The sudden incident of evil god believers on Nami Star was caught off guard, but it did not cause much shock to the earth today.

In just a few decades, what storms and waves have we not seen?

Do you know about Resident Evil? Do you know about the abyss invasion? Do you know about the Plane War and the Zerg?

Relatively speaking, the fact that they were attacked by believers of the evil god in a colony and a place where no earthlings had settled for the time being seemed to be nothing at all.

For the natives of the earth, it is like watching a movie.

You may say you care, and you still care, but in fact, those disasters that frequently shocked the world in the past did not happen around us.

Various programs on Earth also show off their unique skills in order to achieve ratings.

Various experts, mages, and scholars were invited to analyze and explain in front of the channel.

For example, the "Fireball Master" has been called "the most promising to break through the Archmage this year" every year for the past ten years.

This guy who originally worked for the Kangaroo Group and had trouble dealing with Kangaroo's father and Youyuko was actually quite talented. He was the first Earthling to reach the threshold of a high-level mage. However, it's a pity that he has been stuck at the threshold for the past ten years, unable to move. He was successively surpassed by Kangaroo's father, Jiang Bo and other people who were not as talented as him.

However, he is still a senior mage and can be regarded as a prominent figure, and because he is high-profile and likes to hang out on some social platforms, his popularity is not low.

A typical Internet celebrity mage.

"I think this matter is nothing. As you know, our ancestor god suppressed the God of War back then and was kind enough not to deal with the orcs. This reputation is spread throughout the seven realms..."

The fireball master first praised Wang Yi as usual, and then got down to the topic. Various analyses, various arguments, and the final conclusion were that this might be the result of the cooperation between some die-hard remnants of the orcs and some evil god believers. thing.

After finishing the analysis, at the end, he started patting the rainbow fart from the air again.

"... In other realms, it would be disrespectful to talk about the gods! But on our planet, the word is open and everyone can discuss their own gods at will. We respect Your Majesty and that is all from the bottom of our hearts, but This also brings about a certain small trouble, that is, those guys in the gutter can also know a lot of information through our public information, for example, our ancestors may have recently left the earth to travel in the stars."

After all, Fireball Master is also a high-level mage, and his talent is indeed quite good. He still has the foundation and foundation. His analysis is well-founded and has been greatly recognized.

Before Wang Yi left, he went to the Seven Realms to 'visit' the Sun God and seal the Frost Titan. Although these details were not disclosed at all, they were secrets that could only be known by the first-level gods.

On the same day, the Komisius, elves, giants, goblins, and dragons suddenly announced that they had reached some in-depth cooperation agreements with the earth, completely liberalizing tariffs, opening up mining rights, canceling plane trade protection, recognizing earth patents, and even willing to Enter the Earth Credit Point Settlement System.

This series of reactions can also let everyone know that this is the 'result' of Wang Yi's visit!

The earth has been merged into the Nine Realms for thirty years, although overall the general policy of merging and cooperating with the Nine Realms has been set and has been decided by the gods.

A military alliance was formed to advance and retreat together.

But in fact, the involvement and integration of various interests can only be regarded as preliminary completion. Taxation, import and export trade, patents, settlement, etc., each of them represents significant interests, and every industry will not give in easily!

As an earth with exploding production capacity and the ability to continuously export various commodities, the other worlds are buyers and Party A’s father, and they actually have to endure it in many cases.

In the past thirty years, it has relied on its unique characteristics to crazily export to those theocratic worlds, and everything from commodities to ideology has been subtle.

However, some key agreements still cannot be negotiated.

After all, for other worlds, the upper levels don't actually care about the role of things imported from the earth. They only care about whether it will corrupt the spirit of the believers and make them lose their morale.

Now that all the difficulties have been overcome in one day, we can naturally know what happened!

This will naturally also make waists straighter on this side of the earth!

In the past, the core of the Nine Realms was undoubtedly the Morning Star, even if the Morning Star was not open to the public.

But now, the core of the Nine Realms has clearly tilted towards the earth.

Some of the great forces, great nobles, and many imperial royal families in the Nine Realms also began to use the magic material resources in their hands to increase their investment in the earth.

Recently, you can obviously see the news frequently. The prince or grand duke of a certain empire in a certain world has reached a reciprocal agreement with a certain company.

If it is a kingdom, most of the time the king will arrive in person!

After the emergence of the trend of all nations coming to court during the prosperous Tang Dynasty, it can be said that everyone on the entire earth is still in a state of emotional expansion.

