Chapter 639 Listen to me and thank you-

Lao Bianya stood in the middle of the ruins. Due to his previous terrifying reaction force, the entire area of ​​several hundred meters was sunken. You could see the faults in the subway channel below and the spraying of a large number of water pipes.

The spreading cracks in the earth extended outward for more than a kilometer, and several buildings that had survived the previous bombings also cracked and collapsed.

And this was just the purely physical reaction force when he threw the spear before!

The magic power contained in the artifact itself, the magic power reserve that he himself had consumed, and the consumption of the Glory Tower owner who personally came to open the gate and drained all the magic power reserves of the magic circle over there were the real core of this attack!

The terrifying blow with a speed exceeding 150 kilometers per second also represents the pinnacle blow of this old orc who has entered the realm of demigods alone without relying on gods.

He had a decisive battle with the Red Dragon King in the starry sky, and cut off the fangs of the demigod Red Dragon King as a trophy. The God of War personally commended him and helped him build an artifact.

What an honor is this?

Although the Pope and the High Priest of the God of War Temple are also demigods, they are also crucial to the God of War. To a certain extent, they rely on the high-quality anchors of faith concentrated by them to assist in processing the power of faith.

But both of them are demigods who relied on the gift of the God of War. In fact, they are still servants of the God of War. Many times, the oracles are issued without too much consideration of their own inner feelings. Everything about them is in the hands of the God of War.

But Old Blade Ya is different. He relies on his continuous tempering of will, the harvest of plane wars and the resources exchanged by tribes, and the continuous accumulation of his own talents, efforts, resources, and opportunities. The demigod has achieved step by step. Even the God of War would give him some face.

He is also a believer in the God of War, and his status is higher than that of the Pope and the High Priest, and the same is true in terms of strength!

Defeating dragons of the same level who are known for their combat prowess is the achievement he is most proud of.

The Fang of the Fallen Dragon is also a monument to his glory.

An artifact certified by the God of War himself!

After he threw this terrifying blow, scattering all the clouds that covered the sky and forming a Mediterranean Sea on the earth, he stood next to the portal, raising his head and watching his attack go away.

The eyesight of a hero is enough to see satellites in low orbit, and even the outlines of Tianting and Nantianmen can be seen due to their size.

Not to mention the legend, when the distance is far enough, it can also catch this terrifying blow that exceeds the speed of the fourth universe.

As for Lao Bianya himself, not only is his various senses superior, he also has a soul-level connection between himself and the artifact.

After nurturing day and night, he had already developed a deep connection with the Fang of the Fallen Dragon. This was why he was confident that he could retrieve it after the artifact exploded and tore the void into the abyss.

He was very satisfied with this blow.

It was obviously a world without demons, but with the help of various arrangements, he was able to hit his peak blow!

Shooting down Nantianmen and Tianting at once will let Umbrella know how powerful I, Olips, am.

As for this kind of attack, I can do it again after I get my weapon back and take a rest, and after Guanghui finishes saving his magic power again.

Let’s see how many times Umbrella can resist!

"It's better to bring the old man back as soon as possible. I'll see if I don't laugh him to death this time."

Lao Bianya watched with satisfaction as his attacks continued to speed up, and he murmured to himself.

The demigods who are also Olips are also followers of the God of War. Although Old Blade Ya is not a clergyman, he has a very good personal relationship with the high priest and the pope.

Three minutes is not a long time, and it is not a short time at all. At least it is enough for a lot of thoughts to run through my mind.

Compared with the instantaneous changes of a close confrontation, this ultra-long-distance beyond-visual-range strike is indeed relatively long.

Lao Bianya kept staring, which could be regarded as a lock to a certain extent.

Fear that the target is capable of unexpected high-speed maneuvers.

After all, for the target, if it is purely to avoid a straight-line attack, it does not need to exceed the attack speed, as long as it can stay away before the attack arrives, the requirement is not high.

