Chapter 140

When I went down to the laundry, I saw that the laundry I couldn’t take because I was in a hurry to the forest yesterday was piled up.

‘Today, I have no choice but to run the washing machine.’

Set aside the clothes that have been sorted separately to remove the dirt. I put the clothes to be washed in the washing machine.

If I just take the time, my laundry skills have improved to the point where I don’t have to take it to the forest to do laundry anymore.

In addition, if you add the efficacy of the stream of the Magic Forest, there is nothing in this world that cannot be removed.

I took the white canister sprayer out of the drawer, opened the lid and inserted the funnel.

“rain cloud!”

When the summoning spell was uttered, a haze appeared above the funnel, which grew thicker and formed into tiny rain clouds.

Rain clouds thickened to gray, thundering and lightning, and pouring rain.

Rain from the clouds filled the spray bottle through the funnel.

“Rain cloud recovery!”

The rain cloud disappeared at the recall spell, and I shook the filled atomizer barrel.

It contained healing waters drawn from a magical forest, a creek.

After putting the dirty shirt on the dirt removal table and spraying water with the sprayer, the dirt disappears without a trace.

“This is the first time I’ve done this, is this method okay? You don’t have to take anything to the forest.”

At that moment, the door to the laundry opened, and Gangnam-young ran in.


I looked at the time and it was still a lot earlier than the start time.

Gangnam-young, who couldn’t speak properly because he was out of breath, because he came so quickly.

“why? What happen?”

“Heh heh. Wait. breath… … ”

“Take it slow. I will run out of breath.”

After a few minutes, he seemed to have calmed down a bit, and he barely spoke.

“Me, me. I passed!”

“What? What test did you take? Laundry technician?”

“Oh, no. The laundry technician will do it later… … Oh, it’s not like that now.”

“No, then what kind of test… … ?”

“I passed the 9th grade civil service exam!”


Oops, come to think of it, did I mention that I had a day off before taking the exam?

I thought I would pass.

“Ah, you passed. You said you would.”

Saying it as if it were natural, I focused on what I was doing.

When I answered cynically, who I thought would like it, Gangnam-young, who was cool.

“Yeah, yes, but… … Oh, then I’ll clean it up.”

was it serious?

“Congratulations, Namyoung. I really congratulate you. Whoops.”

“Oh, thank you. Thanks to the boss.”

Gangnam-young, who was going to pick up a broom, returns to the place where he was.

“What. By the way, my father must really like it.”

“I can’t speak, huh? I barely stopped dancing in the morning, kissing, and saying that I would hold you up. Now, I’m bragging about it by gathering people from the neighborhood and carrying a megaphone. I don’t know if this is going to catch the placard or not. Oh, that’s embarrassing.”

“Leave it. How would you like it? So, is the laundromat going out now?”

“no. It takes several months to be issued. Until then, we can come out.”

“Hmm… … .”

“why? Are you going to kick me out already?”

“No, not that. Now, if I go to work, I won’t be able to play properly, so how about going on a trip?”

“Wow, a trip?”

Gangnam-young scratching his head at the word travel.

“Actually, I don’t really like to travel. People think it’s weird when they say they don’t like to travel. But when I look at nature, I don’t get that much inspiration. Even if you look at the sea, it’s good at first, but it gets boring in less than 10 minutes. And yes. People say they like nature, so they cut down trees and build houses there. I don’t understand that.”


“I am. I think people who love nature do more harm to nature. I just like to look at it from afar.”

“Well, you might think so. Everyone has a different attitude towards nature. So anyway, feel free to talk to me anytime. How long will it be out?”

“Are you going to save someone else without me?”

“maybe… … Is that right?”

Gangnam-young, who grows pale at my words.

“Now it’s hard to run this big laundry by myself. Now, I am trying to find a full-time employee instead of a part-timer.”

“I feel bad for this place. Thinking of looking at papers in a stuffy office, I wondered if it would be better to be a civil servant. I’m also afraid of what my co-workers will do. It was so hard that I wanted to die because I met the wrong boss at my last job.”

“Everything will be fine. Then you can go ahead and worry about it. Now, it’s been a while since I’ve been accepted, so I’m enjoying it.”

“Ah, that’s right. Now is the time to enjoy. Hahaha. Because the boss only says the right things.”

“Besides, Kangnam-young is fun, listens to people well, and has many strengths. What a great advantage that is.”

“It also depends on the time and place. Some people like me and some people hate me. At least it works in this town.”

Gangnam-young glances at time.

“I need to clean up quickly before the guests arrive.”


She didn’t seem completely happy, but she still felt confident that she had done something she had been preparing for a long time.

Today, Gangnam-young’s whistle sounds more cheerful than usual.

I quit what I was doing, went outside and looked around the street, and my eyes stopped at the flower shop across the street.

‘I’m concerned.’

The flowers lined up in front of the store didn’t look so beautiful anymore.

A plant called ‘Dracena Draco’ that became a sword and aimed at my neck came to mind.


Then the door to the flower shop opened, and an old man walked out.

‘That’s the mother of the flower shop owner.’

Apparently I couldn’t move properly while sitting in a wheelchair until yesterday.

He said it was difficult to walk because of his leg paralysis.

But now I am walking.

‘What happened? There is no way my leg could have healed overnight.’

His gait was somewhat awkward, but it was hard to notice unless he looked closely.

However, a strange feeling was transmitted to the leg in the baggy pants.

Wriggling, it feels like something is moving.

