5 points per game, which is higher than the top pick John Wall among all rookies in the 10th and second only to the repeating top pick Griffin. In the Grizzlies, it is second only to Randolph and Gay. In addition, 5.4 rebounds and 4.9 assists were accounted for, almost cutting down the terrible data of 20+5+5 per game.

You know, in the history of the NBA, only 4 people can score 20+5+5 in the rookie season. Except for Tyreke Evans, who is the pinnacle of rookie, the other three are all gods!

But it's just a little too close, even if the average points per game is only 2.5 points, and the average assists per game is only 0.1, that's bad. Griffin's 20+10, but the actual 22.5 points and 12.1 rebounds. So in the end, Griffin, whose data looks better, won the Best Rookie Award.

In the end, Link was only selected as a rookie with low gold content for a while, which can only be regarded as a comfort.

Although he missed the best rookie, but this year Link is also very rewarding. As a failed draft pick, he won the Rookie Game MVP in one fell swoop, a Western Conference month best and was selected for a rookie period, which is already very successful. Losing the best rookie, at best can only be regarded as a fly in the ointment.

Against such a background, people are discussing who can become a talent and who can grow into a real superstar.

Regardless of the outcome of the discussion, Link entered the league as a loser and was compared with the two No. 1 picks. He was already very successful.

Speaking of which, this year's Rookie of the Year is also amazing. Except for the three lottery shows of Wall, Griffin and Cousins, the remaining two are undrafted!

Both Link and Spurs' Gary Neal were selected for the Rookie of the Year as a draft loser. This proves once again that a player can succeed in the NBA and it really has nothing to do with your pick.

Ha, Wesley Johnson, Evan Turner and others, have not disappeared from this list? They can't even make the second team of the best rookie team.

"This kid's stats are really impressive, with 17.5 points, 5.4 rebounds, and 4.9 assists, a lively All-Star threshold! Dirk, I remember you only averaged 17.5 points per game in the second season of your career." Sen Chandler held a newspaper in his hand and teased his inside partner.

"No one has ever said that his stats are not eye-catching enough. If this guy is playing in Los Angeles and Griffin is in Memphis, maybe Link is the best rookie. The place in Los Angeles brings Griffin a lot. In the Clippers, Griffin can do whatever he wants. The Grizzlies are different, they are a defensive team. Moreover, Link has played on the bench for a long time. It is a pity, if he has been on the bench. , Maybe I can get the best sixth man."

Nowitzki was doing physical therapy while chatting with Chandler.

"Do you think he's going to be troublesome? In the last round of the Spurs, Link performed well. With the double-double, he played the performance that a superstar should have."

"Don't worry, the core of the Grizzlies is Randolph and Gasol in the final analysis. Link can break out once in a while, but he is a rookie after all. Don't worry, we are fighting to win the Grizzlies in four games!"

"Hahaha, I'm just waiting for your words, Dirk!" Chandler laughed outright and closed the newspaper.

Nowitzki just said that, it's not that Yelang is arrogant, but that his recent state is really great! Dirk can feel that his time has come!

Since coming to the United States for trial training in 1998, Dirk has been waiting for this moment. Now, Dirk believes that the time is right.

Memphis Grizzlies, not to be afraid!

At the same time, the Grizzlies players also landed at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. As soon as they got off the plane, the Grizzlies players saw an overwhelming array of promotional posters, all of them belonged to the Mavericks!

For the Dallas people, as long as the Spurs can be avoided, the Mavericks seem to be stable. After the Grizzlies players squeezed out of the airport, many local fans held up cards with the words "4-0". It seems Dallas fans are very "enthusiastic".

There is no doubt that this kind of similar card makes the Grizzlies players very unhappy.

"Are you kidding, do you think we made it to the Western Conference Finals by luck?" Randolph curled his lips unwillingly. After being used to being a hero in Memphis, Randolph was naturally very angry when he came to Dallas to be looked down upon.

"They even swept the defending champions. Of course, they are confident." Tony Allen on the side was very calm. For him, it is just too normal to encounter such a thing away.

Link did not make any remarks because he knows how strong this year's Mavericks are. This may be the most underrated championship since the millennium.

Link doesn't know what will happen to the current Grizzlies and the original championship in history, but he is sure that it is definitely much harder than the previous two rounds!

"Link, why aren't you talking? Didn't you say that you want to play in the Western Conference Finals?" Randolph noticed the strangeness of Link. Usually, that kid is the least likely to see such things, but today he is quiet.

"It's just fans, it's understandable that they support their team. But..."

Randolph laughed when he heard Link still "but".

"...However, we should be able to create panic in Dallas. After the Western Conference Finals begin, the fans here may not be so rampant."

Link did not know if he and the Grizzlies could have beaten the Mavericks, but he was very sure about one thing-even if the Mavericks won, they would be glad they had escaped from the dead! Rather than passing easily.

The villain, even if he doesn't win, he still has to make trouble for the protagonist as much as possible. There is only one championship each year, but there is more than one team that can be remembered.

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