However, as the master of the artifact, Old Blade Ya has the ability to temporarily control and intervene!

Even in this world without demons, you can never escape the lock of the artifact.

Right now, I'm going to...


In an instant, the close connection between Old Blade Fang and Fallen Dragon Fang disappeared in an instant, disappearing so abruptly without a trace!

And the attack that his eyes had been catching seemed to evaporate out of thin air, as if it had crashed directly into the black screen of the starry sky, without any waves or ripples.

The suddenness made Lao Bianya unable to react for a while, and he even felt a temporary sense that the world was false.



I once again used my soul connection to sense my precious artifact.

No reaction at all!

If it weren't for the divinity formed by compressing his will, the connecting threads floating outward would be broken there, making Lao Bianya feel as if he had never owned this artifact!

Years of gestation have given him the feeling that the artifact is part of his own body, as close as the connection to controlling his own limbs.

But now, it's all gone!

What the naked eye sees is gone, and what the soul perceives is gone!

Damn it!

Where is my huge artifact?

Where is the artifact that just flew out of the atmosphere and combed the earth's hair?


Continuously sensing the changes, cold sweat broke out on Lao Bianya's forehead instantly.


He couldn't help but speak.

Next to him, he mobilized Olips' magic power to support him. The master of the Glory Tower was also observing the attack with a pair of crystal glasses. He was also dripping eye drops and seemed to be wiping his eyes.

After hearing what Lao Bianya said, he couldn't help but ask

"Lord Blade Tooth, what exactly is going on?"

Aren't you dazzled? Did it really disappear?

At first, the owner of the Glory Tower thought it was because he couldn't understand Lord Blade Ya's operation, and he might come out and deliver a heavy blow later, but now it seems that is not the case at all!

"Lost contact! Completely lost contact! This is impossible!"

Lao Bianya was agitated, his energy and blood boiling, and the air around him vibrated violently with his breathing, making even the owner of the Glory Tower feel a burst of pressure.

"Did it penetrate the space and enter the abyss in advance?"

The master of the Glory Tower said calmly.

As a mage, he likes to think too much. When Blade Ya launched his attack, he was thinking about how to best deal with it if he was in this position.

It’s definitely a no-brainer if it comes at the last minute, no chance!

The demigods cooperate with the divine weapon's peak strike, and even other demigods will avoid its edge when faced with it.

It would definitely be too late to form a temporary position.

But if you give yourself enough time and resources to cooperate, you may be able to create a weak point in space and wait in advance, and guide it into the abyss when the attack arrives.

However, this requirement is also very high, and the trajectory of the attack needs to be known in advance.

There is actually little room for maneuver.

So equally unlikely.

But it was almost the same. There was no ripple in the sudden disappearance. It could only be that the attack was diverted away!

Not only does the earth conserve mass and energy, but the Master's research on energy is also quite good.

He clearly knew that that terrifying attack must find a place to vent, and there must be a place to go!

So after eliminating all possibilities, the only reasonable explanation is the abyss, but how it is done and how it is achieved is unknown!

If it is not the abyss, the only explanation is that there is a god on the earth handling this matter at this time.

Use the unreasonable power of the gods to solve the problem at hand!

The reason why the Lord of the Glory Tower does not give priority to the issue of gods is that apart from the fact that gods rarely take action personally, the chaotic faith on this side of the earth can only give birth to a mad god!

The phantom of the King of Heroes that appears in the Hall of Heroes is the one who can purify and utilize faith to the limit.

Unless there are gods from other worlds who are willing to fight under pressure to save the earth from the fire, there is no magic at all...

Chapter 1,112

Although Mathews is now being invaded in reverse, the channel they anchored is already ready. It is also opened in New York, but in Queens.

This has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that this place is already occupied by allies, which will be very convenient in the early stage.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, it is also limited to New York!

With New York now under blockade, the strong men of Michus did not dare to go out rashly.

