Reverse Growth Superstar

: One hundred and sixty-four: The Western Rankings

   The Grizzlies beat the Hornets by 1 point. Many people think it is because of Paul's poor performance. Paul's performance in this game is indeed unsatisfactory, but Link's triple-double data is also a major factor in the Hornets' defeat.

   At first, some reporters questioned Link's best player of the week, but after the battle with the Hornets, no reporter would be foolish enough to question him. After all, Link did show the strength of the Player of the Week today.

   28 points, 10 rebounds and 7 assists. As a third position, he hits 579. What more bikes?

   This game is considered to be Link’s fight for the name. He told everyone that he deserves to be the best of the week. But in fact, Link didn't want to prove anything at all. He was just trying to help the Grizzlies improve their rankings.

  The race against the Hornets is not the end, but the beginning of "overtaking on a curve".

   On April 2, the Grizzlies defeated the Timberwolves in a back-to-back battle, surpassing the Trail Blazers, and officially became the sixth in the Western Conference!

   There was no game for the Grizzlies on April, and the naa finals started on April 4, and the nba was suspended to give way. On April 5, the Grizzlies lost to the Clippers upset, but the Blazers also lost upset to the Warriors, and the Grizzlies continued to stay in sixth place.

   On April 8, the Grizzlies beat the Kings at home. Link had 18 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists. The Grizzlies won 48.

  On April 11, the Grizzlies revenge for the Clippers, in a jaw-dropping state, they flew from eighth in the west to sixth in the west in half a month!

   So far, the Grizzlies' record is 49 wins and 2 losses. The Denver Nuggets, the fifth in the West, also have a record of 49 wins and 2 losses. Since losing Anthony, the Nuggets have taken off all the way and now occupy the fifth place.

   It just so happened that the last opponents of the Grizzlies and Nuggets in the regular season were each other! In other words, the final ranking of the West will not be known until the last minute of the last day of the regular season.

   Whether the Grizzlies can jump from the eighth in the West to the fifth in the West has become the final suspense of the regular season this season.


   "The Grizzlies are flying in the rankings, and they will attack fifth in the West!"

   "If the Grizzlies can finally defeat the Nuggets, then they will tie the highest ranking in team history!"

   "This will definitely be a very exciting battle. Coach George Carr has publicly stated that he does not want to run into the Dallas Mavericks or the Los Angeles Lakers in advance. So in order to defend the fifth seat in the Western Conference, they will definitely attack!"

   "The Memphis Grizzlies will not give up the opportunity to tie the highest ranking in team history. Before the playoffs, Coach Hollins will definitely send a full lineup to play!"

   There is still the last game of the regular season, the situation has become quite clear, and the final rankings of most teams have been confirmed.

   Right now, the league has not confirmed the ranking of four teams. One group is the Mavericks and the Lakers, and they will continue to compete for second and third in the Western Conference.

   Although the rankings of these two teams are still subject to change, for the Lakers and Mavericks, the difference between ranking third and second is not big. Therefore, they don't care about their final ranking.

   So, now the entire league's eyes are on the Nuggets and Grizzlies. The final ranking of these two teams will determine how far they can go in the playoffs.

   Link now, as soon as he turns on his cell phone, he will see overwhelming reports, all about the Nuggets and Grizzlies.

  As the last suspense of the NBA regular season this season, the Grizzlies and the Nuggets suddenly became a lot of attention, as if they were in the finals.

   Hollins has been tense in these two days. He thought he could give the main players a break before the playoffs. But now in this situation, he still has to send all the main forces to fight.

   Hollins and George Carr don't want to play against the Mavericks and the Lakers. Although the final ranking of the Mavericks and the Lakers has not been confirmed, the sixth in the Western Conference will definitely run into one of these two teams.

   Needless to say, the Lakers are the defending champions. They own Kobe Bryant, the most dangerous "venomous snake" in the league. Whoever meets Kobe will have bad luck.

   As for the Dallas Mavericks, although the Mavericks have not paid much attention this season, they are not considered favorites to win the championship. But as professional coaches, Hollins and George Carr know that the Mavericks are not as simple as they seem.


   Head coach Carlisle, plus Nowitzki, Tyson Chandler, Terry, Marion and Peja and other players, ensured that the Mavericks' lower limit will not be too low. Encountering those Texans, I'm afraid it's too bad.

   Hollins and George Carr would rather fight the young Thunder than meet the Lakers and Mavericks. So in the last game of the regular season, neither coach will give up victory.

   The two head coaches Hollins and George Carr are full of fighting spirit. As a player, Link is also fighting spirit!

   Originally, Link hoped that the Grizzlies could rank higher, after all, in order to show his value to the greatest extent. And as a traverser Link knows very well that this year's Mavericks are really untouchable!

   Nowitzki has performed superbly this season, and the other old guys of the Mavericks are also in very good condition, and whoever hits will be unlucky. At that time, Randolph and Nowitzki may have to be cleaned up. Gasol did not have the slightest advantage when he ran into "Boxing King" Tyson.

   If the Grizzlies eventually rank sixth in the Western Conference and run into the Mavericks early, the Grizzlies are likely to be out of the game. Therefore, the next game must find a way to improve the ranking to fifth in the West.

  As soon as he thought of this, Link was eager to try. The next game is a cutscene for most teams, after all, the ranking has been confirmed.

   But for the Grizzlies, it is a fork in the road. Whether it shines in the playoffs or is out after a round of games, the final game of the regular season will determine the final trend of the Grizzlies!


  George Carr felt extremely tired. He finally got rid of Carmelo Anthony. He thought that everything would be smooth this season. Who knows, the Grizzlies suddenly jumped to sixth in the Western Conference!

   What's worse is that they are eyeing the Nuggets' fifth Western Conference.

   The sudden jump in the Grizzlies Carr did not expect it at first. Throughout the season, the Grizzlies have been in the eighth circle in the Western Conference. Who could have imagined that they would suddenly exert their strength in the last half of the month, surpassing two in a row and rushing to the sixth place in the west.

   If he is defeated by the Grizzlies again, then they will have more than three teams in a row.

   Old Carl gritted his teeth. All his plans were so perfect, but the Grizzlies sprang out as a spoiler. The outside world calls the Grizzlies the big villain, but George Carr is more willing to ask them to stir the shit!

   Carl knows very well that in addition to the current strengths of the Grizzlies, in addition to the black and white bears, that **** draft loss is also a big problem.

   When he scored points with Anthony, George Carr knew that No. 0 would be an obstacle for many teams in the West. But I didn't expect that his own Nuggets would become Link's first target to intercept.

   Link's performance since April has been very strong. George Carr can guarantee that Link's state in the final game of the regular season will not suddenly collapse. If Link's trouble is not resolved, the Nuggets' posture will be very dangerous.

   George Carr picked up the Grizzlies player roster and drew a small red cross on Link's name.

   Then, Old Karl got up and went to the training hall. Today, the first words he said to the players set the tone for the game against the Grizzlies.

   "I need you to be rough, understand? I mean the real roughness."

   In order to win, George Karl has never cared about means.

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