If you look carefully when the pants are slightly raised, the stems and roots of the plants are wrapped around the old lady’s legs.

‘Hey, you used magic on your own mother. They made it possible to walk using plants.’

The florist’s boss also follows up, and when he sees her mother like that, she looks satisfied.

I walked into her laundry, avoiding her eye contact with her.

‘I should have stopped like that.’


I was lost in thought, and I looked up in surprise when Kangnam-young called out loud.

In his hand is the spray bottle I used earlier.

“What is this made of? It’s absolutely perfect. No indelible stains! Great!”

“Uh, that’s… … .”

Next to Gangnam-young, clothes that had already been completely removed were piled up.

“My father also makes and uses universal detergent, but that is not the case.”

“It is a trade secret. If you tell me that, I will have to close the laundry.”

“Aha, the trade secret that there is one in every big hit house~ Whoops. Anyway, I think I can make this and sell it.”

“Are you selling this?”


“Hmm… … .”

Then the guests arrived and our conversation was cut off.

I was handed a spray bottle filled with healing water and tried to shake it.

‘Would you like to sell one? I think you’ll be fine.’

I left the customer with Mr. Gangnam-young, and I packed my laundry for delivery.

As I entered the neighborhood, delivery started with the yellow-jawed bunting that sat on my head as usual.

As I climbed the hill a little, I saw Kim, the CEO of Segye-dong Real Estate, who was leading the guests.

“Oh, Mr. Kim. Are you showing the house to the guests?”

“Ah, Annam.”

President Kim, with a welcome expression on his face, looked at the customers and approached me and whispered in my ear.

“Annam, the atmosphere in the world is no joke these days. People are flocking to buy houses from all over the place. House prices are soaring higher than in other redevelopment neighborhoods.”

“Good for you. Then I told you to buy a house in this neighborhood. Did you buy it?”

President Kim, who is crying at my words.

“Hey, don’t talk. How much will the world-dong house prices jump? I ended up buying it with that thought. I should have listened to Annam.”

There are definitely people like this.

A person who is hesitant to give good information, but does not accept it.

“You didn’t buy it? Then it would be better to live now. Because now is the coldest time.”

“Is that so? Will this town go higher from here?”

It’s still skeptical.

“The decision is made by Mr. Kim. The guests are waiting, so please go quickly.”

“yea, I got it. Let’s talk in detail later. Ah! Grandma Kim’s house that Annam bought. There are people waiting in line to buy it. If you have any thoughts, tell me.”


After the talk, I thought that I should visit Grandma Kim’s house once today.

After his son, Jang Seok-go, came, he didn’t visit often because he feared he would feel uncomfortable.

ding dong

I rang the doorbell of Mr. Baek’s house, which is located halfway down the hill.

Before I could even ring the doorbell, the rose knew I was coming and began to bark happily.

‘Rose, be quiet.’(Read more @

Speaking inwardly, the barking of a rose that is fully understood and fades away.


The front door opened with a sharp sound.

The day the laundry was delivered to Mr. Baek’s house was also the day of the investment meeting.

From some point on, the ‘time to discuss where to invest next’ was set on the day I delivered.

Let’s go across the yard, the old lady who opens the door.

“Come on. Everyone is waiting.”

When she saw her aunt, then she remembered the man she had seen at the gambling house.

“Have you not come home, husband?”

“husband? Ah, my husband. Can that person come in? Can gambling be so easy to quit? It would be nice if the body came back after death.”

It was nonetheless

The man who gambled with his soulless face (I thought the man was the aunt’s husband) didn’t seem to get out of there yet.

As we entered the library, Mr. Baek and fund manager Jungkook Kim were having a serious conversation.

“Oh, are you here? I will sit here.”


Afraid to sit down, teacher Baek brings the papers in.

“Look at this. Our manager Kim has come up with a list of movies to invest in next. Oh man, your friend’s movie was a huge hit back then. All our investors are happy.”

When the story of the movie ‘Legend’ comes out, Kim Jung-guk’s forehead is crushed.

“I think you can stop talking about it now. fufu. I also got some money thanks to you.”

“Not only your friend’s next film, but also other films in the future.”

“You thought well. Is this the list? Then can I take a look?”

The expression on the face of fund manager Kim Jung-guk who is handing out the papers is as if he’s in a bad mood.

“Master Paik, you happened to be successful once in a while. Hearing this kind of nonsense makes me go crazy.”

Teacher Baek frowns at the words of manager Kim Jung-guk.

“Damn it. Not only the movie now, but also the ‘Friends’ that I invested in trusting this person at the time, aren’t they doing well now?”

The share price of the portal site ‘Friends’ was rising as the number of users of the minihompy increased.

In contrast, another portal site, ‘Next’, was just getting attention from users, but it was still insufficient.

As the popular ‘Freeworld’ announced that it would be paid, users started looking for other platforms and were gathering as alternatives to ‘Friends’ and ‘Next’.

“But it’s not ‘next’, is it? People say that ‘Freeworld’ will go bankrupt if it pays off, but I have a different opinion. I think the company will become more robust when cash flows through the pay-per-view.”

Teacher Baek kicks his tongue at Manager Kim’s words.

“Tttttttt. Why did you, who used to be smart, become like this? Jealousy blinds the bright eyes.”

“Well, it’s not like that.”

Sometimes people don’t see what they see clearly.

It is even more so when useless emotions like that person take the lead.

Jealousy, envy, keeping a bowl that no one wants, and knowingly making foolish choices to trample others.

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