Perhaps risking it out can be successful, but the beautiful nuclear bomb version of the 'Legend Killer' cannot be guaranteed to be 100% effective.

But Legend takes no chances.

And the attack launched by Lao Bianya, a top powerhouse who is famous among the seven realms, also has a legendary observer of Michus paying attention to it all the time.

When the attack disappeared, his face was also stunned.

what's going on?

Is this a demigod? !

I can’t even understand the attack!

But after waiting for a long time, he still didn't see the building in the synchronous orbit being destroyed. He vaguely understood that the attack might have failed!

"Earth is such a terrible place."

The legendary knight looked solemn.

Whether it is the earth's 'technology' that is completely different from the magic system, or the Hall of Valor created by the earth itself, as well as the current plundering of Michus by them and the Sephi Realm, all prove their strength!

Death Witch Yumia is a legendary necromancer famous in the seven realms, but she was forced to retreat by one of their heroic spirits.

The arrest of the high priest of the God of War Olips fully illustrates the problem.

But before, the High Priest of the God of War could avoid the issue of sacrifice, and the long-distance raid consumed all his magic power.

A demigod whose magic power has been exhausted has no magic power to use, so being captured alive is not unacceptable.

Sephi also has a demigod and a divine weapon!

But what happens now?

Disappear into thin air? !


They are all legends. Although he did not study them as thoroughly as the mage, he subconsciously made a similar judgment.

Because it's so unreasonable.

Even if such a terrifying blow is blocked, it should be an extremely bright 'firework', but now it has disappeared inexplicably, and it can only be 'transferred'.

"Huh, my intention to open a new battlefield here to contain them is probably useless..."

murmured the legendary knight from Mytheus.

The invasion of Misius by the Sophie coalition actually brought a lot of pressure.

Although he is protected by the gods and has foreign aid, Misius's overall strength is indeed much inferior to that of Sophie, which is due to the advantage of playing at home.

But the home field advantage was directly equalized by that group of savages with sharp tactics and cunning ideas.

A group of immortal guys combined with modern weapons are indeed too difficult to deal with on a conventional battlefield.

Even if the transportation and supplies cannot keep up, they are starting to spread like locusts.

Compared with those savages, they are even willing to go head-to-head with the elite regular army of the Sophie world.

But those elite soldiers from the Sophie world were very good at hiding behind the savages.

Get the maximum results with the minimum cost.

Although for Michus, the importance of ordinary people is also far less than that of legends, but he can't bear to waste it like this.

Therefore, cooperating with Olips to launch an attack on the earth and contain the group of savages is also one of Michus's plans.

Open up a new battlefield, ignite the flames of war in your homes, and see if you are still afraid of death!

It's just a good idea, but after seeing Lao Bianya's attack this time, he had to suggest taking it slow when he went back.

The water on Earth is opaque and too deep!

The unknown represents uncertainty!

Theoretically, it was just the strength shown by the King of Heroes in the Hall of Heroes before, or it might not have such an effect with the cooperation of the demigod of the Sephi Realm.

Is it some unknown method that has not yet been realized?


It's unlikely...

Or is this the masterpiece of the mages in the floating towers in the Sophie world?

This is a bit like it, the mage really likes to tinker with some weird things...

"I hope the artifact can be recovered."

The legendary knight sighed, then came to the portal and stepped back. At the same time, he said to several heroic guards here.

"Learn as much knowledge and language of the earth as possible, and ask more local indigenous people for advice. Don't lose your dignity."


Several heroes nodded in succession and watched each other return to Mishus.

Then they started discussing in a low voice with a little relief.

"I don't know what the situation is like in Tajikistan. I heard that although elites who were preparing for an expedition were gathered in the Storm Empire, they didn't seem to get much benefit."

"Those savages are too tough. It seems that there are many players in New York. Should we capture them and prevent them from plundering?"

"Forget it, there are only so many people here, don't add unnecessary complications."