At this time, what the 'Fireball Master' said was undoubtedly true to his heart.

Our ancestor god was going to travel for a while, but he was worried about problems behind the scenes, so he paid a visit to other gods in exchange for this kind of courtesy.

Now these clowns taking advantage of the ancestor god’s outing are nothing to worry about!

But just when the 'Fireball Master' was estimating how many fans he could gain this time, the host of the interview program suddenly seemed to touch his ears and listen to the words in the earphones, and his attitude suddenly changed.

This made the 'Fireball Master' stunned for a moment. Could it be that he overturned? Isn't there any bad news?

But soon, the host also told the reason with excitement

"Just now, World Media invited Count and Mrs. Luke who are traveling on the earth and the newly promoted demigod of the nine realms, His Excellency Frost Wolf, to participate in the live broadcast room. Now we will also broadcast the live content of World Media..."

After saying that, he didn't care about the hesitant 'Fireball Master' next to him. He switched the channel and a live scene of a standard talk show appeared.

The handsome red-haired Earl Luke and his beautiful countess Lilith, on the other side is the slovenly Frost Wolf with a sense of vicissitudes of life.

As a mud-legged warrior, Frost Wolf fought all the way and participated in many plane wars. Finally, he successfully completed the accumulation this time and broke through to become a demigod as a non-priest. This was shocking news in the Seven Realms.

It felt natural that Annie and Yumia had broken through before. There was no god behind the Frost Wolf.

This shows that Frost Wolf theoretically has the potential to become a god!

The gods who have become true gods are too lofty, as if they are in the clouds looking down on the mortal world. In comparison, Frost Wolf, who is also on a TV show and is the majority shareholder of the Earth Maotai Group, is more down-to-earth.

With two real bosses coming forward, who would care about the analysis of a little Karami like ‘Fireball Master’?

Even if the content of the analysis is exactly the same, the treatment is completely different...

Chapter 1,197

"Based on some existing clues, it can be determined that there are currently three evil churches involved. One is the 'Church of Life' that we are most familiar with, and the second is the 'Church of the God of War' that arose thirty years ago and was composed of the remnants of the God of War. , and the last one is the 'War Church' that has never appeared in the Nine Realms before..."

It was Earl Luke who spoke. Even though Luke's origins were squeezed when he broke through the legend, he was still a legend anyway, and he had a good relationship with Wang Yi, so he recovered very well. He hadn't been in his face for thirty years. Whatever traces were left on it, it was still so gentle and elegant.

As a legend, the information he can know is naturally more in-depth and thorough.

"Everyone should know the 'Church of Life' as an old friend. It is the most widespread evil church. Even the earth has begun to appear. Many abyssal distortions are due to this church. I led the pioneers to conquer the fallen King Yidai. , as well as the ancestor of the blood race who escaped from trouble and has not yet been brought to justice, fell under the influence of this church..."

Luke briefly explained the differences between several churches, not to mention the Church of God of War, which was purely influenced by Wang Yi. However, the newly emerged Church of War still made him emphasize it.

"...'Church of War' sounds very similar to 'Church of God of War', but its essence is completely different. Although we found that many backbones of 'Church of War' are former fanatical believers of 'Church of God of War', it can be seen as Born out of the 'Church of the God of War', but there are still fundamental differences...

"Although the God of War has become Wang Yimian's trophy, he is still a righteous god. However, the 'Church of War' is a pure church of evil gods. These three parties do not actually pursue any results when they make peace together. They just pursue a process of destruction. No matter the cost."

After Luke stated the question in a declarative manner, many people who were watching the show suddenly felt a little heavy in their hearts.

Don’t pursue results, only pursue process?

And no matter the cost?

Isn't this a psychopath and a terrorist? !

This is too extreme!

Once there are too many people like this, even a bowl of noodles on the road may be destroyed, which is really annoying!

For a city that is used to peace and security, if a murderer on the run appears, he will become nervous. This kind of thing is really disturbing.

At this time, the Frost Wolf on the other side of the show also spoke.

"This time I will go over with Luke to take a look. We have a portal on Proxima Centauri, and Rose is also stationed there. It's usually not a big problem."

Frostwolf likes Earth’s drinks very much, especially Maotai-flavored drinks, but the Earth’s raw materials lack magic power, so he is considered one of the first outsiders to invest in Earth, and became the major shareholder of Maotai-Flavour Group, specializing in providing some specialties from the Sephi world. brewing materials.