"Actually, I think there is nothing wrong with talking about it. A war is a war, and business is a business. There is no conflict."

"makes sense……"

After all, Michus is now the God of Trade and is in charge, so many people tend to think like businessmen.

In fact, if it weren't for the bait shown by the Hall of Heroes, Michus's senior officials would prefer that both sides handle the problem in a more 'peaceful' way.

Now there is definitely a temptation to the Hall of Valor, but it does not mean that trade cannot be carried out.

This is especially true after Lao Bianya's attempts failed...

In the beautiful nuclear explosion bunker, several decision-makers who had been watching the first-line reports also looked at each other at this time.

"Where's the attack? It's gone?"

The beautiful talker looked a little confused.

Satellites in low orbit can determine the speed of this thing, and satellites in synchronous orbit also captured the direction of the attack.

It takes less than four minutes to hit the heaven above the synchronous orbit.

They were both looking forward to it and panicking at the same time.

What I'm looking forward to is that after being suppressed by Umbrella for these years, their internal conflicts are about to explode, and they really can't bear it anymore.

It is really difficult to move from high financialization to real entities.

But what is alarming is that it is the invader who launches the attack this time!

Although the two parties seem to have started talking on the surface, for the beauty who has become accustomed to falling out and tearing up agreements, she also knows that the words of such an aggressor must not be fully believed!

Once the opponent easily captures Umbrella and discovers that the Earth is easy to control, all previous promises will be farts, and they are guaranteed to be overwhelmed by the army again.

So they expected the Seven Realms to give Umbrella a serious blow, but Umbrella could withstand it, and then the two sides would get into a fight.

At this time, only beautiful people can jump left and right to get the greatest benefit!

Whether it is Umbrella crushing the Seven Realms or the Seven Realms crushing Umbrella, it is not the optimal solution for them.

But just when they were paying close attention, oh, he suddenly disappeared?

When the viewing angle is widened, even if the attack speed exceeds the speed of the fourth universe in the synchronous satellite orbit, the trajectory can be captured.

They could see the stream of light continuously cutting through the space and beginning to approach the target.

But just when it was about to hit, it suddenly disappeared, disappeared into thin air, and left no trace, still making everyone at the scene fall into silence.

Is this a failure of the Seven Realms attack, or is there something left to be desired?

As people with poor information, they don't know, but it seems that no matter what the outcome is, it is not good news for them.

"I think we can send the picture directly. Some tourists at Nantianmen have already started the live broadcast before, and now the popularity is soaring. We can take the opportunity to ask for fun."

One consultant said cautiously.

In fact, Umbrella is really generous in many cases. Just like magic knowledge, it is announced as soon as it is announced. The pattern and beauty are indeed not in the same dimension.

Asking some questions directly will usually get a positive response.

"Just ask, just ask. Don't you, as consultants, have any opinions of your own?"

The beautiful chatterbox patted the table a little irritably.

"Well, energy will not disappear out of thin air, not to mention something with such a terrifying speed. Not to mention magic power, the physical side as we understand it is comparable to a nuclear bomb. Therefore, I think it should have been transferred, maybe to the abyss..."

One thing understands all things. Although the reserves of magic power are not enough, most smart people who know enough can still complete their own judgments based on the elimination method.

First of all, it is impossible to destroy the conservation of energy, right?

Since it cannot be destroyed, it has a destination after all.

You can't tell me that something suddenly appeared, absorbed all the energy, and then left suddenly.

This is neither science nor magic...

Chapter 1,113

Because Nantianmen has always had some tourism projects with space elevators, almost every tourist who has won the Penglai tourism quota will go up to see the mother planet and the deep starry sky.

Therefore, some tourist capsules in Nantianmen are occupied almost all the time.

Now with the expansion of Nantianmen, some accommodation businesses have even been opened. As long as there are no problems with your health, you can apply for up to three days of space overnight experience.

The previous attack that came directly towards the space capsule took several minutes to pass, and the movement and brilliance of the artifact were too loud and obvious, and the tourists had already noticed it.

After some college students briefly made a judgment and learned that it was an attack, there were many live broadcasts and videos targeting it.

And these also appeared on the Internet in large numbers as the attack ended!

The titles are also very scary.

"Nantianmen is under attack!"

"Geosynchronous orbit under attack!"

"The big beauty attacks Nantianmen."

"The big beauty joins the war."

Various voices came one after another, and Big Beautiful officials quickly began to clarify and sent out some pictures of the attack from various angles. It was obvious that the attack came from New York.

There are photos and videos of ground observations, reconnaissance aircraft, and low-orbit satellites and geosynchronous orbit satellites.

In addition to being beautiful, some people who lived in the occupied area of ​​New York also posted photos that they occasionally took.

That bright beam of light that cuts through the sky.

The comet-like brilliance and the Earth's Mediterranean clouds.

Various images combined also indicate the source of the attack.

Coupled with the news that the Seven Realms wanted to exchange the High Priest of the God of War back, many people also understood that this was a sneak attack and blow from the Seven Realms.

"The Seven Realms really don't want Bilian! While talking about exchanging prisoners, they started attacking again!"

"Isn't this normal for a hostile situation?"

"Then they said that the exchange was the final test. If they didn't agree, they wanted to knock down Umbrella's heaven?"

"The space elevator is the foundation of the Umbrella space program. Nowadays, space factories have been built in Nantianmen and the extension of Tianting. There are also many spacecraft assembly lines. The Mars Zerg relies on them to suppress them. It will be difficult to defeat them. It’s over.”

"Okay, okay, Umbrella must have used some means to intercept, but I can't tell, there is no movement at all."


All kinds of voices are flooding the Internet. The recent invasion of the Seven Realms and the various events of the "Abyss World" expansion pack have been mixed together. It can be regarded as an explosion until now.

Obviously, the Seven Realms, which had just been quiet for a while and seemed to be much more honest, suddenly launched a powerful attack on Umbrella, the overlord of the earth!

The earth has been engulfed by the Mediterranean Sea. This visual effect is more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

And soon some people who like calculations made simple calculations. Because the video is complete, purely physical aspects of speed, kinetic energy, etc. are listed.

"Everyone, one kilogram is equivalent to at least 2.5 tons of TNT, and the power is concentrated at one point, and there is no way to intercept it at such a speed. The most important thing is that this is only kinetic energy. Hypersonic missiles will also have ammunition stuffed in them. Yes, there should be magic side ammunition in this thing, but it has completely disappeared!"

"Umbrella dares to reveal the knowledge of magic, which means that they must have some secret methods of their own. It's not surprising that they can intercept it, but there is no movement at all, which is too scary."

"It's not that I look down on Da Mei. If Da Mei could make something that can travel at 150 kilometers per second, his tail would be hanging in the sky now."


Because the beautiful lady herself had released a lot of videos and had to explain herself to someone who suspected they were responsible for the attack, she took the opportunity to ask Umbrella to find out more about the situation.

Is this attack severe? How should it be dealt with?

Theoretically, the Seven Realms can throw out this kind of attack. It would be easy for a parabola to use a ballistic missile to launch a long-range strike!

It can even be said that as long as they control the power in place and can control it accurately, and then calculate all the physical parameters of the earth, they can hit various places around the world without the need for satellite positioning, just like ballistic missiles equipped with gyroscopes.

Then if the magical attack of the weapon he throws is strong enough in addition to pure physical impact, what is the difference between it and a nuclear bomb?

This inquiry from Da Meili can be regarded as an inquiry that is being made by taking advantage of this opportunity to help the whole world.

After all, Umbrella is awesome and can handle this kind of attack, but not elsewhere!

I don't know how effective the attack with obvious magic power can be.