In cooperation with the masters hired by Maotai Xiang Group, several new strains of bacteria were developed, making the taste popular in the nine worlds.

This time he will come to Earth. In addition to traveling, Nami Star has actually started bidding. He wants to see if there are plants suitable for making wine there.

It just happened to happen. If so, let's do it together...

Originally, with a demigod leading the team and two legends supporting him, it should be easy to calm down the little fight on Nami Star.

However, the reality is that the Frostwolf, as the new demigod, failed miserably!

Both Luke and Rose were also seriously injured. In the end, it was only with Luke's life-saving item given by Wang Yi that the three of them managed to escape!

The player base on Nami is almost wiped out!

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar.

Three demigod mages, Leo, Anne, and Yumia, together with eleven legendary mages, set out from Asgard and arrived at Proxima Centauri. They quickly built a defensive barrier with the modular wizard tower they carried with them.

Leo stood in the starry sky of Proxima Centauri, looking coldly at the cracks in front of him and the reinforced channel formed by Nami Star.

It can be clearly seen that there is some force in the opposite direction that wants to destroy the crack, but because it was reinforced by Wang Yi himself, it has never been successful.

But even so, judging from the information revealed, it still makes Leo feel a little heavy.

"There is some trouble. Something has trapped the will of the world. This is a god-level power."

Leo had played the chase-and-escape game with the God of War for a long time, and he had a full understanding of the power of the gods!

Theoretically, the world will of Nami Star is only inferior to that of the Sophie World, and it is stronger than places like Olips and Michus!

However, such a strong will to the world can now vaguely feel the trapped fluctuations in it. This is quite unbelievable.

Leo was almost blindly confident in the power of the Lord he believed in.

When I first went to Nami Star, I could fuse my will almost immediately, but I didn't want to.

And even if there is no fusion, Nami Star's planetary will is definitely biased towards its own side, so it can be taken care of when opening up wasteland there.

Originally, Frostwolf thought it was a bit of a fuss, and it was more than enough to just ask Ross stationed at Proxima b to take a look.

As a result, I never thought that if Luke hadn't had something to save his life, the Frostwolf might have died here shortly after he broke through to the demigods!

"It may be possible to suppress it with the help of the power of the Asgard, but the Asgard guards the solar system and cannot move. It seems that we have to wait for the boss to come back, or we have to call in foreign aid."

Leo sighed. He was different from Anne and Yumia next to him. These two were the boss's concubines, but he was just a bad old man who knew how to maintain his health. As a result, the boss just went out, and this kind of trap appeared here. , it’s really a bit embarrassing...

"Could it be that you just want us to drive over to the Immortal Palace and lure the tiger away from the mountain?"

Anne's expression looked a little cold at this time, and she also felt quite embarrassed.

"Perhaps they just want to distract us. They are so ignorant. They don't know anything about the abilities of the eldest sister."

At this time, Yumia was bored and posed a few poses to the holographic lens. She also started live broadcasts from time to time. She felt that it was quite interesting to interact with the group of water friends.

"Maybe, the boss said that if necessary, we can invite the gods from the nine realms..."

Before Leo could finish his words, he suddenly paused, and then he saw several figures appearing one after another from the teleportation gate built.

The divine radiance envelopes the whole body, but one can vaguely see the figure inside!

The three of them are all demigods, and Anne and Yumia have special status. They have participated in the Council of Gods and have met the gods!

So even if their faces were not revealed, they could tell the identities of the three comers just by looking at their figures wrapped in divine radiance!

God of Trade, Goddess of Nature and Goddess of Dreams!

"No need to invite us, we'll come here ourselves."

"Oh, you are really brave to stir up trouble and trouble while Wang Yimian is not around!"

"If we fail to handle it well, your Majesty will think that we are incompetent when he comes back. This is a slap in our face."

Not only was Leo confused, but the three gods' undisguised voices seemed to have been specially uttered, leaving the players who were pioneering on Proxima b at a loss.


See the true God!

Three more people came at once?

Why do they look like they are scrambling to be the first, as if they are afraid of being slow?

Is this a god?

It's a bit weird.

Then the God of Trade said gently

"There is no need to worry on the Earth side, the Holy Dragon King and the Giant King are sitting in charge, and there will be no trouble over there in the Seven Realms Star Territory with the Sun God Crown personally guarding it. We will not give these clowns the slightest chance..." (End of this chapter) )

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