If the demon-free world on Earth is restricted and the attacks are not big, then that would be fine. But if the damage is terrifying, then it would not be fun.

Indeed, Umbrella will not be secretive at critical moments, and will directly start its own announcement.

"For the previous attack by the Seven Realms on Nantianmen, which even involved tourists and civilians inside, our company expresses severe condemnation and warns the Seven Realms that it will respond accordingly when necessary."

After first warning and condemning the attack on civilians by the Seven Realms, he then briefly explained the power of the previous attack.

Photos of a gorgeous spear from various angles were directly displayed on the screen. They were as meticulous as observing antiques. They were shot with a shooting technique like a commercial film, and then a narration was explained outside the screen.

"This is the weapon that the Seven Realms used to attack before. Through our identification and some confirmation of the prisoners, it comes from another demigod of Olips, a retired old chief of the Blade Tooth Clan, and this weapon The material is the demigod-level dragon's tooth, an artifact made by the God of War himself..."

After giving a full explanation first, the weapon's power was also estimated and evaluated.

"The location where the attack was launched was the portal in Manhattan, and there was a violent magic reaction detected there. If nothing unexpected happened, a magic reservoir should have been built on the opposite side to gather all the magic power and release it in one go when necessary. Make temporary arrangements, and cooperate with the magic reserve in the body of a demigod, as well as the magic reserve of the artifact, to explode with the power of the internal magic, and directly destroy a small city with one blow. It is not a big problem, the explosion shock wave is purely physical. It is not as good as a thermonuclear bomb, but the destruction caused by the magic power will cause more serious damage to living things, and the power originally concentrated in the center of the explosion can be spread more evenly..."

As Umbrella listed the data one by one, it brought extremely heavy psychological pressure to the world. Although they felt the horror of this attack, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

According to the description, there should not be many such weapons, and the number is not as good as the human nuclear bomb reserve. Even if the actual lethality is extremely powerful, it can still give people some peace of mind.

After that, Umbrella also showed a picture of the laboratory. At this time, the three captured Legends and the God of War High Priest were all lying on the experimental table in different rooms.

Everyone was sleek and bound by a special belt. Only the eyes above the nose were exposed on their faces. Their mouths and noses were completely covered by a metal mask. Many places on their bodies were directly covered by a kind of pitch-black... The rod was penetrated, and there were a large number of drug injection catheters, which looked very miserable.

"In addition, we have obtained certain results in the body research of legends and demigods. We have roughly estimated the magic power reserves in their bodies and their upper and lower limits. The physical strength can be supplemented by the nutrition of earth food..."

There is no doubt that the subsequent scene about demigods and legends is the humiliation of Chi Guoguo.

Just like the general teacher in the textbook, he was left to the mercy of Umbrella's researchers, treated like an animal.

Obviously this is a very inhumane human experiment, but it is consistent with the previous attacks on Umbrella, the arrests of these people, and the New York and Washington they occupied in a blitzkrieg.

After this humiliating scene was broadcast, it unexpectedly made many people, especially beautiful people, feel relieved.

Especially when studying faith, in front of the High Priest of War, a devout believer in the God of War, a portrait of the King of Heroes in the Hall of Heroes is hung up, and he is asked to pray and worship. At the same time, some torture and humiliating stimulation of the God of War are also included.

It can be seen that the high priest of the God of War obviously feels like going crazy, but he is powerless against the restraints on his body and can only be furious.

"The regeneration ability of demigods is very strong. In order to facilitate research, we will also generously distribute some parts to laboratories that are willing to study them."

While adding a mosaic to the video, it also allowed people to understand what was cut off. He directly cut off all five limbs of the God of War High Priest, and then added nutrient solution to regenerate him.

It seems that the cut parts can be sent out for everyone to visit and study.

Don’t you want to save the high priest?

And also launched a direct attack?

Then let the high priest thank you for what you have done...

Update completed~

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